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Everything posted by Barricade24

  1. It appears to me that the the staight lines on the front of the thigh are indeed modeled on, based on some of the ref shots I have. As far as the breathing tube goes, I can tell that it needs to be a little bit wider at this point. As far as symmetry goes, when he is in a position such as the one in the ref pics you added, the tube seems to be centered, but I am guessing due to the shape is when the Jump Trooper moves, the tube's symmetry becomes off because it isn't in a centered position, if that makes since at all. In terms of reskinning, all I really ask is this...please--no mirrored textures. Unless it is something not noticable like the bottom of the shoes. New model is looking great by the way. I've been away for awhile so I haven't seen any updates for quite some time.
  2. I appreciate the interest, but I can likely handle the testing on my own. Again though, thanks for the interest.
  3. Thanks, much appreciated.
  4. Hey, you wouldn't mind posting up shots of the Shadow Trooper would you? Thanks in advance.
  5. Yeah, I think the way the DF Mod team handled the Dark Forces Mod really works well for updating an old game. One particular thing I didn't like about the Beta was that there was no lower level cargo area that lead to the landing platform, so I hopefully that can be included somewhere down the line.
  6. I know that @@Circa has a mod that contains a Super Battle Droid model with the arm gun and the animation you are looking for. It is under the Prequel Mod I believe. I think there is also a Destroyer Droid thing that may be what you are looking for as well.
  7. I have taken a look at Cade in the Sith Customization, and Cade's particular set up really does not work well on the jedi model at all. EDIT: Never mind I was able to download it. I guess JK3 Files is having server problems. That or is my connection. Okay, this honestly surprises me...but apparently one can skin on the face texture from the Sith Customization and put onto this model....hnn...I'll mess around with it and see what I get.
  8. Let me take a look and see what exactly can be done with the models provided. I can't gurantee anything at this point. But I'll have look and see if I can do anything to supply what you want.
  9. Thanks for the reference, Chalk. Man, the chest plate paintjob for the Shadow EVO looks almost exactly like the one I did for the Shadow Stormtrooper. Quite interesting.
  10. Hey Chalk, you wouldn't happen to have any shots of the model of the Shadow EVO Trooper would you? They could be useful for whenever the EVO is released.
  11. I wouldn't mind doing some trooper voices if the role is still open.
  12. I don't suppose you would be willing to add on General Weir's bandolier would you? http://www.lightsidestudios.com/StarWarsCostumes/Shadow%20Scout/General-Weir-pic500.jpg You don't have to if you don't want to, but I think it would be a really cool add on.
  13. This is an awesome model! I was hoping to see another model of a Scout trooper released. Please, please, please release this! It looks quite excellent and I love me some Imperial models. It would go great with DT's Stormtrooper. Also could you please keep the pauldron it looks awesome!
  14. Is there anything @@ChalklYne can't do?
  15. Looks cool. An AT-AP will be a welcome addition to the Republic vehicles we already have. As would be the Gunship skins.
  16. Why don't you check out Phase 2 Commander Wolffe he uses the Phase 1 Antenna via a png image I believe and a shader code that makes it so only the Antenna of the Phase 1 trooper shows up. You are more than welcome to use that if you need to.
  17. These aren't the best shots I've found or have but they are pretty good reference. http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120415215743/clonetrooperpedia/images/b/bd/RaxusPrimeJumptrooper03.jpg Here are some of my obeservations on the EVO and the Jumptrooper. 1) The EVO and the Jumptrooper have essentially the same head model. The only differences being skinned on details and the obvious breathing tubes and Jump visor. 2) The Jumptrooper share the same arm armor, except the Jumptrooper has no cylinder on either of his arms. 3) The upper arms of the Jump Trooper are like simple rings where as the EVO has regular Stormtrooper armor on the upper arms. 4) The Jumptrooper has different style shoulder pads than that of the EVO. They seem smaller. 5) The EVO trooper has a Stormtrooper style abdomen and chest plate. Where as the Jumptrooper has a completely new chest plate with a ST style abdomen with some sort of armor padding underneath the chest plate (see images). 6) Jumptroopers also have a different crouch plate from that of the STs and the EVOs, they don't seem to have the "cup" thing. 7) Belts are exactly like that of the Stormtrooper. 8) Jumptroopers have a wider set of "suspenders" on the front of the upper leg armor but are otherwise exactly like the EVO and Stormtrooper's. 9) Lower legs are basically the same as the Stormtrooper. Except that there is a ring around the lower right leg. 10) The shoes of the Jumptrooper seems more armored padded than the EVO. But it looks like it is just texture work and not modeled on armor. Those are my observations so far in comparision to the EVO and Jumptrooper. Hopefully they will help. Also, @@DT85's Stormtrooper is great reference for any of the Stormtrooper parts you may need for comparision.
  18. Cool, this is a very much appreciated update. I'm looking forward to its release.
  19. Oh yeah, I have been just itching to make the Shadow EVO Trooper and now I can could make a Shadow Jumptrooper to go along with the Shadow Trooper, Shadow Incinerator, and the Shadow Commander. I might even as go as far to make a Shadow Purge Trooper or Shadow Scout Trooper or.....
  20. I mainly can't get on because there is apparently a security certificate that expired and even though it could be safe I will wait until it gets updated to get the ref pics up.
  21. Once Imageshack is working for me again, I'll post some reference shots that should help you out. One of main critiques is the belt area. Based on my reference shots both the EVO and the Jumptrooper have a belt that is completely straight that wraps around the waist. I think the head also needs to be bigger vertically speaking. I am very glad that you are making this. I'll be sure to get you some reference shots to help with the model.
  22. There's a Jumptrooper and a Purge Trooper?!
  23. Barricade24

    New Background

    I'm afraid for me, the images aren't working.
  24. Looks cool! I am looking forward to see how this goes.
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