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Posts posted by lang_french

  1. On 4/26/2020 at 1:04 PM, Apprentice said:

    What I have referred to in this particular matter, is that the Star Wars universe has been imagined with a certain amount of languages (British English, Droid and Huttese to name the biggest ones) and that 'suddenly' another already existing language makes it introduction, such as German, French, Spanish or in this case Russian. I believe that that is not respectful to that was already been established other then totally dubbed versions of the audio. Try to imagine when Peter Jackson decided to drop the Elvish language in the LOTR films and replaced it with contemporary languages, such as Russian ?? Somehow I do not think that the dubbed versions of those films went so far that Elvish, Dwarfish and the likes were being dubbed . . .

    This is nonsense... Elvish language, such as Huttese, Jawaese, Ewokese or Mandalorian are unreal languages, they don't exist in our world even if they had been created based on existing tongues. No invented language has been voice-acted in French or something, nor in LOTR neither in SW : Jabba speaks in Huttese, Elves in Elvish. We translate and dub the English language only. For some, we have subtitles to understand what they are saying but that's all.

    So, again, there is no problem for DP to be in Russian, because all voices come frome human or near-human species which are speakin "Basic". And basic is just the word to say "human language, such as English and others". Moreover, as Numberwas explained, it is a hard task to find a cast in your own mother tongue, so in another one it becomes impossible. The project is more than 10 yo, I'm not sure the team is enjoyed by taking more years to find English speakers and waiting for their records, making the post-production etc.

    Jeff, NumberWan and TheWhitePhoenix like this
  2. On 1/26/2020 at 2:00 PM, Apprentice said:

    3) The Russian language in the Star Wars universe ??

    Uh... did you know there was an official russian voice acting for EVERY SW movie? More, that Star Wars is translated and dubbed in many, many languages? Please tell me: you're not that kind of mor... who think English is the only tongue in the world, or at least in video games, movies or in Star Wars?


    Here, maybe you'd be less surprised in the future: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCP-Y4u-beQ

  3. I always found that single hilts, excepting Arbiter, were too big, too fat for (near-)human hands. When we see the sabers in Prequels, movies and EU (Legends or not), most of the time sabers were quite thin and fingers can join themselves with the thumb. With these sabers (Praetor for instance), we think that Jaden can't hold it correctly and could loose it easily.

    This is bad, because all are imaginative, but this scale issue ruins all.

    the_raven and Jeff like this
  4. -OpenJk - this is maybe the biggest problem because i think most of You are using this... I am using default jk3 If someone using openjk without any mods pls let me know if everything works corretly

    Not a problem for me. I just edit the .bat file, replacing "ja_sp" by "openjk_sp.x86" and everything is fine, and this for all mods which are using a Batch. Not an hard work to do with Notepad. In 20 seconds this is done.


    -For some of You thermals are annoying but @@Noodle for example found out that is making game harder - Will think about it

    Well, there are too many. Yes, this is harder, but Vader is not a jumping character (he never jumps with his armor, and in the stairs on Bespin against Luke is not a "real" jump). This is why I found the balcony scene was unfitting with him. To be honest, all those thermal and rocket soldiers reminds me Lady Jedi and Communication Force mods, which were hard as f... because of them and in fact absolutely unrealistic (you don't use an explosive when you are too close of your target).

    And yes, the will to make the RO scene is dead with this kind of stuff. This is Vader, he doesn't hide. To offset, blasters can make more damages.


    -"that fucking faggot" line (thought i have removed it X)

    Never heard it^^ It could be fun, cops are not very polite, especially during intense moments.


    Not sure about making voice lines... I will try acting my best but these amateur voice would be funny or cringy XD

    This is not bad, we are not waiting from fans to be real actors. Except if it's really, really terrible. Of course, if lines are well acted this is better, but you can make something fair.

    By the way, I am currently making the French version of Lady Jedi, but once it will be done, may I make one for your mod? If there are not many lines, it will be quick.

    And is it possible to make subtitles?




    I remember a bug: heavy repeater and Golan arms don't appear correctly in our hands during FPV: it is on the top-left side of the screen, as if Vader held it on the shoulder. Well, technically he doesn't need those "barbaric" weapons, but bug is there.

    Langerd likes this
  5. When we are not a professional team, with a few people which make this during free-time, and you want to make anything very accruate, it takes time. I have often news from NumberWan in MP who tells me the situation. Maybe he'll tell it himself but right now there is one map to modify because it would take the limits of the engine.

    I know this project is during since 10 years. There is almost 100 pages of script, with hundreds of characters (a lot of "little", but they have to be programmed too), dozens of maps (maybe large), new textures, new vehicles... I have a deep respect for NumberWan and Olgo who are still working on this mod since 10 years; maybe a lot of us wouldn't have this patience.


    @@Darth Futuza I don't know what the team wants to make, if it stays secret or not. But I know that too many advertising could ruin the experience ("Oh yes, I already saw that!"). Where's the surprise? This is understandable they don't want to release too much content; all screens are sufficient, imo.

    Jeff and ent like this
  6. I... I... I don't... DAFUQ?


    Well, I just re-installed OpenJK and the game runs without bug, although it didn't before. I prefer to not trying to understand. Even with old saves and mods/maps, no problem at all.


    But first of all, I want to thank you VERY, VERY, VERY MUCH for the time you gave in this thread (4 pages!), trying to find a solution and other ways. You were very patient without leaving, it was really nice! Well, it doesn't fix the bug with MOH but it is not as important as JKA (mods, maps and all in this SW game).


    I mark the topic solved for me. Hope it will work with my friend's games.

    Futuza and Raz0r like this
  7. JK2 uses Quake Engine though...

    I know, but it could be the exception (it didn't work on my friend's PC which is on W10 too).




    Does ioquake3 work?

    I don't know, when I click on one it opens a black and white console (like with .bat files, not console of JK) which tells me to install Quake: Arena, and the other misses a SLD.dll file to run properly...




    Does ioquake3 work?

    Smoo likes this
  8. I know I must find the solution by myself, but there is a fact after I had an idea:


    As it run with the same engine (Quake III with .pk3 files), I said "What if I install Medal of Honor: Allied Assault"? So it installs without problem and when I want to launch it... same thing than Jedi Academy! Nothing happens after clicking on "Play". And even with the add-on Breakthrough.


    So, it seems there is a problem with Quake engine more than JKA, even all runs fine with JO. I don't know if it could help, but after all...

  9. Some time ago, I found on Youtube a channel with many and many Star Wars ambiances sounds of several worlds, most of them taken from SWTOR. The vids have a duration of between 15 and 40 minutes in average. Maybe you know this channel already, but if you don't, it would be nice for mappers who want to have other ambience effects, longer and better quality.


    The channel is here.

    Bek likes this
  10. @@lang_french


    Damn...I have a horrible feeling nobody on the forums will be able to help, just as I had to figure out the blackscreen issue I was having with JKA awhile ago and I figured it out myself...somehow...I hope you end up figuring it out.

    It sounds bad... I don't have many motivation (and time) to search by myself a solution, with no ways to follow. Nor computer neither game, so what's the problem? Unknown. Great.



    Lang_French, par défaut dans Windows 10 est activé le "démarrage rapide",qui "permet d'enregistrer l'état de votre système lors de l'arrêt de l'ordinateur et permettre ainsi un redémarrage beaucoup plus rapide".

    En gros, c'est une sorte de "pseudo veille" (même si les disques durs sont arrêtés et que le courant ne circule plus).

    Pour que les mises à jour soit vraiment appliquées, il ne faut donc pas éteindre l'ordinateur mais bel et bien utiliser la fonction "Redémarrer" qui elle est un véritable redémarrage complet.
    Fais-le et ensuite retente de lancer le jeu.

    D'accord, en fait c'était la "veille prolongée" de W7 que j'appréciais particulièrement (j'ai cru qu'elle avait disparue). Toutefois, j'ai fait Redémarrer souvent, parfois automatiquement. Rien n'y fait.



    I have no words for this. Today, I've done a second, clean installation of JKA outside of Program Files - and, behold, jamp works flawlessly! I run jasp, and it works perfectly as well. Then I exit, run jamp, and get the exact same fucking CTD as before. Like - what the hell could even cause this?? It makes no sense, at least for me.

    I made this too, do not install it in Program Files but in another way. Bad luck for me, it doesn't run as well.


    Its a fault of the laptop and switchable graphics.


    OpenJK doesn't display support the windows startup console no.  But its still logged if there was a normal error.  The problem here is not with OpenJK unfortunately but your laptop running on crappy integrated graphics!

    I don't think (nor understand) the problems are from my laptop or integrated graphics, because Jedi Outcast, Battlefront II, KOTOR (I-II) are running flawlessly. It is a particular issue with exlusively Jedi Academy.

  12. I don't understand what that has to do with why you can't restart your machine?  I'm not saying to re-image it, I'm saying to restart it.

    Ah, well I restart it every day, all time. I was saying to reboot as re-installing.



    See, its not using the nvidia card, its using the intel integrated graphics chip on your CPU.


    Renderer: Intel® HD Graphics 5500

    Supplier: Intel

    I see, but ClanFJA told (in French) it could make the game running without problem even with heavy maps. In the console, it writes that it is Microsoft and not Intel or Nvidia which is used as graphics loader (at least, with OpenJK, because we can't even see the console in "classic" JKA SP and MP, or too fast)


    The computer waits to see the CD before stopping. Yesterday I tried to launch without, and a window appeared: "Please insert CD1". So, the game is recognized before "crashing".

  13. The machine is new, and was custom-made with all last updates. And this is not really easy to make this: my cyber (from who I buy my computer) have all softwares I need, and I can only meet him at saturay (he doesn't live in Paris). I prefer make this with him, in case of issue or idk what. I'll call him tomorrow and will see what I do.

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