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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. Yay, Psyko is gonna finally release his! Sorry but his gets way more points for being an original work.
  2. I meant work in 3d by just eyeballing it, the photos will never match up.
  3. The thing with the photo is that sure, it's her BUT there are things to consider like the depth and FOV, things closer to the camera are going to look larger and that is one of the things that is making the eyes look too far apart. While it may also match to the skeleton, not everyone has the same facial dimensions which the skeleton may just not match up with the model but the model will be more correct. Now that it's a complete mesh go back and start moving verts in the 3D view using varios angles for reference to get it to look more like her, it's very close but the front and side ortho pics just wont cut it when it comes to getting it just right.
  4. Well we got this chicks Netflix account on my PS3, so I might watch a movie from time to time but I'm also just not home enough.
  5. No because I don't even have any sort of TV service, just internet, never seen an episode because well, I can't watch anything and don't plan to ever.
  6. Wow, I really should update the mod and try out all the changes.
  7. It's very much possible through editing the .sab file, just can't remember what you have to add for it to force that animation to be used as the stance for that specific saber. Try downloading a saber that uses a custom stance and opening it's .sab file.
  8. It doesn't need to be any higher anyway, a good modeler can use just as few as the source models and make it look good. Newer games don't really have much higher limits either, just using more complex rendering techniques that include displacement maps. I'd keep it under 500 per object to avoid errors, going close to the top can cause problems when you have a base folder full of models that do the same thing, that's where the transform space error comes from.
  9. I've always wanted to do an Asajj Ventress model, but a realistic version as there was never a GOOD realistic Asajj model. Some of her outfits from that series would work but I wouldn't wanna make it match the animation style of the show, realistic would be most interesting.
  10. Good luck getting one made considering it's the ONLY image like it, it would have to be mostly made up.
  11. I play with a PS3 controller using MotionInJoy, it's pretty much set up just like the XBOX controls. I did this since I was late on the PC gaming scene and was too used to playing games on consoles, I guess if I had time to learn I could use the keyboard and mouse but it'd probably take a ton of customizing to stop it from feeling awkward. FPS games are the only ones that really feel natural with a keyboard and mouse, I'll use that if I'm just using guns in JA but not with the saber. Poke doesn't work but poking is a pretty cheap way to get an easy kill anyway, sidestepping "pro pokers" and killing them with yellow stance is more rewarding.
  12. Gotta be a way we can reach out to more mappers, dunno if they'd find it annoying but how about just going to the mappers and asking them, the worst they could do is say no.
  13. I wish I could help in the mapping but I never learned how to use Radiant. I know I haven't been around much as far as 3d art and animation but I'm kinda in the same slump as you since I know the mod wont go anywhere without maps. As much as I played MP in the past this mod should stay SP as without the story of DF2 it's not really a DF2 mod, just JA with some extra characters.
  14. I would really like to see a valley of the dark lords map along with having some of the tombs being open to explore.
  15. Been going crazy with PS2 modding, running backups, using a USB drive to transfer saves and using an old IDE drive to save games to. Bye bye dics.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. minilogoguy18


      Yeah, Front Mission 4 works but it can be very laggy when the attack animations play as well as really messed up shadows. Tried some suggestions from others but for some reason I could never resolve it. I would like to try the netplay though with my friend only because netplay is no longer possible and it's Front Mission 5 which was Japan only, somehow someone modded the .iso so it has English subs as well as menus.

    3. minilogoguy18


      Oh, I also have the tools to transfer saves back and forth using a USB stick. ;)

    4. Ping


      mad skillz

  16. Every piece of geometry has their transforms zeroed out (0,0,0 in local space) tags can have whatever origin they want, the game uses I think the local transforms of the edges of the triangles to dictate how they behave, the tags actual local transforms aren't used. I was testing this theory with the tags a little while ago, here is an example of how the game would handle the tags for both GLM and MD3 models since yes, it is different. I made it so that the transform gizmo is visible in Softimage just to show how it would appear in ModView and MD3View if you selected an object like a tag and it shows the tranforms (red,green,blue lines).
  17. I've been checking back daily hoping to see this thread move, some progress has definitely been made, wish I could help but I'm rarely home these days.
  18. You don't need them at all, the game will just use the models local transform values to use in place of a parent tag.
  19. Sketchup isn't a good program to use, it models most everything using polygons with more than 4 sides, I've seen some horrendous results when going Sketchup->OBJ->another 3d app. Model generally needs tons of cleaning up.
  20. It's really not the hilt that's the problem, the tags on the base models are placed wrong but when people make custom hilts they tend to not use a *parent tag and instead let the models center do that job and just move it lower in Y space before export. Fun fact.
  21. All those things @@Vulcan requested aren't possible without coding, animations alone aren't enough. You can make a new rig and animations for it, just not as a player model.
  22. That issue is on your end. I'm not importing a GLM though btw, using the games source files. It's not really a problem though, it's just the bone length is wrong, as long as the joints are in the right place the skeleton will work. You don't even need bones honestly, you can use null objects, well not sure about blender but in other programs that use the dotXSI->GLM process you don't even have to use bones. See if there is a way in blender to adjust bone length without offsetting any child objects position, I'm sure there is an option for it since most 3d software can adjust bone diameter and length. It only seems to be the bones at the end of the chain that are affected.
  23. If you're going to use an existing skeleton and not make your own animations you should import the tauntaun at this point and match up the proportions before you get any more detail in there. With more detail you'll find yourself having to edit the model a lot more in the end to make it fit the skeleton.
  24. Yes, I had this problem way back when I made my own caps for the first time, there needs to be a material set to the meshes before export. Although I'm using a different program the problem is still the same.
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