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ShenLong Kazama

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Posts posted by ShenLong Kazama

  1. 01. Select Cloth (Purple object from your screenshot)


    02. Go to "OBJECT MODE (it has a yellow-ish box icon). Click on it and select the 5th menu from bottom to top it should say "Weight Paint"


    03. Go to next menu where you have a BALL in red squares that says "TEXTURE" (from the ViewPort Shading) ----> Select "WIREFRAME"


    04. Now the purple object from your screenshot is going to be BLUE.


    05. Click and hold LEFT Mouse button and move it around the cloth. 


    06. Cloth is going to be RED now. (that means it is weighted and the textures might work)


    07. LOAD the textures


    08. IF DOESN'T WORK: Open your "gamedata/base/models/players/XYZ" folder (the one where your model is located)


    09. Go to the TEXTURE image (for example we will use Darth Vader) "CLOTH.JPG" (this is the picture of Darth Vader's CLOTH in .JPG format or .TGA or whatever you saved it as).


    10. CLICK on the image and DRAG with your MOUSE INSIDE BLENDER.


    11. DROP The image ON the Cloth (the object in PURPLE From your screenshot)


    12. TA-DA, You have fixed it.


    Thanks, i'll keep that in mind for other projects in the future, though i replaced the cloth meshes with another one for now. And now you have Discount Mandalore the Ultimate:



  2. Not sure on 100% if this can help, but you can try to select only the cape of the model (the one in purple color on your screenshot) enter Weight Paint menu (it's just the same place as the edit mode),  select WIREFRAME so you can see only the selected object (it will be colored in blue now) and click on the "Limit selection to visible (clipped with depth buffer) > so you can see every dot/triangle from the cape and color it to RED with "weight paint" (this is a must option, because it will color every part in red and you won't miss anything). Than go back to Object Mode / Texture and it must load it (if not) I guess the cape will be in white so just open the texture for the cape (example: cape_vader.jpg) and drag it with the mouse from your folder inside blender over the cape it will cover it. 


    I don't understand sry, and i'm trying to fix the cloth straps and not the cape. :)

  3. thanks, it seems it wasn't able to guess where the base folder is so I had to manually put in the path. however, I'm not able to import every .glm. like in ModView, for some models I get an error because it has '72 bones' which goes against the regular skeleton and in Blender it only loads the default skeleton with no meshes. any idea how to fix this? (for ModView as well preferably).


    If you get the bone error you probably have the JK2 _humanoid.gla file, which has 53 bones if i remember correctly. Or you have the JA _humanoid.gla and trying to import a model with 53 bones. Make sure you have the matching skeleton. :)

  4. Perhaps I can request a few (if that's okay)?


    - Mercenary Kyle (Infinity Blade's Kyle) versus Dark Troopers

    - Darth Revan dueling Darth Malak to the death on the Starforge

    - Revan and the Exile leading Jedi and Republic troops against the Mandalorians on Malachor V.

    - Ahsoka Tano converting Anakin Skywalker back to the lightside (alternate Star Wars reality)

    - Qui-gon Jinn dueling a fallen Obi-wan Kenobi (alternate Star Wars reality, not sure where a good 'Darth Kenobi' is)

    - Old Ben Kenobi fighting Maul

    - Emperor Katarn fighting Master Luke Skywalker (Darkside ending Katarn from Dark Forces 2 fighting the Episode VII version of Luke)


    Great work, as always! I know that it takes a considerable amount of time and effort, especially depending on how many resources you have.


    (I somehow forgot you did a Maul vs Vader. Sorry.)


    I'll work on it soon.

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