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Posts posted by the_raven

  1. Nobody made a Sith version of Padme before (well, at least I don't know any).

    probably because she can't use the force, and because she's a boring politician from the prequel trilogy (don't get me wrong, I don't hate the prequels (I'm neutral), and I think this was one of Portman's best roles (can't really stand her in other movies for some reason) - but it's all just a hunch)

    JAWSFreelao likes this
  2. Warning : this is not for fun, I am very serious so please try to not laught ^^

    I'd like a special skin of a famous french actor of the 20 century : Louis de Funes.

    I know it's stupid or ridiculous but I am serious :D

    I don't see why this is a stupid request...there have been skins of famous actors or characters (like you already mentioned - Chuck Norris), so nothing stupid about it.

    Louis de Funes was a great actor!

  3. Ew, that droid... <_<

    Well, there's the Imperial Protocol Droid in the vanilla game, basically the black 3PO but with a different head (you can find him on Tattooine (Tuskens map), on Corellia (tram map), as well as various 'imperial' maps). Only thing I can think of is probably making the skin a brighter shade of black, maybe coal-gray, or bluish gray?

  4. Anyone know of a tutorial on how to convert a saber mod into a backhand saber also? Would be interesting to see that saber mod you found in a backhand form.

    I don't know much about blender, but back from when I tried making a saber, I remember that the hilt has two markers, one for where the character will hold it, and the second, for the emitter (literally, for where the blade comes out from). Now it's just a hunch, but you could try turning the model (and the second marker) upside down, alternatively, remaking the model from scratch, placing the emitter in the back, and reversing the second marker.


    Oh yeah, and you'll want to contact the mod author if you want to change it... :ph34r:

  5. You might think so, but when your work gets associated with filth, you'll start to think of things the other way.

    Let's say for instance that you start making stuff and you find out that you're really good at it. Everyone loves the stuff that you do. It's absolutely nuts.

    Now let's assume that some Joe Schmo comes along and uses your assets in a mod, and this mod is just absolute crap. They didn't use your permission, they just tacked it on as part of a pack. Now everyone thinks that your work is crap because it's included in Joe Schmo's mod. They think that you did work for Joe Schmo, or worse, that you ripped off of Joe Schmo. Or! Joe Schmo, the cheeky bastard, starts charging money for your hard work. You might think this is unrealistic, but this is precisely why I vigorously defend my copyright on anything that I've done because there's always going to be some other guy who's going to want to cash in on what you've done. I'd know. It's happened to me, it's happened to other people on this site, and I don't foresee it stopping.

    Um, aren't you contradicting yourself a bit up there? You say "what if my work is so great people love it", then you say "Joe Schmo released a crap mod with my work" - won't it seem just a bit strange that a modder as crappy as Joe managed to make "great" content? And if my work is so great, won't people recognize it instantly?

    Then you say "people will think I worked for/ with Joe on his mod", but how will they think this, if he never credited me anywhere? If, say, they do recognize my work and think I did work for/ with him, what does it change? The mod is crap, but the content (that I made) is good, and people can see it, so how does my reputation suffer? As far as they know, I was doing charity by helping Joe with his crappy mod! Or maybe I'm 'a staving artist' who'd work for anyone, as long as I get paid? It's really none of their business who I provide my content with and why.

    Now if Joe claims all authorship (my content included), and my work isn't recognizeable enough for people to become suspicious, that's a problem. If not, I will find out about it, and will attempt seek him out, ESPECIALLY if he's charging people for it.

  6. Counterquestion: Would you like to see something that you have created on your own being used by others without your permission?


    Porting models from other games without permission means copyright infringement. And depending on the company you lifted the content from, it might cause big

    trouble or a big-ass lawsuit.


    Let's say the admins of JKHub would have allowed ported models on this site (and I'm talking about fully ported models, not some parts of them), this site would be closed down by now.

    Actually, I'd be flattered if someone considered my work worthy of 'infringing'. Then again, one can always consider fair use and all that.

  7. Well, it may not be exactly what you're looking for, but it's a nice shot nonetheless - Darth Revan from KotoR by Squee.

    With a bit of imagination (and maybe a retexture) you could say he looks like this...

    Alternatively, you could try this mod here (though it's a supposed Revanite, and the textures need a bit of work)


    Sorry if it's definitely not what you're looking for. Here, I found you the true Revan's Lightsaber instead.

    MrHeisenberg likes this
  8. There was a weapons pack a long time ago on JK3Files which contained over 100 real world weapons as replacements for the base models. Unfortunately a lot of the content was ported from other games and it never saw much time on the web. I still have it on my dropbox, it's called the Extreme Weapons Pack.

    (shameless self plug here, I used to work on that mod)

    off-topic: I wonder though, why does everyone complain about porting? The cops really couldn't care less about who ports a model from a game, and it's not like anyone's selling these when it comes to mods...

  9. It literally says in the first line of text it's a Roleplay community...

    I know what the first line says, I just didn't know of the forum category for clans and such + I thought the RP community of JA was almost entirely dead

    And seeing as how my entire staff turned on me a while ago and banned me, I decided to just stop entirely.

    how's that?

  10. Look inside the PK3 and all will be revealed! It uses a shader for the lens and the armor, so the paths had to be ammended in the .shader file to match the new folder name and titles of the textures for it to display correctly.


    If you have a problem with missing textures @@the_raven  then open up a new topic explaining your problem in a little bit more detail and someone'll try to help you :)

    it was just strange because I was working with the original textures' titles, so as to test the new textures on the stormtrooper, before creating a standalone character. but anyway, forget I said anything :D

    KyleKatarn1995 likes this
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