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Everything posted by Jango40

  1. wtf is the difference between Drums&Bass and Dubstep

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Flynn


      Sithani you have earned yourself a new follower good sir.

    3. AshuraDX


      @EpicLoyd , yes in some fucked up way it's a dnb REMIX of a DUBSTEP track which still carries a lot of Dubstep-Elements you find typically in tracks by skrillex as it's after all based at a skrillex track

    4. Sithani


      @Flynn why thank you friend <3

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WdYt9VkVek 7:32.. minds me about Lulu.
  3. I made something sounding almost exactly like this by pressing random buttons on an keyboard with strings, violin and drums.
  4. Panic Disorder strikes again! Damn my brain.

    1. Flynn


      I know that feel all too well...

  5. When and why was PcGameMods taken down?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bacon


      ...damn..been ages since I heard the name


    3. katanamaru


      It was in 2005 I do believe. It was when I was in the Navy or right after. I remember going to the Commons to use their computers to browse for files to download. If I found things I liked I'd lug my heavy laptop to a wifi spot and get them. I remember the site becoming more and more unreliable.

    4. katanamaru


      The final days they implemented a rating system that someone hacked and rated everything 1/10 about 100 times. Never knew why...

  6. ..It still looks damn good, even in this old engine. Kinda gray, but that's it.
  7. Getting tired of the constant screaming about 7-1 and Suarez.

    1. Flynn


      Just wait until the final, people will forget all about Suarez

    2. Futuza



    3. Ping



  8. Crimson's is best
  9. That does not mean it is.
  10. I believe MB2 got exactly this, with appropriate Luke and Han heads, but the stormtrooper outfit is default.
  11. this is just getting better and better, I love the random areas and things like vending machines and imperial wok bar, keep up the damn good work!
  12. Remember Fred and Annoying Orange?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Futuza


      I have blotted out my memory.

    3. Onysfx


      I remember...what about the annoying singing frog? lol.

    4. Barricade24


      Is that the "Hello, my baby! Hello, my Honey!" frog?

  13. Witcher 2 for 3,99€ right now

  14. Yeah - they seem to have invaded JKA completely.. they're everywhere, even in MB2. Weird.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMpYQCd9z3Q
  16. Laughing my ass of, Sims 4 won't have freaking toddlers or pools, just waiting for the dlc to come a month later.

  17. megadeth time http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUL0JitYabI&feature=kp
  18. For whatever reason, this song makes me want to play Night of the Raven again.
  19. Is it possible to pay with USD on steam if you're European? If it is not, would using an American VPN allow me to fool steam?

    1. Ping


      VPN would work, but you are risking a ban. Much easier to get someone to gift you the games you want and pay them outside of steam.

    2. Xycaleth


      ^ This. If you plan to pay said person back via Paypal, make sure you take into account the currency conversion rates as well unless the other guy doesn't mind getting back a little less than what they paid.

  20. Magicka wizard wars?
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