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Everything posted by Xeby

  1. Yes it is... well... i don't have another one..
  2. No problem... i have that skin..
  3. You don't have Maul Killer...? It is on JK3.filefront...
  4. Ohh.. my... This saber will epic dangerous ! i gonna make a white color ! Kylo Ren has no chance on this duel ! Jesus is more than a force user ! Where i download that model of Him?!
  5. Yes i have it.. But Savage Opress or something like that.. is better
  6. Yes.. this is the good one.
  7. This Grievous has 4 arms??
  8. I don't think so...
  9. Well.. no... nevermind... but this model of Bastila do you have it?
  10. That is not JKhub...
  11. JKhub have this model of Grievous..? i find it on my external HDD..
  12. ​Well Done ! From my point of view this model is perfect !
  13. I tested that desert_gear model and is not that cool... Anyway... This is a chest monitor update:
  14. This is not Darth Vader.. This is Shredder from Ninja Turtles ... LOL !
  15. Well.. i don't know about co.cc.. but .tk is a domain name changer from www.anakin.co.cc to www.anakin.tk , if i am not mistaken.
  16. ​He looks like my Kylo Ren model ..where is the link to download from?
  17. LOL ! Dark_Apprentice tricks me! i didn't read all info.. of server shutdown.
  18. LOL ! @@dark_apprentice tricks me! JKHub is not going anywhere. The free web hosting service is gone. That's all.
  19. I already have the sounds of Starkiller... thanks.
  20. Has been approved this morning.. Have Fun !
  21. What @@dark_apprentice means is this: A modification for concussion weapon to fire direct blast/explosion without the blue projectile, because the force users can't push an explosion. I know its looks like a suicide weapon.. but we gonna use god mode..
  22. No problemo... i like perfectionist people..
  23. I see what you mean but... the armor must be more visible than the hood... so... i like this way...
  24. Today i modify the animation for gla file of lord_stalker and error appears again. So.. is working only with default _humanoid file.
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