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ShenLong Kazama

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Posts posted by ShenLong Kazama

  1. Yes, for someone with the proper knowledge it would not be hard at all.


    I would just import the animation and since it'll just be simple bone objects just snap the rig I made in Softimage to the bones in the SWG skeleton to "shadow" it then hit export. It would be even easier if there was some sort of biped rig for SWG then the motion could be transferred in just a few clicks but transferring motion between bones and IK controllers isn't always perfect which is why I'd choose the snapping method. A tad more time but still fairly easy.


    I extracted roughly 1.000 animation files that i deemed useful imo, though i couldn't find the correct humanoid skeleton.

  2. Ya know, the forgotten platform of Yavin 4 and the Death Star bridge from TFU would make great duel maps :rolleyes:

    Also, do you still rig people's characters from TOR?


    They are incomplete and i don't know if it's possible to convert them to a map. No, i'm done ripping models for now.

  3. I suggest to weight the model in wireframe because You can see exactly through whole model. It is very possible that it is inside the head or there is some lost vertex and doubles needs to be removed. 

    Less common issue is that You named vertex group (name of the bone) in the options wrong.


    EDIT: Ok... Emm... Wait what?


    I hoped that i can atleast rig parts of a model, oh well.



  4. @@ShenLong Kazama find and weight the unvweighted Vertex. The error tells you everything you need to know.


    The Hir Mesh has a vertex that isn't weighted to any bone of the skeleton. To fix it all you have to do is weight this vertex to the appropiate bone, which would most likely be the cranium bone.


    I don't how to to weight actually. :ph34r:

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