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Posts posted by the_raven

  1. So I figured it out on how to get Malak's hilt for SP, but for SP&MP the top of saber is solid grey. Is there anyway I can fix that? Thank you so much the_raven.

    It could be the emitter, or it could be a glitch, I don't know really. At the same time, there's two Malak's sabers (the one in the moddb pack, and the one from MrWonko's), which one are you talking about?

  2. Can you leave my a link?

    aye, here you go the link

    and the files on here: Revan's saber (novel), Kotor saber (games), Zayne Carrick's saber (comics), Haazen's saber (comics), Darth Nihilus' saber, TOR hilts

    and the files from mrwonko's: Bastila's saber, Darth Malak's saber, Freedon Nadd's saber, Revan's saber (comics). Also, here's a kotor force pike



    ...AAAND, since I'm in a relatively good mood, here's a tutorial by Rooxon on how to add sabers to SP

  3. There's a KOTOR pack for JA on moddb, it includes ported characters AND saber hilts from the KOTOR games (though I'm not sure if the hilts are ported). Additionally, there are Malak's, Bastila's, and Freedon Nadd's canon saber hilts at mrwonko's, and two of Revan's canon saber (one from the Mandalorian wars/ KOTOR comics, and one from Drew Karpishin's novel), and the base KOTOR hilt on here. Oh yeah, and there's a SWTOR saber pack on here as well. These all work in multiplayer only, but through simple editing, you too can have 'em in singleplayer ;)

  4. more anime content? still, I welcome this one because it has that 80-90's feel, ya guys know?

    if you look at the files section, you can notice most models and skins are from 'other universes', or just joke characters, and while it's good we have so many SW characters available nowadays, it's always refreshing to see a non-SW character made :D

    KyleKatarn1995 likes this
  5. It wouldn't be that difficult. There are no major differences between the male and female armors at all.


    Male left, female right.


    Hah, this reminded me of the first time I played JA! It was a pirated disk my classmate lent me. There, Jaden models/ skins were missing so when you began a new game, you'd always play as a stormtrooper with a female voice :D

  6. So if I wanted to add these sounds to a mace windu model what folder would it go into for taunt/gloat/flourish?

    Use winzip/ winrar to open the assets.pk3 files and in them, look for the sounds folder. There, open any character's folder and look at how to sound files are named. Then, get a Windu skin you want, and depending on whether or not the skin has sounds of its own, just replace the existing with your sound files. If the skin has no sounds of its own, create a sounds folder with its appropriate sub-folders like in the assets archive, and dump your sound files into it. See? Easy!

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