JK2 - NT mod. it's a mod made for competitive defrag and also has some features for CTF, including crash fixes, new statistics, minor bugs fixed, strafehelper, etc. saber ctf is the most competitive gametype in JK2 (chatmods are terrible) JK3 - japro (combined defrag-strafing, jk2-style ctf, ja+ fullforce, base duels into one mod) JK3 - #1 - jaPRO (read post above) #2 - JA+ (best fullforce combat system that replicates JK2 ff but makes it better, no mod to date has beaten it in Fullforcing combat perfection, and JA+ is the most downloaded mod in JK3, tons of NF servers use it as well) #3 - Lugormod (in its prime before it got oversaturated with bad features)