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Posts posted by Wasa

  1. People one thing on mind - AngelModder is artist and modder . Yes he dont own us everything and yes we cant say that his decision was awful. He has rights to do whatever he wants with his works. And his account here as well. 


    I personally understand this decission. Modding and making projects are not always made to share with others. It many times ends with unfinished projects for artist who made it as well. I have many projects i havent finished and i might never finish them at all. 


    To add more your point it can be pretty disrespectful towards the artist to suggest them to let somebody else finish his own work. 

    So some of you really act entitled like he says.

  2. No true scotman fallacy. I liked The Last Jedi and unironically think it's a good film. In the same way, I could argue that those who enjoyed The Force Awakens aren't Star Wars fans to begin with, but it'd be a pointless exercise  of self-fellation. 


    People are dwelling into this new outrage culture and a farce of pseudo-political commentary. I'm sick of seeing my Youtube feed spammed with clickbait Star Wars shit just because I saw a trailer for a videogame a couple months ago. Thank god Youtube wasn't a thing in 2000 or we'd have seen a million videos of old ass men complaining that The Phantom Menace ruined their childhood and Star Wars is dead forever. 

    The keyword is most. As a standalone movie The Last Jedi isn't a bad movie entertainment wise especially if you don't have much expectations towards Star Wars(Character Mythos, World building etc.) Even Mark Hamil is unhappy with Rian Johnson's portrayal of Luke himself. TFA's sole purpose was to lead to EP8, otherwise it was rather lackluster with a recycled plot and created a lot of questions like "what's the point of this whole war"(for example how did the First order become so powerful in the first place since the rebels won the war against the Empire?) TFA isn't definitely a bad movie either, but I find it boring. 

    The Last Jedi for many people with some degree of attachment to Star Wars didn't live up to expectations because the latest is supposed to be an improvement in most aspect of the prequels that supposedly failed. 

    You can enjoy any movie you want, but The Last Jedi is the weakest Star Wars movie like Metal Gear Solid V is the weakest Metal Gear game.

    And I agree with that pseudo-political commentary-bullshit. The sequels are pretty tame in political themes compared to the prequels or even the original trilogy and I am also tired of those dumb clickbait videos(that mostly dwell into "the last jedi is bla bla bla feminist, bla bla bla forced diversity bla bla bla" kind of arguments.

    General Howard and Noodle like this
  3. The combat in Jedi Academy does not look like the movies, but it is a game and has developed its own style, it does not have to be like in the movies. And it is not clumsy, because Jaden is quite acrobatic and you gain a lot of precision when using keyboard and mouse.

    It's still not fun especially in the higher difficulties, there's a reason why mods like Serenity Jedi Engine and MB2 are popular

  4. How's that?

    KK is the president of Lucasfilm, she's the person responsible for vetoing and permititing the Star Wars media.


    What do you mean? Siege of mandalore was already planned as a 4 episode arc and the other 8 we've most likely seen before and they were paced fine

    I simply don't want the show to be rushed to tell every arc possible they had left. @McGoose explained it very well by using Samurai Jack in comparison.
    the_raven likes this
  5. Can you be more specific? Other than the man-eating teddy bears, i can't think of many silly things in the OT. That is, if you ignore the physics and other such things.

    "I was going to the Toshi Station to buy some power converters!", Leia spontaneously remembers her real mother and that she "always" known that Luke is her real brother, both Chewbacca and C3PO served almost no purpose in the movies(C3PO is somewhat an exception since he played a role of god to the ewoks in RotJ) and their only purpose was selling toys. Remove either from Episode 4 and 5 or Chewbacca in 6 and the plot wouldn't change.

    Thing is, the prequels are: 1) too polished design wise, 2) too cgi, 3) too much talk about things nobody really cares about - we watch sci-fi and fantasy to escape all the economics, law, and politics of the real world.

    1. Moot point, because prequels and original trilogy are happening in two different time slots, it's only natural for a country(in this case the galactic republic) to be "polished" during its peace time. 2. The Original Trilogy had more blue screens(one of reasons why Luke's lightsaber is green in rotj in the first place) and tricky effects while the prequels had more practical effects than you realize. In fact, each one of the prequel trilogy movies used more pratical effects than all of the original trilogy combined for models and miniatures(Mon Espa, Geonosis, Mustafar), while Millenium Falcon became less and less of a practical set as the time progressed, and after the first Falcon was destroyed they made a second one, which ultimately cost too much to move around. So for many scenes (especially in Return Of The Jedi). 3. Don't speak for everybody because I know a plenty of people who love the politics in the prequels(including myself) so it's a matter of an opinion. Palpatine's rise to power is the greatest thing to ever come out of prequels story-wise.



    TCW was - in my own opinion - the worst. The movie is supposed to be about the Clone Wars, but we see the clones for only some 5-15 minutes total, and the clone Wars only start at the end of the movie and get some 5 minutes of screentime.

    The movie was a pilot episode to show how the show play out. People loce the tv show not the movie.

    The rest is a really badly written love pre-story for Anakin and Padme and Obi-Wan's investigation that's equally as uninteresting. The cgi were cartoony and the actors sometimes couldn't act in their environment because of it. Only really good thing about it, save for the Battle of Geonosis and the duel with Dooku was the part when Anakin was saving his mother

    That's a matter of opinion, as for me I loved how the movies portrayed Anakin as a mentally ill man that was neglected by his "friends" or Obi-Wan becoming a detective for one arc. Orginal Trilogy's practical sets were just as cartoony(ANH and ROTJ).


    I love both Star Wars trilogies, but both of them are imperfect and have similar problems. That's all what I had to say.

    z3filus, Smoo and dg1995 like this
  6. The problem with Lucas is that despite being the creator of the SW universe (as with most creators in fact), his ideas are pretty limited overall. He made the original Star Wars as pretty much a one-shot thing, but once he saw how it became popular, he started thinking up more and more stuff, eventually losing the string, and turning it into something entirely different. This is mainly why all the post-OT (if not post Empire) stuff created by him gets more and more silly, absurd, or is good but just too different. Also, why he didn't participate in the making of the 80% of the old EU.

    Everyone says Disney are ruining the franchise, but everyone is overlooking the fact that Disney actually are working closely with Lucas, so there's nothing they're bringing to the table that was not his idea initially, save maybe for the lame ass SJW bullshit.

    orginal trilogy is just as silly and as badly written as the prequels, the recent hate to prequels comes from a certain nitpicking movie critic *cough*Plinkett*cough*. Prequels saw a giant success world wide when they were released(especially revenge of the sith) .
  7. I know it wasn't asked of me, but it's too good a question to waste ^_^

    Basically, it was boring, superficial, and didn't focus nearly enough on the clones and the wars - it was all Jedi, and bs politics and economics. I'm not talking of just TCW cartoon,

    Wars are largely based on economics and politics, it's not just two armies having at it at themselves. It's also much more interesting(and also based on  the reality) for Palpatine to gain power through sheer deception rather than just conquering stuff like some generic warlord. But like I said, it's not a good topic to cover this. 

    Jeff likes this
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