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Posts posted by the_raven

  1. I haven't seen any Dark Side Padme (and it's actually difficult to imagine, even though I am not unfamiliar with other N.Portman's works like Black Swan and Closer, etc), there were several reskins of her model to look like someone else. I remember there was a very strange resin of Padme to look like Mara Jade. Very strange.

    Ahaha, I think I remember that one! It was in Lady Jedi, right? :D

    Which reminded me:


  2. You think thats a bad thing? I personally love that they're bring back things from the old canon that we missed. Rahm kota was a badass, and his legacy has beem passed on to Kanan.


    The reason the animation style is like this instead of like TCW is because of a much smaller budget. The other day one of the animators was talking about how expensive animating Vaders cape was.


    And yes, FPJ knows his shit haha. He's very reliable, and speaks his mind.

    ahah, and here I was thinking the animation in Rebels was better than in TCW :D

    well, ok, FPJ then :D

    GMRobinHood likes this
  3. Call me...





    Old Master


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    Holy sith, dude, that's awesome!!! :o

    A small detail - Maul has different gloves, and I think his 'boots' were also black :rolleyes:

    Either way - where can I get it??!

    dark_apprentice likes this
  4. Things I liked:

    Dark scenery;

    Kanan and Ahsoka chasing 8th Brother;


    Sith lore (seriously, the darkside perspective is always refreshing!);

    Maul's 'clothing' (mainly because it reminded me of a Reborn reskin from long ago; maybe I'll upload it, if the staff approves it - it's not mine, and I don't know the author);

    The scene right before Maul and the Rebels fight the Inquisitors for the first time;

    Maul's new lightsaber - yes, I recognized it for a lightsaber, though I thought it was gonna be more along the lines of a saber-pike;

    Those pesky Inquisitors finally getting sabered (a shame about 7th Sister though, liked her) and their lightsabers getting destroyed;

    8th Brother falling to his death - what an idiot!

    Kanan finding a Temple Guard mask (I know I criticised it in another topic, but it's always cool to find artefacts);

    Ahsoka fighting Vader - way better executed than Vader fighting Kanan+Ezra btw!

    Ezra's lightsaber being destroyed - yes, I said it!

    Maul surviving the fall;

    Maul jacking Vader's Tie;

    Various references to previous episodes and TCW.


    Things I didn't like:

    The cheez! Seriously, some of the lines were just awful "Call me old master", "I'm no Jedi", ugh!

    Ahsoka not running off with Kanan and Ezra, or not dying - she just seems redundant after this episode;

    7th Sister getting sabered - such a shame (I'd rather she fell off the temple, that way, she might have survived);

    Sabering being done off-screen;

    Ezra not remaining with Maul - I really hoped he would turn to the Dark Side!

    Very little Sith lore;

    Vader not dying - yeah, I know he's an 'important' character, and that he dies in RotJ, but Anakin just annoys the chit out of me!

    Anakin looking too young.


    Things that left me neutral:

    The Inquisicopters (as they were dubbed by viewers on kisscartoon);

    Kanan losing his eyes.


    Overall, I liked the episode. WANT MOAR!!

    Fuse294 likes this
  5. Not until I watch Rebels season 2, in other words when the dvd is released.



    I personally don't care for Starkiller thought he was a terrible character, but perhaps I should at some point.

    Why wait for the dvd when you can watch it on tv or something, online even? :huh:

    Also, you talking about Starkiller from TFU1 or TFU2? Because TFU2 was a crap game with a crap storyline, TFU1 on the other hand, was good, but the PC port was awful  :mad: 

    Username likes this
  6. They're on a short budget as is.


    Also, ive heard that the mask muffles his hearing so he has to rely completely on the force. Hisvvoice acror confirmed that hes using the force.


    So no, hes not using his hearing :)

    They're on a tight budget? I thought the show was popular enough to provide them with dough... :huh:

    But he doesn't have a problem hearing everything else around him, so I have to disagree with the mask muffling the sounds...

    Also, how reliable is Freddy Prince Jr. anyway? I mean, does he really know this stuff, or did he just say what fans wanted to hear?  :rolleyes: 

    I also want the new Maul's lightsaber, and there is a Kanan model by Jeff on the WIP section



    Hmm, checked 'em out. It's a start, I guess :D

    MrHeisenberg likes this
  7. I really wanna start watching Rebels.. But I haven't even properly started watching The Clone Wars series, yet.. Since I downloaded all 6 seasons. 18GB's worth!! lol

    Son - kisscartoon.me - USE IT! (sorry for the shouting, that's for dramatic effect :D )


    As for Kanan, while it was cool, I really didn't understand why he bothered to pick up the mask...Sure, since it's a kids show, they needed something to hide his disfigured face, but come on!

    Also, in the episode it was implied Kanan used his hearing rather than Force Sense when dueling Maul - that was just wrong, even if he's a freshly-baked Jedi Knight...

    Wait, do we even have a Kanan for JA? :huh:

    What I'd want is Maul's new lightsaber, you know, they one that looks like a broken Inquisitor saber?

    GMRobinHood likes this
  8. I don't know...I always thought this design was uncomfortable (only useable with Makashi because the hand-guard was like that of a simple saber), and while I do like the saber+blaster bit, I think they could have made it somehow better...but that's just me

  9. I know about the dark jedi port. It's hideous, has many clipping issues and is hella boxy (not to mention that whenever a npc uses the ported model It can't use lightsabers because the blades get invisible and don't do damage). Really, I really tried it but I can't overlook it.


    The other guy from K2 doesn't exist anywhere as far as i know.

    I don't know, they usually work for me no problem (in fact, it's some of the other characters in the pack that have this glitch).

    There is also Starkiller in Jedi Adventurer Robes that *sometimes* had this glitch.

    And yeah, nobody seems to have made the K2 Sith Lord(s)

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