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ShenLong Kazama

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Posts posted by ShenLong Kazama

  1. I have a request for some of your fantastic art!


    - 501st clone troopers hunting down wookie warriors

    - a large assault on kashyyyk by the empire (with 501st clone troopers vs wookies, like in the dark lord novel)

    - an audience before the emperor

    - lord vader as the commander of an stardestroyer


    Thank you real much!


    I'm working on one of them, but i used 501st Stormtroopers rather then Clone Troopers. Hope that's okay.


    Edit: Here it is:





    Delta-573, Jeff, DTIII and 2 others like this
  2. I have a request for some of your fantastic art!


    - 501st clone troopers hunting down wookie warriors

    - a large assault on kashyyyk by the empire (with 501st clone troopers vs wookies, like in the dark lord novel)

    - an audience before the emperor

    - lord vader as the commander of an stardestroyer


    Thank you real much!


    After Tarre Vizsla got approved i can work on it.

  3. I thought I PM'd you this, sorry. It was a really straightforward fix.


    In the two Jedi .skin files, you need to change l_hand,*off and r_hand,*off to l_hand,off and r_hand,off respectively.


    No idea why, but it seems many skins that have those surfaces turned off (because, for example, they're using something different like l_glovehand or whatever) the lightsabers can be invisible if they use the traditional *off format.


    That's why the default and default_hood .skin files don't have the same bug, because they use the l_hand and r_hand surfaces instead of switching them like they are in the Jedi .skin files.


    Thanks. Now the model only needs a shader and i could release it.

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