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Everything posted by Scooper

  1. Hi, welcome to the forums. *coughniceavatarcough*
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pWriV8i7pM Welcome
  3. I think the top picture looks like a giant fan/turbine.
  4. Check jampconfig.cfg in base folder (and any mod you are playing's folder) and see if r_primitives is set to something other than 0? Though I don't think that should remove the splash screen, worth looking into though.
  5. Well my point is that what he has posted an image of, and explained, is not possible with brushes. So there is no point in "making it work". The only plausible solution is to use patches, but I'm not sure if that would allow him to get twisting rectangles either. Since they are rendered as triangles as well. (Assuming I've understood him correctly and what he wants IS in fact effectively twisting rectangles.)
  6. You guys realize that I've already posted in this topic what's going on right?
  7. It's probably adding that line because you are creating an "impossible" rectangular shape. For it to remain perfectly flat, all the 4 corner vertices need to be in the same plane in 3D space. What you're doing is offsetting one of the corners so it's no longer in the same plane as the others. You can visualize this by using your own fingers to form a rectangle/square. Then bend one of your wrists so it simulates one of the corners being moved. If you look at your hands from a different angle now, you'll see that it's creating that bend that extends outwards. You basically can't make a rectangle and then move only 1 of the corners and expect it to remain a single flat surface. You're basically creating a rectangle that is twisting if you do that, and that's not supported.
  8. Apparently you do. And the reason is that it sounds like an amusing easter egg, and you're the one who gave me the idea, so it'll use your username to ensure finding it! Dedicated to MUG if you want. Though primarily it was a joke, but I might add something related to this at one point. You see another blue flash. How should I know why you danced with a dolphin?
  9. My future programs will from now on intentionally include a feature that randomly picks user to be one of the "Unfortunate Ones". They will have missing stuff. And no one will be able to help them solve it. Having all the letters M U and G in their username will increase the probability of this happening. Having the name MUG will guarantee it. You see a blue flash and all you remember is dancing with a dolphin. Carry on.
  10. iojamp connected to a jampded server. With very low resolution window, it would normally look better =p
  11. Isn't it weird how many people like chocolate? ... NO! They're both great.
  12. I like the idea, though I don't actually play JKA much anymore. Though a HP mod is something I've even considered doing myself at one point. I played a HP game once which was quite fun, the HP world has a lot of potential for fun gameplay. So I'd like to try out your mod if it is completed.
  13. Hi, welcome to the JKHub forums. =]
  14. This is the mental image @KatZ's comment gave me: STOP BEING MEAN TO KATZ!
  15. Considering your name, I'm more interesting in all that candy you are going to start handing out.
  16. Scenario: Using known exploits a user takes over a server, and manages to make it run malicious code. This code is in turn designed to make it so it exploits known vulnerabilities in the clients, making THEM run malicious code. To my current knowledge the above scenario is possible, though I don't exactly remember what the client vulnerability is. So a hacker could pose a threat to people connecting to a server. But this is extremely unlikely to happen, and the exploits would most likely not be able to affect all clients. Maybe just a few that are using XP SP2 or something specific like that. Shellcode isn't always easy to get running. What I've just described has never happened in JKA. At least I haven't heard of it happening. So it's unlikely to happen at all. ...Unless I decide to test it. But that's unlikely too. Tl;dr FEAR ME
  17. It seems to be a recurring act that British children are creepy.
  18. Hi, welcome to JKHub =3
  19. I'm a programmer, not a graphic artist. I can draw a mean stick man in paint though, but it doesn't help me editing this picture. So instead of trying, here's the idea: Butters: I don't watch Dr Who. P.S: The idea was also to edit the burning crusade poster to Dr Who. I could have added the text in paint if I wanted to!
  20. I was supportive of this request, until the part with English voice. <Insert here giant rant towards dubs being the ultimate evil of the universe> I support everything except for the English voice. I'd rather have no Kakashi skin than a Kakashi skin with English voice.
  21. Since Caelum brought it up... That guy XYZ is a real bastard.
  22. Your force storm changed him, he became... a storm. Just look at his avatar.
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