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Everything posted by bigphil2695

  1. I'd probably need to do a lot of searching in the game's source code. Just wondering if this had been done.
  2. Can someone make a mod that overhauls force jumping, so that instead of the level 3 jump ending at 50 force points it goes on until you run out of force entirely? Not sure if that makes sense or is even possible, it was just a thought.
  3. New link https://www.dropbox.com/s/k8c2zc3vt28m1ei/sheev_holo2.zip?dl=0
  4. The weird thing is that the Shaders worked for me every time. It's possible the Jedi Spanki thing was messing it up on your end though. I have updated it in my dropbox in case you want to try it again.
  5. I've updated a few problems out, I believe the bot will work now.
  6. I saw some issues there. I'll work them out.
  7. Hi I would like for someone to test a new skin that I've made? It's a holographic Palpatine. I am unable to open my JAMP right now so I can't spawn bots right now, and I want to know if it works before I submit it officially. https://www.dropbox.com/s/h4p8rzzho8piefs/sheev_holo.zip?dl=0
  8. I will say that I use this Mace all the time https://jkhub.org/files/file/3154-mace-windu/ So if this is the one used that would be perfect
  9. I may actually try it. But I need to watch like 50 hours of Blender tutorials.
  10. I was waiting for one of these
  11. I found this fanart online and thought it would make a good player model.
  12. I feel like I wanna say Desann. He managed to do really well against a post Dark Empire Luke. That being said Jerec was able to Force freeze Jedi Masters even before going to the Valley.
  13. I do have OpenJK I do not have anything else running And I have not tried reinstalling. The version of OpenJK I am using is the only one I've found online that completely remedies the NPC capacity problem.
  14. Jedi Academy was my favorite game, and I played it every day for 10 years. I wrote modding tutorials as essays for college and everything. Now I don't know what to do
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