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Everything posted by therfiles

  1. Welcome Mizore! Errr...for what?
  2. Yeah, I agree. Replacing the lightning shaders with flame will make a lot of other effects go wonky. Just keeping it invisible is a wise choice.
  3. @@Apprentice - Check out some of the ICARUS tutorials we have here on JKHub. They are under the 'Mapping' section. It's really not as tough as it looks, you'll catch on quick!
  4. My hat is off to you, my good sir.
  5. I'd live to try some scripting things for it, but I don't think your crosshair idea is within my ability to do. I think you'd need code changes to do it. Making the crosshair bigger, making a different style, etc needs to be hardcoded methinks. I'm not sure though. I can try out my idea too, if you'd like.
  6. Hey there! Welcome to the forums!
  7. Odd...pass me your menus.str via PM or just post in here...I'll see if there is anything minutely wrong.
  8. Yeah. MB is really great. I think I've seen you once or twice maybe. I'm in Latino Warriors (even though I'm white), my name is DreadfulMalak.
  9. Hmmm...ensure that you've got all the correct syntax in your string file...like "" and so forth. If you keep having trouble, maybe PM the file to me and I'll try and isolate it, if you want.
  10. An ingame tutorial??? Does your .menu file have all the regular spacings? If so, sent it to me and I'll peek at it. I can't really decipher what is going on without my precious whitespace.
  11. To see if your shaders work, put the .pk3 in base, just to try it out. They should work.
  12. Rename your pk3 to zzz_whateveryouwanthere. This MAY work...
  13. I personally have never used folders to load files over .pk3s, but theoretically if they have the proper folder names (gfx/shaders) it should be fine...no harm and packaging up though to see if thats causing a problem for any reason. I usually like to make sure folders like shaders and gfx that GTKRadient and other modding tools auto generate are deleted so they don't muddle with my stuff. Back to your problem, so is your modded effects.shader in the shaders directory? And in that .shader, you have a crapload of shader entries, along with your edits? I have no idea what would be causing it...is the game giving you a console error message? Your rank descriptions sound great. Good work.
  14. Welcome! Great to have you here on the Hub!
  15. Check and see if you have any shader conflicts - shaders missing, overwritten, etc (black squares are shown when an image has no shader to remove the background). Did you only touch the electric shaders in the effects.shader? Are all the others still there? Try posting the entire file of what you edited if the problem keeps occuring. Heres the thing with strings. I don't know how to explain this, but in order for strings to work, they need to be "loaded" first. When you put it in a mod folder, and launch the mod via bat or ingame, the regular strings (default) have already been loaded. So, your new strings either have to be in the base folder, or in a mod folder and loaded using a shortcut, with fs_Game set directly. No idea why bats won't work. Make sense? :wacko:
  16. Hmmmm...it looks ok to me. IDK, with all the tabs gone, its hard for me to decipher whats going on... BTW - I think I know what you are building
  17. @@Botdra: Are your string files in your base folder, or your mod folder? Plus, to 'blank out' textures, I just usually copy the clear shader's content to the shader I want to be 'clear'. For example: clear { { map $whiteimage blendFunc GL_ZERO GL_ONE } } I copy this shader's contents to what I want to erase, like so: gfx/misc/lightningFlash { { map $whiteimage blendFunc GL_ZERO GL_ONE } } Make sense? May not be the best way, but for a shader noob like me, it works.
  18. To get rid of the stun effect, replace the electric shaders with blank ones. Try these shaders (I think) in the effects.shader: gfx/misc/electric { qer_editorimage gfx/misc/lightning3 cull twosided deformvertexes bulge 0 2 0 { map gfx/misc/lightning3 blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE rgbGen identity tcMod scroll 0.5 1 tcMod scale 3 4.5 } } gfx/misc/fullbodyelectric2 { cull twosided deformvertexes bulge 0 0.25 0 { map gfx/misc/lightning3 blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE rgbGen identity tcMod scroll 0.5 1 tcMod scale -2 -3.5 } } gfx/misc/lightningFlash { cull twosided { map gfx/misc/lightningflash blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE rgbGen vertex } }
  19. Yea, it would, but there are some drawbacks. First, while having a generic image like that is great to toggle, in a mission setting, the info has to change for every NPC. Plus, I'm not quite sure there is anyway to make the crosshair use such a large image, let alone display it full screen and not move. The method I suggest would be the player has the overlay via hud, like you said, but then presses a button to 'scan'. He hits it, and all the relevant info pops up, even with animated parts, if you like, and even buttons that say "Accept" "Decline" etc. TLDR - this method allows for interaction and for changeable infos It's a good idea, but I really don't think there is anyway to make it work.
  20. While that does sound cool, I don't think that's really possible without some really big code edits. First, you can't change the effect for the glowing of the npc while in force sense. It's a shader that the game colors in using code (I think) so it's a dead end there, and we can't really change anything regarding the health bars, so we can't do much there either. Sorry to be such a downer, but I don't think this idea will work without some really heavy code mods.The only plausable way I can see this working the way you'd want, is this: Using a method like this would be much easier, I think.
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