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Everything posted by ensiform

  1. Means you have an out of date ui or possibly all 3 dlls in whatever mod folder you are using which is based off of OpenJK. IE you possibly have openjk.pk3 and openjk-x86.pk3 You should only have the latter now. Running as admin would not have done anything at all as its not necessary.
  2. I was not aware that gcc didn't explicitly allow that by default on our builds.
  3. Last windows was dated the 1st last other *nix and osx builds were 30th. @@Didz @@Cat
  4. Myself, but I know that mostly everyone else in jacoders has said previously they don't know much about renderers. I don't even go to #jacoders anymore so why ask that? We knew this going in that mostly only xyc was going to work on it and may go stagnant and other life issues anyway have affected every other aspect of OJK development so there's that as well.
  5. Nope. Too many other things going on.
  6. It was done for SP already since... either last month or october... The nav system in JA is not worse than JK2. (Not talking about MP) AI behaviors may be though but that's different. Don't forget JKA was rushed out the door and then never really worked on again much so... No comments Probably they did because they were appealing to wider audience with JKA. I disagree with the idea of waypointing better. Just replace waypoints with some kind of navmesh and recast to avoid waypoints all together. JM difficulty is still a lot more difficult in JK2 than JKA though I think for various reasons. PS I do think its ultra stupid that the Jedi AI are basically perfect when it comes to projectiles on higher difficulty EVEN throwables. You could be two inches from their face and they can still manage to push shit while also doing 3 other things. Tavion being able to do that is one thing, but all the enemy Jedi AI? ... Also the reports about criticism apply to JK2 as well. Its not like the AI changed that drastically. Also, there are certain limitations (at least at the time). And stormtroopers are clones after all... The jedi enemies WILL use force push > 85-100% of the time on JK or JM so I don't know what this is about. Its not like the JK2 non-Jedi enemies would do this either so they're not even comparing games and this is useless criticism about the game.
  7. Only the ioquake3 variant most likely.
  8. Because your playerbase doesn't know any better either. Yes of course, but simple google search suggests they already can get around it but I won't say how. Base servers also should not be explicitly set to fs_game Base either OpenJK's cgame also does have the aspect correct fov too not just allowing you to set the value higher.
  9. Its still autoexec.cfg and only works on initial startup.
  10. I'm not blaming anyone, I'm saying that its flawed reasoning to still abide by the fact that pure servers do anything and hence rubbish admins who think it does. I could connect to a pure base server with JA++ running in base if I wanted to, just is slightly more difficult than other things :\
  11. It doesn't matter whether you are on a pure server or not as to why the cvar does not work. The reason it does not work is it is limited to 97 in basejka cgamex86.dll which is being used on the pure servers. End o story. Get your rubbish admins to stop using pure if its such a concern as pure doesn't stop much to those who can do anything about it coding wise.
  12. You can with modified binaries of course but this is not a discussion for this topic or even valid for us to discuss. Yes Linux does get around this but this is not the intention and there is no other way to support pure servers and have a Linux client to do this. Official Windows versions will not be modified to circumvent it in any official capacity.
  13. Actual entities which are brush in radiant based cannot be added. They can be altered but not added. (trigger_multiple, func_door etc) They must be compiled in due to how they work other than the key/value pairs. The model key with the *# tells it which brushmodel to use etc which is not in the entity information. Because entities are encoded into the bsp as well. So why would you not need to alter the map source file? The onlyents flag works well too but its sketchy at best since it modifies the bsp file anyway. And yes, you must extract them with the q3map2 flag to export a .ent file. As it will not just append entities it uses it instead like Raz0r said.
  14. Just be clear that you cannot actually add brush entities ("bmodels") aka triggers, anything that is an entity but you had a brush rather than a point entity/box. You MAY be able to re-use existing ones but i'm not sure that'd work out so well. You should be able to edit the ones that exist without changing their model field "*number"
  15. Are those mods played still? With an actual community not just like 1 server.
  16. I did nothing. And my SP doesn't even launch right now sorry.
  17. You can change 3,4,5. Its protected because servers can also send the sv_master1 and change client's master server against their will. Or randomly downloaded mods changing the sv_master1 against their will to some malicious master server. I realize that's not your intention but its there for a reason. 1 and 2 are also not archived to the config file either so your changes would have been lost after exiting the game anyway?
  18. I added to SP a while ago: https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/commit/eb9e983013531e3af429da3408067e612beac543
  19. I was looking into this a little bit instead of having the restriction but unfortunately it is not fixable given the current state. Because the netcode only handles strings with a static buffer of 1024 size. And since net compatibility on server and client is required we cannot change the way this functions work. Doesn't explain the crash though since you would think it'd just be truncated but I'm not sure. The buffer sizes are capped with Q_strncypz 1024 as well when storing the array of commands so it should be caught there as well.
  20. ensiform


    Its autoexec.cfg for MP still and autoexec_sp.cfg. Should work in either location. But it should be in the mod folder most likely rather than /base/ maybe. Did you check the console to see if it said anything? It'll say if it loaded the autoexec.cfg file. Or maybe even if a cheat cvar couldn't be used or something.
  21. It does, but you may need to use the command line. Idk if the github gui client works on XP. You'll have to find out. https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/releases would be where to find the command line git client.
  22. And this is why having your source code on git with commits that could be easily identified as that part of the code would have made your life that much simpler
  23. Being freeware does not make it any more or less reason to keep supporting WinXP. Chrome is freeware too.
  24. FYI chrome is dropping WinXP support sometime next year. I expect Firefox will soon follow.
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