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ShenLong Kazama

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Everything posted by ShenLong Kazama

  1. If the head doesn't have mouth movement already i can't do it. But i can attach the head.
  2. If you could provide the files i can add the head.
  3. SW:TOR Cartel Market Lightsabers - Defiant Vented Lightsaber, Technographer's Lightsaber, Technographer's Lightsaber Shoto and Unstable Peacemaker Lightsaber http://www.mediafire.com/file/7xlt1od4d20gq14/SWTOR_CM_Lightsabers.rar
  4. Would love to use your Xesh in the artwork stuff, need a new idea aswell.
  5. It's also the canon one, so another reason to get it into JKA.
  6. That's not Revan's head, it is the Male Exile one from KOTOR II.
  7. *When you visit a website and you see something great and unexpected*
  8. SW:TOR Exar Kun http://www.mediafire.com/file/id541214ia0o2dj/SWTOR_Exar_Kun.rar SW:TOR Marka Ragnos http://www.mediafire.com/file/me3ocd9lfab6a51/SWTOR_Marka_Ragnos.rar SW:TOR Naga Sadow http://www.mediafire.com/file/730mp38aayd2m4o/SWTOR_Naga_Sadow.rar
  9. Tusken Raiders encounter a Canyon Krayt Dragon on Tatooine Darth Thanaton using Force Storm
  10. I think you should add armor like in the second picture and the robes should be more grey than brown. Funny though that the mask in the first picture is incorrectly colored.
  11. Doesn't look like the robes he wore during the Mandalorian Wars at all. If you remove the mask it looks like a generic Jedi.
  12. I just ripped the model from the new Flashpoint. Was actually more of a coincidence since i intended to rip Umbara assets only.
  13. Umbaran Soldier http://www.mediafire.com/file/is06n1qqkqeq35s/Umbaran_Soldier.rar
  14. Kreel sees the new slave (Luke) Kreel training Luke to prepare him for combat in the arena Kreel and his troops wiped out Grakkus' droids and guards and are now going to arrest him
  15. This one perhaps? http://www.mediafire.com/file/q5muhcse7blta9j/Canyon_Krayt_Dragon.rar
  16. You can do creatures aswell? How about a Krayt Dragon?
  17. I gave him permission to upload them to his dropbox since he basically made the model working for Jedi Academy, check his dropbox if more are there. The link can be found in his own WIP thread.
  18. Jeff rigged some models for me, but rigging is a time consuming process so he can't and shouldn't do every single one.
  19. AT-XT Walker and Basilisk War Droid from Star Wars: Galaxies
  20. Jeff had no problems, and he rigged various of the models i posted. You probably did something wrong.
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