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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. a little tampering with the spec and env images for it. the diff texture can have a bit of normal metal tones with maybe a hint of blue, then the spec go more purplish and green with the same metallic feel, then the env image can be a decent reflection pic containing the desired colors and stuff.. we'll mess with it. i'll get her unwrapped tonight so we can start messing with it at any rate... you can download q3ase and try out the shaders yourself and post the results
  2. ROFL!!! I have no idea why this was so damn funny to me... but I'm still laughing right now typing this. Good stuff here fellas. Hey @@Cameron007 any way you can post a fraps or something some sort of video of you loading up radiant and going into the textures pallet? Or a frame by frame set of screenshots from you starting radiant all the way to you selecting a texture? Would make it easier for us. It could be a wide variety of things. Also, it would help us solve your problem, and disposition the exact problem to be added into our wiki for future problem havers
  3. like i said.. the topology was wrong and id have to tamper with that one for weeks to get it right, as opposed to starting from a version with better topo to match his weird lip and cheek folds. im not having a huge problem getting his face accurate... just a problem rather with getting that particular peice of mesh to look right without remodelling it... so im just going to end up exporting this exactly like it is in high res, then making rendermaps for it, then adjusting the low poly mesh to fit it as nicely as i can, then use the rendermaps in photoshop to overlay on top of the original zbrush paintjob you see here, to add in shadows and stuff and use that for his texture. just a matter of time now i guess as i am satisfied with it if i can get it to come out more like the sculpt. which the old head will not do @@Barricade24
  4. well im going to have to fix this one though. as the topology is closer to what i need.
  5. ths mesh any better?
  6. ok.. so i made the changes.. and he looks... better.. its not going to work like this though. I'm realizing now that the problem with zbrush's export isn't zbrush at all... its the topology on my original base mesh. when i break it back down, it cant assume the correct positioning to shape the face correctly because my base mesh is wrong in the cheek area so... im about to experiment with raising the subdivision level in zbrush, using retopo, then bringing it back down. or something along those lines and see what i get. its better than going through and retexturing and refacing his cheeks. be back with results soon
  7. Thank you. I see what you're getting at perfectly.. will fix today thanx again dude
  8. Very insightful. XD Troll on brotha. To answer your question; "What's the use?". Powah... I find your lack of useful criticism disturbing
  9. i could rig it to the middle leg and rig the back legs to the middle foot? would be sweet and r2 only has 10 anim sequences you would just have to reposition it ten times. No big deal at all and it would be worth it. I personally enjoy little devices being animated and stuff shows hard work
  10. That video helped a lot with the smaller details EDIT: notice the screwed up smoothing angle on that one tri on the top... notice how the top laser thing doesnt look like it will fit in it's hole XD i mean check out that impeccable offset on the front and rear axles lmao... i'll be back couldn't we rig him backwards to the r2d2 skele to keep mp compatibility?
  11. thanks man i was wondering how he lost his top lip XD I might do something like this for everyone at the end of it that would be sick
  12. its definitely the eyes messing him up now
  13. a little more experimenting with exporting the low res
  14. well i could do it by making his "morph" a taunt... then adding in an aev_effect line in his animevents.cfg. But I think if he's going to be doing any morphing it will be a pre rendered cutscene. I dont plan on having him be a really big part of the mod, and only really had him in the training room as your sparring partner, as well as once in a boss battle where he changes to someone else for a quick fight against you. and I was planning on doing that particular morph in softimage/aftereffects. I might have him have a morph taunt where he morphs to starkiller real quick and does something as one of proxy's actual taunts for as if you want to play as him. i dunno. haven't gotten that far yet
  15. it does I gave up for the night. something about exporting the obj back from zbrush in the lowest subdivision loses too much info. I may have to export to the second lowest resolution... and delete edge loops as I see fit rather that let zbrush do it. i am burnt out on it tonight and will revisit it using this method tomorrow and see if I cant preserve some of those shapes better by deleting edge loops one at a time also consider the difference in lighting in zbrush including the mass loss of geometry in the export also in the pisture above it, it is at like 1.5 million polies, when below it is at 1500 XD so it lost a lotttt of data but i think i can preserve some of the important shapes of his face by doing it manually what I think ill do is export the 2nd lowest subdivision from zbrush then go by and manually delete "unused" edge loops... then I will export the highest level of subdivision (or close to it) and create a rendermap off of that to use for the shading of the lip folds and things like that. Then I will rendermap a completed uv, with a light in the front of starkiller fully lighting his face, then turn the light to the side maybe a bit and reduce it and render that out bump and all and use that for the specular stage in the shader. dont know. will figure that out soon as i experiment
  16. here's a low poly version of the head. still need to fix the texture blending of the rendermap
  17. better shaping I watched the tfu2 trailer and paused it and caught some stuff
  18. different lighting
  19. heres some changes.. recrit plz
  20. yeah im starting to tread on dangerous ground here with any changes so some are really subtle and un noticed at first to me... good call at any rate.. better? Is the space between his eyes too wide? should his eyes be closer together?
  21. sucky as for the unleashed stuff right on man sounds good. just ask if ya need something
  22. @@Lord_Newbie So did you learn how to work radiant yet? need a hand? theres a lot of tutorials here including a real nice beginner's tutorial with videos. Check those out, and check back in with any questions after making your adjoining rooms and what not from those tutorials. Feel free to PM me if you ever need help with something that you think i'd be able to help you with. What are you planning on doing next? Also keep in mind that I'll be releasing any map objects and characters and stuff maps textures shaders everything that you'll probably ever need which is actually lame... maybe, here's an idea dude... why dont you.. make a tfu 2.5? double sabers and everything. I can show you how I worked out a "rage" mode and everything for a 2.5 I was theorizing how to do in jka. If you do decide to take that route... let me know. That would be really interesting to see and I'd be on board to help you with whatever (in reasonable time mind you i am busy) You wouldn't have to start anything over, except add on to the dual saber styles now and rather take a different route. would be sick dude i'd think about it... it would please the masses. So.. I'd start that. If i were you, i'd get into mapping... finish that starkiller dual style and the dash and repulse and camera stuff... then... map your phreaking ass off dude. Like...kill kamino. It's a relatively simple map. kill that one the best you can... map cato nemoidia to look authentic. then, you will have people willing to jump onboard and help you through the rest. the people here appreciate effort which you obviously have put in. i personally appreciate it and am trying to help u out here. So as long as you finish him up, then kill a map for it or two, it will be believable to people that you're serious about finishing and we will all help you finish. i'm not a bad person to have helping you for things like characters to be honest with ya dude... I'd do it. I'll grant you an arena gear version of my starkiller, my repulse, my evotrooper, and a beaten up proxy model (tfu2 style) for this mod if you decide to take this route..
  23. No I meant where is he? He's gone lol
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