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Posts posted by Pande

  1. I have seen this before when I tried to light a map that was like 150k brushes or something ridiculous (huge terrain experiment). It got so bad it actually caused my game to fail to render the UI properly, causing all-black UI with screwed up text and interesting effects like all textures in the map becoming a mixture of hall-of-mirrors and would copy the current screen frame to it's texture coordinates... looked very, very odd. 


    It's some sort of memory issue. Your lightmap is too big.


    Try func_Groups with higher lightmapscales, like 2 or 4 or even 8, especially if they have a lot of patches.


    And yes, func_group are not saved into the BSP so if you decompile my map you will not see them. I believe the source files for it are somewhere though if you look through my threads. 

    Langerd likes this
  2. One thing you could do is grab mrwonko's patch exporter for blender from here:




    And export patches that match your model, and throw that into radiant. You can then delete or simplify it as much as needed.


    That so far has been the best use I found for it. I had him make it for me in order to build terrain but it was a pipe dream as the radiant limits stood in my way, and if not those then random errors ingame where you'd fall through some patches.

  3. Yeah that would be handled client side - if you think about it, what if you don't have their model loaded? If it calls for 'taunt4' and your kyle default character doesn't have one, you'd hear nothing. It just calls for a generic 'taunt' and the client-side handles the rest

    Noodle likes this
  4. See there is my issue. I normally test maps using the devmap command BEFORE packing. However when I run the level in devmap, with just info_player_duel, it gives me the "no spawnpoint on map error"

    That won't be an issue if you want duel mode only. But to allow devmapping to FFA mode (set other modes using g_gamemode) you should include info_player_deathmatch, as I mentioned already

  5. If anyone can give me a tut on how to set up a duel map i'll gladly finalize and release.



    All you need to do is place two info_player_duel on opposite sides of the map. For powerduel, include 2 info_player_duel2 and 1 info_player_duel1.


    To ensure FFA compatability should someone choose to run the map that way, place info_player_deathmatch all over the place.


    Finally a .arena file is needed to show properly in the menus, you can find these packaged with the default maps or use one from a downloaded duel map, as a basis for yours. They are fairly self explainatory.

  6. I don't know about those issues but I have tons with regards to sounds dropping out, playing in wrong location, or being too loud. Sometimes when someone taunts for e.g. it plays on my location regardless of where they are in map. 


    Other times doors stop making sound for entire game.

  7. The .map (or at least a version of it) is present in: JKG/Map development files + Extras/Maps/Tatooine/OLD_Mos_Eisley.map. That said, many of the texture assets seem to be absent. The associated shader too. We have a version of Mos Eisley developed for MBII with a very incomplete Cantina that seems to be a doppleganger of this layout/design. I'm guessing the same mapper was involved. Either way, releasing the assets would be a huge boon to the development of our version.


    Same folder, but NEW_TATOOINE is the actual map file. the old one is just there for backup purposes in case there's any brush work I want to move over.


    All textures are located in JKG_NEW_TATOOINE in Pertinent Files from JKG release assets.

  8. Anything new with new levels? I was thinking that if I fix the vehicles up a bit more in SP siege_destroyer could be made into a level. @@Pande's dotf could form the basis for a nice naboo level too?


    All my assets are available at request! Would love to see any use.

    Circa likes this
  9. Spaghetti I actually introduced DOTF on mb2 forums a while ago along with Tk (who scripted things in it) and received generally pretty good reviews but the map will not treat old computers too well, that's for sure. Layout wise its identical minus the catwalk is removed in mine, also the pillar fighting in the main hall would be completely different as there is actually areas of 100% cover now, lots of them. I toyed with the idea of getting around that by making the windows breakable, allowing you to go outside and flank either the other windows or all the way around to the hangar entrance, but that would be so campable its not even funny.


    Here are some photos:



    Stoiss, Omicron and yeyo JK like this
  10. Darth Reborn et al: Make sure you are using Gtk Radiant 1.5


    These maps will not load in 1.4 or 1.6 (Zero Radiant, Dark Radiant)


    And yep PM me for crediting issues if needed.


    I do, hereby, grant you all permissions to use my content however you wish, I appreciate credit. I do not want to see blatant 'passing it off as yours' of course but even if the majority of your map is constructed in my assets but in a different layout, I don't care. Tbh, the one thing I've learned from mapping (or not learned, hehe) is that layout is 80% of the map and the subsequent skill of the creator. If the map layout sucks, whatever amazing brushwork and texture work you do after it is for nought. Took way too long to figure that one out. So, if you take my crappy layouts and turn it into something amazing, all the more power to you. And, please let me know as I'd like to play it.


    A note for those totally out of the loop and interested in the map assets:

    There are a LOT of tatooine map assets that are like building blocks. You can make entire cities out of it. In fact, a Makermod port would be neat and I was planning something like that using JKG GLua /place commands.

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