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Everything posted by Boothand

  1. Hey! I have lots of game projects I'm juggling in Unity, but here's one with some visible progress. These videos show gradual development, and since there's many people interested in game development here, I thought it might be fun to watch. The basic idea is robots with blasters and reflector shields. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAmLYIt5UEw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_cYXXn7SZU (Also, it's on Github)
  2. Very nice! I would decrease the segments overall for the circular shapes, though. Also where they meet the wall inside that hole, I would just insert them into the wall without attaching it with vertices. That should reduce polycount a lot for starters if you want to put it in a map And some vertices that don't contribute to silhouette here:
  3. Wow, cool. Was this something people could download and play together on a server in JK2? If it's playable, there's enough players still to try this out in JK2. I'd be interested, never tried space combat stuff in any JK game.
  4. We should gather some screenshots of the most successful usages/tests of the renderer posted so far. SzicoVII had some amazing eye candy from Moonbase and his Bioshock map.
  5. If you enable 'allow desktop recording' it should capture the game (fullscreen) even if it's not otherwise supported, and in excellent quality. This has worked for me with no exception, recording everything from Dark forces, JK2, old emulator games and current titles.
  6. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  7. Hi! So I got an impulse and made this little frag video. It's the most effort I've put into a video ever, even though it's short and was made in one day (and.. one night ). The following footage is from Jedi Knight II 1.02. Hope you like it! A humongous thanks to @@ent for joMME, the mod I used to make this! I was gonna put that in the end of video, and I feel a bit bad for forgetting. Edit: Re-uploaded because of color issues.
  8. As much as I love it, the outliner is really hard to understand for me. I want to select things, re-order the hierarchy, parent things, drag things around. There is perhaps a way, but since I can't figure it out by trial and error, I'd consider this a convention-breaking shortcoming.
  9. I see! Cool. Do you know if you can make custom content for Rocksmith? Thanks. Yeah, all the stuff on that channel is self composed. There used to be two more recordings, kind of reckless ones where I sang and even had guitar solos etc, but I realized I'm not ready to risk letting family stumble upon those. However, they're on my MEGA account. So if you want a good laugh: -Instantly Mantracker: Link -Blue Between its Eyes: Link
  10. Nice. I'm happy that Rocksmith works out so smoothly. Never really looked more into that other than a demo at some stand. Sounded like it was mostly Iron Maiden in those songs? I play guitar mainly, also played drums a while, and got a keyboard, bass, violin and some stuff that I can at least use for projects. Got some recordings on this channel, for those interested: https://soundcloud.com/negnaw Reign Deer: https://soundcloud.com/negnaw/reigndeer Brand New Lightpost: https://soundcloud.com/negnaw/brand-new-lightpost
  11. It's only a few months since I was making new humanoid animations in Blender for a multiplayer mod (Saber Shenanigans), wishing there was an IK rig. But I kind of doubt I'll do any more of this in JK series, and if it's a Softimage thing only, I can safely say no, for my part. If someone ever wants to pick up where I left off, it could be handy, but I doubt it. People still mod JK2 a bit, and I guess this forum sees some JK2 SP requests now and then. Is it a lot of work to support JK2? If not, it would be nice of course.
  12. Now I feel like an idiot for liking your original post from 2012, assuming it was posted today.
  13. Hi KaiStagon, this is nice. It's not too long ago since we had a visit from the Shroom, either. I think only a couple of weeks ago we had some people running around in BikiniBottom, then some more in the Mario 64 map, in JK2.
  14. https://jculley3dartist.artstation.com/portfolio/533059?album_id=24411
  15. https://jkhub.org/files/file/2339-bloodshanks-the-shark-by-boothand-and-dt/ Doesn't get more real than a shark. Aside from that, I've got some self-made mediocre map objects, such as lamp post, wall-lamp, moose antlers, a moose, a hat stand, a grindstone, a whale statue, an electric guitar on a stand, a sofa, some trees/rocks/foliage, none of which is aimed at a Star Wars universe. If textures are interesting, this lot is quite set apart from SW too: https://jkhub.org/topic/3429-some-mapping-textures-im-working-on/
  16. Wb! No idea that was you in the 'How Star Wars changed the world' documentary. How cool.
  17. Playing as a vehicle/mount that other players can sit in. This idea allows a new form of 2v2 fights: The mount moves around, the other person controls the lightsaber or other weapons.
  18. For some reference on Jk2 Jedi master's difficulty, here's one of the videos from last year's playthrough attempt with Faden, using only checkpoints. http://www.hitbox.tv/video/345082 A lot of the videos are gone by now, but there should be one or two for Nar Shaddaa as well. http://www.hitbox.tv/video/374370
  19. We used Maya in our first year at school. If me or my classmates say 'this program is almost as bad as Maya', it means it's quite horrible to use. It has become a joke, but we had many shocking 'episodes' using Maya, basically boiling down to bugs, crashes, cluttered interfaces, menus, very tedious approaches, more bugs and downright accepting that this program is broken. I wish I had the details, but I have supressed it all. I'm sure someone who has only used Maya would prove me wrong, but as a Blender fan, Maya is a piece of opposite. Anyway, Maya is notorious for good animation tools. If you're familiar with them, I'm sure it's excellent, but I would rather use freeware (Blender) with really good animation tools, though probably lacking some of Maya's strengths, given the (in my opinion) superior modeling tools! Oh, and if you have to pay for it, I'd deem you mad to use any Autodesk products when Blender is free, though I won't deny some love for 3DS Max.
  20. Admirable effort (cool that it actually finished!) and impressive production. But, you know. I really have a hard time comfortably watching fan fiction in general.. and, the plot was. Was not? Was. Plot. Wasp lot. I should eat, but. Don't read the part with small text: I feel like at some point watching people fight each other while always spinning on the Y axis becomes not impressive, but cringeworthy. It scares little boys like me when a sword fight isn't enough to impress directors, to the point where it's never enough, and instead of looking for the interesting things a laser sword would be capable of, it becomes a 10 minute circus championship that breaks all the walls, including the fourth. A movie to me is good when I believe what I see, regardless of special effects. I think TFA did this quite well, its plot issues aside. Bootie's lamentations over.
  21. Like I've told you, really well done, it's beautiful!
  22. Blender is lovely, especially if you're fond of shortcuts. I think one of its strengths is that it doesn't rely on a 'Tool' for each transformation or even operations such as extruding etc. It's all in one 'form'. If you need help with Unity, feel free to tag me in a post!
  23. A year ago I tried to play through JK2 on Jedi Master, using only checkpoints. Nar Shaddaa on Jedi Master mode is a nightmare. Every new door is just an opportunity to disintegrate at the hands of a super trained sharpshooter Rodian, always ready, never sleeps. This is far as I got.. The mission where you fight ATSTs for the first time was really hectic on Jedi Master as well. The beginning of the mission must be planned to every exact detail. I probably needed 20+ retries before starting to get it down.
  24. I have some good memories from Galactic Battlegrounds. Age of Empires but Star Wars. Might get it only for that.
  25. Boothand


    Are there still any Opensaber servers around? Did it get used/played? As an outsider to JKA who only ever enjoyed single saber duels, this sounds like something I could give a try, granted there are any willing players (I'm european fwiw).
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