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Everything posted by Jolly

  1. @@Kualan Its awesome to see some SWG ported material.
  2. 1,994 downloads

    I always found the Jedi in Jedi Outcast and Academy to be rather inaccurate, but I liked how each of them had unique outfits, not just different color Jedi uniforms. I decided to make a modification so that they still have their unique outfits but have the traditional robes the Jedi Knight within the order should have. This was inspired by the Jedi Robes you could get in the MMO "Star Wars Galaxies" which you would wear over your usual clothes to enhance force powers, etc. Enjoy! Also, if you edit the .skin files you can surface on the Jedi hoods so they are actually on the models heads, but I didn't do this myself because it didn't look quite right. Issues: Clipping (not really avoidable)
  3. @@Kualan That new mask was essential as the original was not very good. Thank you for your help on the model
  4. Looks good
  5. Needs a new head or a edited version of Toshi's head model, not just a skin.
  6. Stupid question, why exactly are you remaking this model?
  7. 726 downloads

    This model was never really officially released and with FileFront and its forums shutting down, I felt this model should be put up on JKhub. It was not made by me, I am only uploading this file up onto JKhub for everyone to love and enjoy this great model that never truly got the attention it deserved. The file lacks some things, such as a original readme and other. Sorry for the poor screenshots, My JKA was messed up due to a glitchy animation mod so I had to use ModView. There is Team Support but no Bot support or new sounds, I added NPC files. npc_spawn_starkiller npc_spawn_starkiller_hooddown (Cheats have to be enabled obviously)
  8. "Dark Forces 3"
  9. That helmet looks very impressive!! Nice job @ !!!!!!!!!
  10. @ care to show it off ?
  11. I remember that "Death Star" map, it looked amazing and it was awesome to finally have a movie accurate ds map in single player, but it basically fell silent and so did my hopes
  12. @ A death trooper skin would always be nice
  13. @ Sounds like a good idea my friend, but I think some work could be done on the robed model to make it look a bit more personal to Kylo then just another sith robe
  14. Looks awesome! Imperial architecture even though very plain, always interested me. Keep up the good work
  15. I will miss that site a lot, but JKhub is a great new place for the community to move over to. It's fresh and new. I will mostly miss all the old and cool files and work that was on that site and hopefully not gone entirely.
  16. It's nice @ is making a new Kylo skin but honestly if @@DT85 makes this model (which honestly, considering Kylo's role in the new movies, he needs) that would be best. Though I am not saying a reskin should not happen, it would be amazing to see it and well any new Star Wars 7 content is a great contribution to the JKA modding community.
  17. This "project" has been given to Kyle Ren to work on. It will be the same model but reskinned to look like Kyle Ren (as originally intended). As of right now the original model will not be released, in the future possibly? Good luck to @
  18. @@JAWSFreelao Like Dex??? or Captain Typho??? We don't even have characters from the Star Wars Universe that had much bigger roles....from the original trilogy AND prequel trilogy.
  19. @ getting ahead of yourself lol
  20. I mean this is cool and all guys but I mean I think the effort it takes should be put into different models... I mean there's a new Star Wars movie coming up very soon, not to mention some undone original Star Wars material. Thats just my opinion though.
  21. Reminds me of Yuuzhan Vong. @@Langerd you are probably one of the most talented modders in the JKA community currently, keep up the amazing work.
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