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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. But what's the purpose of him doing all this? Is he a major character in the film? A secondary? Is he at all relevant to the story, or just a hologram someone's randomly watching?
  2. Oh, that guy
  3. I still didn't understand what all this was about. You're making some kind of major overhaul mod, or just a (yet another) Kylo hilt, but with added effects? What of the photo in the OP? Looks more like a real life lightsaber recreation. Also, no need to 'close case', if you were looking for an answer, you had to be ready not to like it, ya know? But i do get your opinion on the vents, it kinda makes sense too.
  4. What's so great about this character anyway?
  5. Oh, Maul's featured in that movie?! You just made my day, OP! His face kinda looks like ep3 Emperor though. But i dig this request already, hope it gets fulfilled!
  6. Long as it doesn't turn out to be like Abe Lincoln's voice, it should be good
  7. sounds like a Skyrim armor mod idea Px
  8. can't see the pic
  9. Either that, or it should be stronger. Then again, it could be fluctuating.
  10. This And this
  11. Holy shit, they made Hexen and Heretic?! Also played Q4 (thought it had potential but kinda sucked), Soldiers of Fortune (one of the games, don't remember which one, didn't care for it much), and Wolvie: Origins (liked it, but it glitched during the Gambit duel, so i abandoned it). Never cared for the CoD's and MoH's, but i did play a bit of those back in the day.
  12. Didn't @@Jeff or @@dark_apprentice make some kind of armored Darth Krayt?
  13. So, what did you's guys think of Pacific Rim 2 anyway? I think it wasn't as good as the original, although did have its moments.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. the_raven


      @Domino5555, because I just watched it myself, and since nobody discussed it on the forum, I figured I'd still ask. One could say that people didn't discuss it because it was bad, but the forum is kinda poor on non-SW news, so that couldn't be the main reason.

    3. Tempust85


      Not bad, but wish the dude from the first one was in it - sucks he had another project at the time

    4. Domino5555


      Yeah, it would have been better with del Toro.

  14. Where are you from? On the other hand, maybe it's a good thing they don't, Hollywood just ain't what it used to be. I was told it's good but not perfect. I really hate it when the company (disney? lucasarts? whatever) make local premiers in one town, and everybody else has to wait for a month or two before it starts showing in other locations. They did it several times with the new Rebels' seasons, and now with Solo. Fucking annoying is what it is.
  15. I don't get it, is the mod dead or not?
  16. Anyone heard about it? They're making a reboot of Hellboy, but without Del Toro and Perlman this time. I was kind of worried, but the news seems pretty good, considering the team and the photos. Plus, they're saying they'll be making it R-rated and will use practical effects with dashed of cg, the latter is especially good by my book. Read up here! https://nerdist.com/everything-we-know-so-far-about-hellboy-rise-of-the-blood-queen/
  17. Why yes, you're right!
  18. Maybe there's some issue with the image extension. I don't know why it happens, but sometimes, when an image is in .tga, the game won't display it, because it's supposed to be .jpg, or vice versa. If i remember correctly, the files in the archive are .png? You might need to re-save those as .jpg or even .tga. At least, that's all i can think of :/
  19. As far as I remember, it was a project Langerd was doing...or was that Kualan?
  20. Oh man, why don't you release some of that stuff?? What's Morin modification though? And how are things going on that game where you play a robot and use pens and pencils for weapons? Also, what is that? Reminds me of the Cylons from the remade Battlestar Galactica
  21. That would depend on what you already did, of course. Looking at the linked files, I'd say you need to: 1) Make a 'models' folder anywhere; 2) Make a 'zygerrian' folder inside 'models'; 3) Put the downloaded files into 'models' -> 'zygerrian'; 4) Add 'models' to a .zip archive, name it any way you wish (i'd name it 'zygerrian' too); 5) Change 'zygerrian.zip' file extension to 'zygerrian.pk3' file extension (may need to dig around your computer's folder options to make file extensions visible and editable); 6) Put the new 'zygerrian.pk3' into your game's 'base' folder, if you didn't save it there innitially; 7) Run JAMP and find the skin in the skin options. Note: You might need to also make 'icon_default.jpg', 'icon_gun.jpg', and 'icon_2.jpg' inside the 'zygerrian' folder, to be able to find the skin in the list, some skins don't show at all, if you don't assign an icon to them. I'm not sure if 'model_gun' and 'model_2' are character skins though, I didn't download the files.
  22. This topic name is golden
  23. So much tasty tasty nostagia in this thread
  24. Black and white pirated movies? Now that's what i call legendary!
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