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  1. It's in his name. Man's got a reputation to protect.
  2. It was Punisher. Punisher did it.
  3. I mean, they exist for a reason...
  4. yeah. Now THAT whole situation was drama
  5. which is surprising considering how adamant you were about that.
  6. Geez, the whole time I was reading that, I felt like a kid watching my parents fight...
  7. Fair enough. Really, I'm just venting my disappointment with the sequels.
  8. Come on, now. At their best, they were mute Boba Fetts. They were there for 2 minutes and died when they actually had something to do. They look cool though.
  9. Wow, you're already treating them better than Disney by actually acknowledging them.
  10. What animations are you using? Very Battlefront 2-esque
  11. Be sure to get his signature underbite!
  12. Could we also get a better look at the Second Sister model you've been working on?
  13. Well, you two are troopers and we all salute you Your bosses on the other hand...
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