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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. So far, I have managed with a saber file to make the repulsing effect from Concussion Rifle. The problem with this saber is, that I need to make it invisible because if I take out the .glm saber file it won't show you the effect of repulse. And still need to get it into Dark Rage animation level 1, or maybe would work with a new custom animation? I am wondering if it's of any use to put the Single Player SourceCode in my JKA and how to do it correctly, assuming that it's not just copy/paste or is it?! Saber here
  2. Ok, long ago I've got an idea, that turns out that @@Xeby also have and reminded me for, so... I think it's possible to create something that resembles very much the Repulse effect, by combination of the original "Force Rage" Lev. 1 Motion,together with the primary fire explosive energy ball (from Concussion Rifle), but i need a command - for example: bind F9 exec repulsesetforcerage 1wait 10+FP_RAGE (or the actual code, that will cause the character ingame, to do the force rage motion)wait 20unbind F9​ ​somehow it could be possible, to remove the draining effect of Rage (or just to make it invisible) and replace it with the blasting effect of Concussion Rifle, so when the player uses Rage/Repulse it blasts instantly the opponents around. However! The all 190-console-commands for SP/MP didn't gave me any help, because if I'm going to use the "exec repulse", than "setforcerage 1" I need to know how to make it load/run/use the force Rage (just by using the key that was bind to the Rage/Repulse effect, instead of the regular one). So when the game calls up the exec of Repulse, it hits all together "setforcerage 1 + *nameofcomand*" (causing to start rage), so that it can stand for few seconds/minutes or as long as we want it to be (like for example: 2 seconds - it blows up the opponents and stops). The main thing remains: how could the blasting energy ball from Concussion Rifle go to the Force Rage, so when the player use it, it simple leads the command of Repulse/Rage, to explode (bringing it out) and make us all happy with the result? Here is one GIF to download and see what i've come up with so far in game.
  3. Well, I think you got my point very good and I was thinking to ask MB2 team if they would like to share their Repulse with me as a standalone mod. Also I do not need it for mods or making one that will have it, I just want it for personal use and mostly fun, but I assumed they wouldn't do it That's why I thought of asking you guys here if it's possible to re-create it or just re-use it even if it can be somehow copy/paste-ed from there into a not MB2, basic JKA Single Player game
  4. I've just wanted to keep it on the tops, so that people can see it easily. Thanks Futuza, I am willing also to try it myself, of course I will still need help and suggestions from people, who are much more familiar than me with the coding. Little bit stupid question - not really sure, but does this lesson you've send me requires to have the Source Code of SP, I am assuming it does, since it says "compile the engine as well as the DLLs". Also I guess it will be more of C++ or some knowledge with this?
  5. Sounds great, but it seems to take more time and be released with the entire mod, and my idea was to bring this power as a small mod, that everyone can use if they want to. Problem is, that after I tried to make a new .pk3 with all the files/items from the "destruction" force power from MB2 and use test it in JKA SP even with "bind F exec destruction" still not working. Also tried to replace the files and base folder from the JKA Source Code zipped file (not sure if that's how you do it or if it helps). Will need more help with this. Thanks!
  6. Hi guys, Since many of us here are willing to have the Force Repulse in JKA, and most of the players want it also for SP I got an idea last night. As I was messing around the internet and forums over here or at ModdB, I've noticed, that the good team from Movie Battles II, have released in their full version and also in the latest Patch ver. 1.0.1 the very same Repulse power. If I'm not wrong inside MB2 it's called "Destruction" (as a new force power), with it's own icon and ability. Also I've found just one video over YouTube showing this Repulse effect in the MB2 Mod. Ok, so what can be done at the moment and where comes my idea. As we all (or at least most of us) know, LucasArts have released the JediAcademy SinglePlayer Source Code, which as I am familiar give us the chance to learn from and play with (as mentioned in the Readme file of Activision and Raven). Well in this way of thoughts, I guess, that the "Force Repulse" can be coded for JKA SP right?! What do I actually want/ask for (?) - I would like to know, what is needed to be done to recreate and make Force Repulse for Jedi Academy SinglePlayer, based on the one that Movie Battles II Team, have made. *Added Force Repulse ability. Requires Jump 3, Push 3, Pull 3 and is restricted to Defence 0. Activated in melee using MB Special 1 (Saberthrow) for 60fp, Force Repulse will Super Push enemies who are too close, while acting like a normal Force Push to enemies slightly further away. Force Repulse bypasses the Force Block ability.* - NEW Idea to improve the Repulse effect, as it is in original SW Force Unleashed-2 game: * After the Repulse force power is recreated and based on the one from MB2, it will need the Tenloss Disruptor Rifle effect, (when you shoot with it's laser mode it attacks targets at the molecular level, effectively disintegrating them) SO the Repulse effect, will need this effect on it's shield a.k.a. --> when player uses Force Repulse it brings the repulse force-shield, that causes the circle of stormtroppers to get blown away, BUT - when it reaches/touches the opponent's body it switches to the "Tenloss Disruptor Rifle" Effect, causing molecular disintegrating from Repulse shield. Any suggestions, help would be appreciated and specially will be very thankful to the guys behind MovieBattles2, who have managed to make it there for MP gameplay!!
  7. Ok man, looking forward for the finished DarkApprentice model, even that i would love to play it even now as how it is.
  8. Not if you do it the right way mate, it depends on what you do with your "blurcore.jpg" and "blurglow.jpg" files, also you will need "saber_icon_yellow.jpg" (in the gfx/menus/) and the "menu/art/" folders with the "saber_yellow_glow.jpg" + "saber_yellow_glow2.jpg" That will help you to keep all the sabers as they are, except for the yellow turned to the TFU Black saber (you will have to miss the orange one, because it can change the effect on your Sith_Unstable saber blade), you need to make the right "yellow_line.jpg" and the rest color_lines than the only problem left ingame will be when you use the yellow saber, it will look like the TFU black saber, but when you want to hit something or just throw it, the blade will still have the yellow slide-glow and glowing on the ground (this i cannot say how to fix, because i have no idea myself)
  9. I would like to see this model of Dark Apprentice with the black TFU saber blade as in this JAU screenshot I've made last night
  10. I would say it's the Lord Stalker costume from Hoth mission of the TFU:USE saw it a while ago here, but some people say it's ripped from the original one (?) I have no idea is this true or not, but it seems no one is willing to make a new/better one for JKA. The Dark Apprentice is the one you work on and that I asked you when's gonna be released xD
  11. @@Xeby I am pretty sure it was DarthStevanus's pack that i was talking about, too sad that i don't see this saber blade with lightning in here: http://jkhub.org/files/file/1016-darthstevenuss-lightning-enhancement-pack/
  12. If I am not wrong, it was like 6-7 years ago or so, don't remember the name but it was more of force-lightning effects pack, and there were some bonus stuff, like saber that hits the ground and makes something like a big shield of lightning and the other one was the saber blades with lightning covering the blade. If anyone here have idea or know where to find it, would be really cool.
  13. Well i vote myself for the orange one, but if I must be honest from what I see on the original teaser video with the new lightsaber and it's blade, well I think someone years ago made something very similar. I am not familiar how to and what to do, but it seems pretty much traditional red lightsaber blade + very thin lightning overlapping the blade if I am not wrong.
  14. @@Xeby I can help you out with the sounds, cuz that's what i do the best xD (also can make some special FX if you want). Btw I remember when I and one other friend of mine have made the very first black saber from TFU. It had the same problem, that other sabers at first were all black bladed, but than we made it only the orange to be "black saber" with the white glow, but i guess it can be made better. Keep the Kylo Ren lightsaber with the orange blade as the first one, but checkout the video from Lucas I send you (not sure if it's fake), but it seems like dual staff saber with x2 mini blades. I've saw yesterday somewhere one member have posted a really nice animation for the 2 backhand sabers, but it would be cool if it's possible when the player turns off, one of the sabers the other one is still on the backhand animation, you know?
  15. @GojiraGamer those two skins are simply the Lord Stalker (Lord Sith Stalker) from SW Force Unleashed: Ultimate Sith Edition bonus gameplay on the Hoth map and the other one is the Starkiller's costume from the SW Force Unleased-2 DarkSide ending, after the original Starkiller kills the main clone and is sent to destroy Leia and Han Solo on the Ewok's homeland. Costume that for my personal opinion reminds a lot of the good old Reborns in Jedi Outcast, but a bit improved you know.
  16. hey @Xeby really good work and ofc to @AshuraDX but I have just saw this video, not sure how much it's true or fake one, but here the saber seems even more interesting: http://youtu.be/v93Jh6JNBng?t=46s
  17. Would you two guys release this model? I also love this skin of Galen Mare from TFU2's ending and was looking forward for it. Also @@Xeby if you are good with skinning, try some more HD textures or some shaders? Great work to both of you
  18. Ok, I'm ready with the moving, just some small stuff left to do, but I am working on some ideas to put down on a paper, about the first map and to refresh my thoughts. Btw I have joined @@Jason Black team in JKB. I assume that I'll be able to get some real work in the next few weeks and keep you updated. Greets to all!
  19. Ok, I am moving out of the city and into my new house after 4 days, so I'll not be able to answer/talk/work etc. Also it is very possible the first 1-2 weeks of February 2015 to be offline, till we get the internet and the other sh*t done, so I will be back ASAP.
  20. @@Rooxon at the moment I don't have much time, but I can at least start to put some sketches on a paper, so I can bring my thoughts in a good ways before sharing any new ideas, around levels/missions. Just right now I'm packing my entire house and mostly the home-recording studio, to move it into the new house, where I'm moving with my lady and wanna build a bit bigger studio in one of the rooms. Also I agree with you about the working progress, I myself have never worked before in a modding team here or anywhere else, but I might use my experience from my band, because we are mostly working on the comps and do lots of traveling so i guess it can be helpful here too. I'm working lately on some soundtracks (like for movies), in my free time, I am not able to show right now, still in the learning process, but I can do my best on this, to provide some good Star Wars themed tracks for the mod, or some special effects (like for weapons/force sounds). I am studying sound engineering, BUT that does not make me one yet (for now). And I am open to learn as much new stuff in music as possible to become better, so maybe SW themed music will be very hard and yet pleasure to learn ;3 @@Jason Black with pleasure, tomorrow will do that and I will be glad to get into your world and talk with you on what's to be done and what's needed.
  21. At first I want to make sure that at least 5 people are interested and agree, also now I want to see what Jason would say about my other comment above so that we can talk about JKB and I could get more into it, see what's done already, what have to be done etc. And after that I can try to bring here some personal ideas of like: mission 1 is this, i see it on this map, etc etc.. do you agree, if yes why and if not - what must be changed or scrap or just do a new one. @ well you could be right about that and so much people working on from long time, but as I said, I am not really familiar at the moment with this project and mostly with it's story-line. The idea I gave on the beginning of this topic, is based on a wiki-story (i guess a fan-made), that I personally find atm, as the best for a continuing of the dark side ending of Jaden Korr. And I really would like to see a continuing of the story, that is like "10-20" years later or whatever, but with old Kyle (white hair, white beard, black clothes) cuz I'm a little bit tired from the usual Kyle and maybe a bit older Luke (not as much old as it seems to be in the new SW-7 movie lol) and Jaden Korr with some new outfits, a chance to choose more saber hilts (perhaps not only the regular JKA hilts), but some of the already released packs have good models inside and it's red + the Sith Scepter with some more effect, cuz I tried one scepter that gives you the same one that Tavion uses, it works like a lightsaber with f-ing long blade, that just kick the enemy away... and I want to see it more useful like what Tavion do in the final battle with Korr, like the bombing effect (or the repulse-a-like whatever), the re-loading your character's health with the red waves. (damn i really must go drink my morning coffee finally)
  22. @@Jason Black @@Lazarus I agree with both of you, turns out most of us here in this forum (at least as from what i've noticed), we're all busy in some ways, some having family or moving in a new house (like me), or study/working etc. There is no real dead-line for this am I right? It depends on a good promoting and so on, yes we all do want to have something new ASAP, but maybe it can happen in a longer time and still be good piece of work. About what @@Jason Black said above, well I am not really familiar with the JKB project (sorry for that), I've saw few months ago something on ModDb's webpage. I can say I am willing to join your team, but before that I want to discuss with you and let me know what's up with JKB, because I am not sure if both of our ideas are similar, we may talk about different projects atm, that have just few common lines. The question is - can we really manage to getter forces (assuming if i join the JKB team) and what can we produce as a whole new ideas, that makes all of us equally unsatisfied, so everyone's happy with the final result, that can bring us to start working with a good story line, that will give the players the pleasure of "falling into another good JKA adventure" continuing the story with the Dark Side.
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