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Everything posted by Dusty

  1. I think your problem is that the mutant rancor has a ton of hard codes that aren't in the .npc file but use it. You probably can't duplicate the mutant rancor but only modify the existing one.
  2. ^Lot to digest, sorry I haven't posted yet! I really appreciate all the info though and you taking the time to explain things! I kind of knew pointers boosted variable value retrieval speed, but that was about it. The rest I still need to read in more detail.
  3. Did we ever thank you Eez? You were basically the one who got it released
  4. Awesome video: It's a little low-res, but it's an amazing video. Has all the movies in there, 1-6.
  5. ^Good to know Eezstreet. And thanks for the help Moondog and Asgarath! Very generous and well-explained of you guys Another quick question though, just because I'm too lazy to check. In entities, you can modify their NPC stats no? Like I can set a stormtrooper to have class_imperial inside a map on the fly right? Just the .npc file determines the default stats to use for that NPC assuming you don't force any new values for that particular NPC in the map?
  6. Lol asgarath I know all the animations, that's why I get confused, I don't always understand how it fits with the code. Well, I guess I would be even more confused. K is for knockaway, V is for being a knockawayee, H is for having your guard crushed I believe.
  7. ^And the messages for the security panel saying "You need the security key" and walking over the stormie's body who has the key should say "You picked up a security key" etc. should already be built in correct? No modding by me? Or that's a whole other deal with ICARUS or something?
  8. I also see this as the theme of the light side kind of. The opening riff plays when Obi-Wan is hanging onto the cylinder in the pit, and he's cornered by Maul, and then he decides to let go of his anger, and then flies up and wins the duel.
  9. ^So, is the "otherwise" for if I'm doing this in text? Or do I need to add another step to "connect" the entities? Remember, I can't actually use GTK Radiant except for reference, I'm actually just doing text ent-modding. And before it comes up, I'm not decompiling some modder's work and ent-modding it, I'm really just editing Raven's SP levels, if anyone is worried about that If I could just do this in GTK radiant I would, but you know, decompiling a .bsp fudges everything up so I don't want to do that, just some sneaky ent-modding is all.
  10. Maybe what would help me, is understanding more of the in between pieces I skirt over, like the "ent" and "hitOwner" bits I talked about. I'm going to try and learn the difference between little things like ps->, npc->, so I know what is referring to what. So, quick question, anything with an arrow (the ->) just means that what comes after the arrow is just a property of the thing that came before. For example (I just made this up, not real!), player->attacking, with "attacking" being a variable (would it have to be local to "player" which I guess would be... I don't even know lol, an object? But is this C or C++ we're talking about?) just is looking at the value of player's attacking property/variable etc. etc.? I know that's kind of confusing, but can anyone tell me if I have the right idea?
  11. ^Thanks Moondog! (Still waiting on question 2, but maybe Asgarath can answer that) I guess I didn't make it clear though, this IS for SP, not MP. Sorry for the confusion lol!
  12. Actually Asgarath, looking at the decompiled maps, that does seem to be how Raven did it. Few quick questions though: 1. When I select an entity in Radiant 1.4, how do I pull up it's stats? I can manually go through the Entity Info list and select the entity from there to see its info, but that's extreeeeemely round about. 2. How do I connect the misc_security_panel with the door telling it to unlock? I understand how to connect the NPC with a key to the panel, but I'm unsure of how to make that work.
  13. I already own both games, for Xbox mind you!
  14. ^Are you implying it only works in MP, or that that's not how it's normally done in SP levels? I mean, I could just try and cheat off Raven and see how they did it I guess...
  15. So, I want to add an NPC to a map, that is holding a key, that unlocks a door. And I need to do it using only entity modding. The door normally is unlocked, so I would need to edit the door entity to require the key the player picks up from a nearby stormie NPC. Can anyone help me get the ball rolling? I have GTK 1.4 installed, the map decompiled, and I found the spot/coordinates roughly where I want the new NPC. Can't find a tutorial on using keys on google. Also, I'm a complete n00b at anything mapping related, however I understand the bare basics of ent-modding. Thanks for any help!
  16. I mean, considering for SP adding hilts is more involved, and less of a drag and drop process, that gives me more dominion over what hilts and therefore .sab files people are allowed to use The dark rage thing for NPCs is a good idea. As for Heal 3, the only downside to that is that, since some NPCs have like 500 HP it'll take them a while to heal lol.
  17. Nonononono no. Don't edit the model (isn't that what you're saying to do Circa?). Just use the scale option on the appearance page, which is how Raven did big NPCs like Assassin Droids, Saber Droids, and Chewie if I remember correctly. If you want to get more specific than that, use the scale X, Y, and Z options which should work fine.
  18. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to rip some generic Mandalorian dialogue and sounds from both or either of the KOTOR games, for use with a Jedi Academy model? I personally don't own either game for the PC, and so far my searching hasn't turned up those sounds anywhere... Pretty please ...
  19. Use NPC tool. Get it here: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/NPC_Tool_v100116;27213 If the link doesn't load correctly just press refresh until it does. Keep in mind though, NPC tool is missing a few of the classes in the behavior section IIRC, such as class_saboteur, class_saberdroid, and a few others, so if you want to use them they need to be added manually.
  20. I wasn't the one that said any of that stuff
  21. So besides Windows 7 being more like XP and Windows 8 being more of a different style... What else is there to consider? Does Windows 8 make any changes or improvements on Windows 7, feature wise, performance wise, compatibility wise with XP and 2000 programs? Any downsides? In the long run, besides staying supported for longer, does Windows 8 have any serious advantages over 7, or no?
  22. So this is sort of like a more professional version of my SP mod for JA lol?
  23. ^Good point I guess, but I'm not just talking about little point edits here. The saber combat code has lots of layers, so I need to be more careful if I want to get anywhere with editing it, at least that's my opinion right now And I know what I want to do. I can give you a huge list. I even have redsaurus who's a more experienced coder helping me who will probably do the heavy lifting, or at least, I'm betting on that. //explanation of concept The concept is simple enough. Your saber offense level would give you a base power level, and then your saber style depending on which one it is, modifies it by -1, -0.5, 0, +.5, +1 etc. Saber Defense would give you a base defense level. If a slash is too powerful for you to block normally, you block it but it adds to a counter. Once you hit the max counter, you start staggering and having your guard crushed, and the counter slowly decreases back down over time. ^That's basically the concept in a nutshell. I could go into a lot more detail, but I feel that should get the point across. //example of a difficulty I'm having I understand the code more or less on the whole, but when I try and dissect the details I get very confused at times. For example, if you scroll down in pm_PowerLevelforSaberAnim or whatever it's called, there's a section where it has a switch case structure that talks about BOTH_P animations, which are standard blocks, but then it also returns a FORCE_LEVEL for these blocks based on saber style. This honestly makes zero sense to me, unless that piece isn't actually used by the game. It has Desann style return a force level of 4, strong of 3, medium 2, etc. as if it was talking about attacks, however those are block animations. Just flat blocks, and they should all have the same power/defense level or whatever. Just after that, it looks at knockaways vs. blocks vs. having your guard crushed, where a knockaway by the defender is a Force Level of 3, and standard block is a Force Level of 1, and a crush is 0 IIRC. This makes sense, as it's probably just looking at the strength of the defender and returning values for that. The function takes two entity arguments IIRC, and the defender (hitOwner it seems in wp_saber.cpp) can be first, or the attacker (ent in wp_saber.cpp), depending on what information you want I suppose. Also, I'm updating the first post to use the code tags correctly
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