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Posts posted by therfiles

  1. Hey there! Great ideas!


    Some of the things should be possible. For instance, I believe return damage is available via the .sab file, so that's not a problem. The problem comes with scripting it to work with the saber throw force levels. Here's the deal: you'd need to make 2 .sabs for each saber, one with return damage, one without. With scripting, you can pretty easily check whether or not the force level is correct, but you'd have to do another check for the saber. For instance, say a player is using saber1. He then toggles to level 3 saber throw, when that happens, it checks to see if the level is correct (it is) then it would have to find the saber name (it finds and entry for saber1) and if it does, it has to change the saber (saber1_return). The problem is, you'd have to manually enter each saber into this scripted list, which isn't feasible considering how many there are and any sabers added by other mods. I'm not sure if the SET_SABER, the thing that checks the saber name, even works properly. 


    TLDR: Yes...but it would be a lot of work! Maybe you can add the feature for your sabers only?


    Your second idea would just require a key that would change the sabers being wielded to 2 dual sabers. There may be some scripting components we could use...but I'm really not sure, honestly.


    BTW - all these suggestions are SP...I don't know anything about that wacky MP.

    Rooxon likes this
  2. Sure! I'm backed up with school (and still have other projects here on hold :( ) but maybe I can do it when the art is finalized. Is everything in layers so we can export it to separate elements?

  3. This post perfectly illustrates how far from reality you can get when you stick within your own small community and your own experiences and preferances (in jka, but also jk2). I think this would be a nice moment for anyone with a strong opinion regarding jedi knight to review if what they believe to be true, is actually all there is. Because instead of bashing this quite obviously uninformed topic poster, I'd say a lot of major names in basejka, ctfpug, mod communities but also biased coders have no idea what they are talking about, purely because they stick to what they are familiar with. The ups and full force duel guys are one of those communities. But also the fucking close minded tdm basejka esl guys, the ctfpug guys that can't saber for shit, the casual jka siege gamers that think ctfpug isn't worth the try, the people that never played jk2, the people that don't know quake, the people in places like JAWA, schoolofwar, thejediacademy.net, <insert any ja+ clan> that are "teaching' methods" or preaching jedi philosophy but also train others.. and so on.


    People are going to be people, but seriously guys. Do your research, analyse and experience. Don't take for granted what others tell you, what you think makes sense, or what a community tells you is true. Then you get this kind of stuff. We should properly educate people, but over the years I learned that most gamers in jedi battles (yes being sarcastic) are just kids or morrons. Only a hand full of people is worth the attention, and even then ... people will be people (myself included).


    edit: the worst people are those that actually believe that they are being honest and correct and open minded by the way. You'll find them a lot in saber communities. I can sort of respect the "I don't know it, so it sucks" -attitude a lot more than people that are wrong, but act as if they did their research, while they are factually wrong, yet continue to drag people into their sphere of influence.




    I'm just gonna quote this because it so excellently describes the situation, and I feel like no one has really read it (if you did, you'd hopefully understand the disparity of opinions here).

  4. Hey @@DarthStevenus! Don't get discouraged too quickly. ICARUS is very touchy and limiting, and its all about working around the shortcomings of the system. For instance:


    • You could place a trigger with a script runner around weapon pickups (for this example, we'll use a blaster) and then have a script that sets a variable (again, let's say HAS_BLASTER to 1). That way, when he gets the weapon, we'll have a fully functioning variable working that the scripts can use!
    • Mind trick is also editable. There is a block, called SET_MINDTRICK_SCIRPT, that runs a designated script on the NPC when a successful mind trick is performed. It's really cool, and you can do practically anything with it!
    • Additionally, you could make your NPCs for the pressure pads unkillable, so when they reach 1 hp (you could use a pain script to check that) they can run death animations and sounds, but still have them be "alive". Then you can use triggers to check to see if those NPCs are on the pressure pad, and that should be possible.
    • You can time the force pushes. Just have two scripts that set a variable (let's say PUSH_NUMBER) +1 it's value. For instance, it starts at 0, then when the first push is activated, it adds 1 to the value, and checks to see if the value is 2. Then, have it wait 3 seconds, and have the script subtract 1. Then duplicate the process for the second push. So, when both +1s are used withing a three second period, the number will be 2, and you can run a script to check the value and open the door.
    • I know there is a SET_WEAPON key named "drop", but I'm not sure it works. There is a UI command that can clear ALL the player's weapons, however. You'd need to use SET_MENU_SCREEN and some other trickery to accomplish this. But then, using the HAS_BLASTER commands I outlined previously, you can restore the weapons that were owned previously.
    • You could use force pull to get your weapon back, just target the force brush to the target_scriptrunner.

    I'd be happy to help you think through any of these challenges, if you like! :)

  5. Hey there!


    I've worked extensively with this, and I can't ever get ICARUS (the scripting language) to 'get' the player's weapon data. For instance, in order to perform an IF statement, you need to 'get' the value of set_weapon. And, for some reason, I can't figure out what values it returns. It's not a string (weapon_blaster, or other variations of this) or a float (numberical equivelant?). So maybe if we can look at the ICARUS code, we can see how to properly handle weapon checks, but atm, you can't. :(

  6. Oh don't get me wrong, I love Behaved. It's my way of modding, and it stands up excellently for most applications. I just push it and push it and it's gotten to a point where I can't go any further, sadly.


    I'd love to say more than just "borked" (sorry!) but I'm way out of my depth here. Simply put, I'd love to optimized it for JA, add new calculating abilities, and (in general) add new features as we code them into the game.


    Sorry for my lack of technical expertise!

  7. Behaved because there are many things borked with it, and it would really be awesome to do some more advanced functions to make more dynamic scripts. Things like simple math, proper IF checks (many checks, including SET_WEAPON are borked), and just the ability to modify the SETs as new modding options become available.

  8. Lets not consume this thread with discussion on the torso freeze issue. Frankly, we have no say in it and I don't see why it's being discussed here. If you feel the need, continue the discussion in this thread, or on the MBII forums, with the community that understands and knows the repercussions.


    @@Serath: Excellent idea! We were just a bit pushed for time and wanted to get this out there ASAP!


    @@MaceMadunusus: Really love your mapping interview idea. I'm sure members of the community would really benefit to hear from some mapping greats. If you'd like to get that ball rolling, we'd be happy to host the interview here.

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