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Everything posted by therfiles

  1. I personally still love it because I have been playing it for so long. I find that SP modding is much easier and you can really easily make you own levels and missions with SP. I think SP is the better half of the game, but, of course, many others enjoy the challenge of another player, which is a completely valid reason. Even though the story is pretty bad, from a modder's perspective it was rather well made and was very innovative.
  2. This is by far the most innovative and easiest solution. Good job Dusty! Here are a couple of suggestions. While the game would be considerably laggy, you, theoretically, do not need the npcs to 'spawn' until you desire. For example, you would make a script that makes the npc invisible and non-responsive, and then put it in ICARUS_FREEZE mode. The npc is now frozen and will now do nothing. Lets say you want the npc to 'spawn' after killing another npc (npc2). Set npc2's deathscript to a script that unfreezes npc and makes them visible and responsive. Another solution would be to make an npc, invisible and non-responsive, but not frozen, and set it's alertscript to the deathscript I just described. Make this invisible 'trigger' npc an enemy, so as soon as you come near it, it will trigger the above mentioned actions. You may need to tweak the vigilance of the npc (how far it can see), but it should theoretically work. Also, cameras can be added without even touching the map file. What you need to do is go to the desired position of the camera, and face the desired angle. Type 'writecam cam#' replacing '#' with the cam number you want. Then, type 'flushcam'. Now exit the game. In you maps folder in your base you will see a .map file with the mapname and, i think, the word 'cams' in there. Open it. You will find coordinates you can you use for the camera MOVE command and an angle for the camera PAN command! Navgoals can also just be invisible npcs, too. Sorry to overwhelm you.
  3. Hmmmm...what model did you want to have a jetpack? Because boba is really the only one who physically has a jetpack on his model...
  4. Sorry man, there is no way to replace force jump with the jetpack, its just not possible. Dusty's idea would work, though. Do you understand how to edit npcs?
  5. Sounds cool! Thanks for hosting it!
  6. therfiles


    Hey there, memory! Awesome to see you here!
  7. Hey there, man! Awesome to have you here!
  8. Hey there guys, I just have a really quick question. I know the 'where player' and 'viewpos' commands print the origin of the player, but is there any way to display the angle they are currently facing? Or is that viewpos? Or is there just no command that does it? Thanks!
  9. Correct, but when you bind it, use "bind [key] runscript player [scriptname]". For some reason, when you bind runscript it requires the target to be specified. Also, in your script, why do you have the same block with conflicting values?
  10. I got to like 2000 and then my wrist failed me.
  11. Lol! Thats awesome! Totally ridiculous concept, but made a really cool little game!
  12. Tough choice. JK2's SP is superior, but...I've grown up with JKA and all of its features, so I'm gonna have to say JKA.
  13. The first newsletter is out! Hope you guys like it! http://therfiles.weebly.com/newsletter-issue-1.html

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. therfiles
    3. MUG
    4. therfiles


      Yeah, I've gotten that feedback from some others. That would probably also condense the amnt of work needed, too.

  14. Eh...ever since the game out, really. Nothing huge or anything, and it was on and off, but it has definitely been a big hobby of mine.
  15. I've already had a chance to read through Kualan's work, and it is so awesome! Each page is done so beautifully, and the story is especially good. If I were to choose a favorite, it would be volume 2, for sure. Can't wait for volume 3!
  16. What I meant by that was the part with the song in it, it jumped around quite a bit. But I thought it was a really cool writing style, so no complaints from me!
  17. This is a great story, MagSul! You're torturing me by not telling me what he did, but that really adds to the atmosphere of the story. How you portrayed the Jedi Masters was excellent, and O like the inner turmoil of this young apprentice. Keep it up! I want to know what happens!
  18. Wow...that was awesome! You have great talent for a writer! The story was very gripping and I'm intrigued to find out what's gonna happen next. I like the role you have placed the Jedi in, kind of like a secret, exiled, group that seeks to fight for justice. I like Jester, his role is very interesting. How you portrayed him and his foe was awesome, too. I also love how you have the main character, Twin, trying to fit in with the normal world, but somehow always sticking out. While some people may get upset with the jumping of viewpoints, I actually like that style very much. And the way you weaved in the song was also very impressive. Overall, a very interesting read that I can't wait to see more from!
  19. OHHHHH! This is a question I can answer quite simply without an epic tutorial (which will be made). So, assuming you know how to make a normal camera, do so. Now, I'm assuming you have more than one camera. The first camera needs to have a 'action time' (the last text box on the PAN and MOVE command) of 0. For your next camera, place the appropriate PAN and MOVE commands right after your first ones, but put whatever you want in the action time box. For example, put in 5000 if you want it to move from cam 1 to cam 2 in 5 seconds. After that, make a wait block of 5000 (or more) then add your next command. What this will do is wait for the camera to stop moving, and then move on. Hope that helped. I can elaborate with pics if needed.
  20. Hey, Carbon! Awesome to see you here at the Hub! Your work is amazing, and you seem to have deep roots with these games. Great to meet you.
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