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Posts posted by Veosar

  1. Cóż, te modele mają tendencję do posiadania błędów, jako że są robione stosunkowo po łebkach i na szybko. Mógłbym zrobić coś takiego, upewniając się że błędów nie będzie, ale nie wiem kiedy ewentualnie znajdę na to czas. 

  2. Jeżeli zrobiłeś coś inwazyjnego jak np. usunąłeś vertexy z rogów, to może, lecz nie musi spowodować błędu. Nie wiem w sumie od czego dokładnie to zależy, myślę że to bug eksportera. Jeżeli zmiany przy rogach były nieznaczne - importuj model od nowa i przenieś oryginalne. Jeżeli np. chciałeś uciąć róg w połowie, zrób to nie usuwając vertexy, a przesuwając je i skalując.


    Sorry for using polish language but it's easier for me to explain, if someone would like to know what I said in details PM me.

  3. @@Veosar take a look at the end of scope, and the 2 scope mounts for example



    you will notice that some triangles don't show the reflection at all


    And what will I need to have the exact same situation (map, and big ass DL-44? :D)

  4. @DT85


    I can help too, if you would give me instructions on how to install it properly with already set configurations. I'm not really sure how to do it myself, because I didn't track the thread for some time now. Maybe my help might be useful, after all, two tests give way more certainty than one.


    My graphic card is ATI Radeon 7850 HD with 1 GB of VRAM.


    Actually, if you just could precise what we are looking for, just small random, shadow triangles?

  5. The feedback on these mods obviously takes more time to appear, since it's only useful for certain group of people. I would say that mostly people with their role playing communities would be interested in that one, so they can apply more species with jedi robes to their clan. Still, being completely honest, these models aren't great. They aren't even good, in my opinion. Clipping is not an issue here, it's overwhelming. Non a single vertex has been moved to match properly, for example the neck, so the models are clearly not the best. Still, they are useful for some people, therefore I'm trying to not be too harsh. Some might find this cool, I guess.

    Kannos'v Lightdust likes this
  6. about the img it says that I am not allowed to do this on this site dunno why O.o also here is a picture of Blender, after I exported the model. Also don't know why i cannot return to my model or zoom in as it was before, I mean it just goes around like crazy when i move the scroll button of my mouse  and doesn't allow me to show you the model from a close up view sorry about that:  http://wrzucaj.net/guw


    Click any object on your model, and hit ctrl + .


    That should work for strange camera bugs like this.


    You should try to remember this, you will need that a lot. Known Blender bug :/. Notice how the camera seems to rotate around other object, far, far away. It just bugs and Blender reads that the object you're working on has moved.

    dark_apprentice likes this
  7. Okay, I just can't get it working. I don't know, I managed to export it, however my UV Map was a dissaster. I weighted all vertexes to thoracic (the closest bone), however it still clips into torso since it deforms, and my mesh doesn't. Anyone has any ideas how to do that more efficient? 


    Could anyone maybe try going for it, and explain me how he did it afterwards? I can show you the effect I want on the texture: http://scr.hu/22as/u1nr2

  8. Sadly I couldn't succeed. I watched both videos but it still won't work. After doing just what you @@IrocJeff said, I kept getting error about non-triangle faces, and when I made them triangles, UV Seams error appeared. I just don't get it :/


    I tried dividing the mesh into edge seams but it just doesn't work, I still get the same error.

    Langerd likes this
  9. Okay, so I thought I will give it a try and I came across few issues. I created new mesh, scaled and modified it properly so it looks like I want it, I extruded the edges so I have this 3D kind of look, I even managed to weight it properly, but UV Mapping... Yeah, UV Mapping is the hardest part. I created new UV Map in "Object Data" menu by basically clicking "+" icon, I divided my screen into two views (one with model, second with UV Map), but then I just couldn't make it forward. When I selected the mesh, and done either "Unwrap" or "Smart UV Project" it looked kind of good, but I wasn't able to export the model. The error said "Non-triangle face found!". I read about it, and I found out that the solution is to select everything and click Ctrl+T to make all faces triangles since JK3 engine requires it. Okay, I thought it was done... but I was wrong. Next error, after another "Smart UV Project", was: "UV Seam found! Split meshes in seams.", and that completely blew me away. I'm really noobish about UV Mapping, I have no idea what to do, I tried to search for it but without any success. Can anyone help me?






    Mesh without diving into triangles: https://jkhub.org/images/GhLwgtV.png

    Mesh after diving into triangles with UV Map: https://jkhub.org/images/GTbGO34.png


    If somebody needs .blend to figure out what's wrong, just PM me and I'll give it for you.



    @BTW. I didn't come to that moment yet but I guess in order to give this mesh a texture created in Photoshop I would have to create 512x512, 1024x1024 (or so on) texture, take UV Map as template and texture it, then just select the created file in Blender? Am I right?

  10. Yes, I understand the procedure, and know what should be done in order to achieve the goal. This will sound a bit strange, but I understand a lot about modelling in theory, but I can't actually do anything besides simple frankenstein.


    @@Cerez Sadly I'm using Blender, so it's not an option. Unless you can work with it too? :)


    @@eezstreet Thanks for advice, I'll check this out. However I'm not sure whether I could use any of his work or not, since, well you know what frankensteining is.. (this would be for closed community use only tho).

  11. Hello. I'm working on model for my friend, and I came across an issue. Take a look at this: https://jkhub.org/images/vVYkbNZ.png


    The orange thingy is supposed to be some kind of device on Nautolan's chest. The problem is, right now it's only textured and as you might guess, it's deforming as torso mesh. I want the device to be other mesh, moving with chest, but without bending. I'm asking for very simple mesh, just rectangle with some 3D Dimensions added (width) so it looks like it's really some kind of box, not just a texture. I'll provide you with all files to work with but... would anyone be willing to help me out with this? (Along with mesh I'd like a simple texture already created, since I'm noob in UVV Mapping)

  12. Just... eh, whatever. I see no point. Have you ever heard of the sentence "better than nothing"? If you have time do it better. I can do it better, a lot of people can, but I have not enough time to do this so often. This is why I can appreciate his job and that's what I recommend for you :D. But yeah, there is no point in having a discussion here, so if Administrator comes I'd appreciate deleting my comments. I said what I had to say, and those who needed to see, already did.

    Botdra likes this
  13. You could also pee while sitting, but I guess that's out of the list? :)


    All I'm asking is that you stop being a jerk. I personally know at least 3 people that can't frankenstein and used Salvoo's models with pleasure. 


    Sure, he's the only one who can kitbash models..... lol criticism is part of life, deal with it  :D ha ha 



    Well you either can't read, or you are extremely ignorant. I can deal with that tho  :rolleyes:

    Botdra likes this
  14. he is surfing on the edge of copyrights; hapslash models and re-skins made by others (e.g. qui gon in jedi robes) and too many kids think he can actually model.

    Jkhub staff seems to be ok with it though.. He should release model packs, rahter than filling the models section with oddballs, but I understood that is his plan.


    I agree with you @@Krinu, that after  the Hutt,  it's hard to belive he'd scratch any projects because they'd be less used. :)




    No need to be like that tho. The guy doesn't have to be ultra-skilled, to provide our community with something useful. He has, well, SOME skills that other viewers don't have, so I'm sure his work proves to be useful at some point. If he tells the model makers what he wants to do and they agree, I'm sorry but who are you to judge the published work? Just deal with that and do not download it if you don't want it. It's that simple, really. Go do something about stuff actually illegal or hurting someone, please.

    Avidhal and Botdra like this
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