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Posts posted by the_raven

  1. ui_showMissingSkins 0

    It's an attempt to make skins with missing icons selectable (e.g. jawa, prisoner/merchant) - but not all skins are meant to be used by players :)

    aye, I checked it again, turns out I had a pack of robed characters installed, and that's what was causing the 'excess'...silly me :rolleyes:

    as to the vanilla characters missing icons, I don't mind, it's good having them available, though the mutant rancor is too much :D

  2. @@the_raven are you referring to the same map? Or an entirely different map?



    No need, I fixed this problem ages ago. It had nothing to do with OpenJK or JA++. Though I'm not exactly sure how or why it occurred (I believe it was a result of conflicting/corrupted textures that the map uses), it just did.

    Nah, it was one of those maps in the Tattooine+Hoth pack. But anyway, as the stormtroopers say.

    Move along, nothing to see here.

    Merek likes this
  3. Ok, so I created a bot using BotTool, I followed the instructions to the letter, but the bot doesn't appear in the bot-list when you create a game. Anyone know why this happens? The reason I'm asking is because my previous bot - Klavika - worked absolutely fine, it still does. Any ideas? :shrug:

  4. Hey, so I downloaded OpenJK and JA++ files. Installed them according to isntruction, and launched the game. Now, when I go to "Profile", the pre-made character list has a ton of new skins (mainly movie characters and aliens in Jedi tunics and robes). Now, one issue is that they're missing icons (instead I get question-mark icons); another issue is that some of them are missing textures, or have invisible heads, and so on. Is there a way to remove these excessive skins, because I have other skins I want to use and I'm afraid they'll be cancelling each other out, not to mention that one of these skins crashes the game outright.

    Also, I didn't understand what I needed to download for JA++ - "Client" or "Server", so I downloaded them both. Could that be a reason?

  5. @@the_raven

    Ah, yes! It was indeed there in the arena level, as far as I remember. I am still not sure, where did they manage to get some of the skins in that mod. Not that they were really any special, but curious to explore. Btw Padme's model also served as one of the characters in the level of the city of fogs.

    что-то я не помню города лягушек там... :huh:

    but there was a 'Padme' that you had to save :D

  6. Im sure one of the Dr. Frankensteins we have would do this for ya, as they most likely have all the base xsi stuff ready to rock.

    what? :huh:

    A year old, but still firm:

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    cool! where can I get that skin??!

  7. In my opinion : Force grip level 2 suck. You just lift the enemy and deal damage. But You must have cursor on them which is compeletely useless.

    well, you can still throw your lightsaber at them and harm or even kill them that way...or have you allies kill them in any way they can.


    also, this topic reminded me of a PoTD from JK3files where Kyle and a Reborn were Force Gripping each other and neither wanted to let go. such a shame I can't find it anywhere :(

  8. ugh, what is it with everyone trying to protect kids from trauma? see, that's what's wrong with them these days - kids don't get enough trauma! we grew up with all the drama and traumatic experiences, and we're ok...in the very words of Hentry Rollins "why are all these rock bands so nice now?" (this one refers to you specifically, since you're a rock fan/ musician, though I'm not really pointing a finger)


    anyway, back to the topic. have you tried removing the blood mods? I saw some mods on here that allowed dismemberment without blood, but they didn't work when I tried testing them. also, when I was trying to install JA++, I removed one of the pre-installed JA+ files and it somehow gave me dismemberment in JAMP; don't know how it happened but it happened. sorry if I can't help with anything else though.

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