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ShenLong Kazama

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Everything posted by ShenLong Kazama

  1. Do you mean your character? I can't do that, but i could recreate your character and rip this char then.
  2. Ripped my character from SW:TOR. Btw. anyone willing to rig a few models?
  3. Managed to rip some models, i hope the turquoise textures are normal.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tempust85


      Not sure, I don't rip models so I can't help you about the missing textures. For the various parts, just import them into the one scene in your 3d package and export to ASE or MD3. Just make sure none of the parts are over 1,000 verts.

    3. AshuraDX


      if you send me the textures I'll examine them and figure out what they are, could be normal maps but a normal map woudl usually be purplish and not turqouise. So I'd expect it's a combination of Spec, Gloss and AO.

    4. ShenLong Kazama

      ShenLong Kazama

      Thanks for the offer Ashura but i found the correct textures now. Still some parts of the Eternal Throne are still missing.

  4. Great, found good models but capitalism strikes again. https://www.gmodstore.com/community/threads/2556-ill-rip-models-from-swtor

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. McGroose


      I agree that capitalism>all, but one model isn't worth $10.

      I guess you wouldn't mind slapping a fee on all of the mods here, right?

      Hey, it's just a $10 fee, right? If you can't afford it, "you've got some serious life problems".

    3. ShenLong Kazama

      ShenLong Kazama

      @minilogoguy18 So not wanting to pay for models equals life problems? What is wrong with you?

    4. minilogoguy18


      I'm just saying, if you want it bad enough but don't want to do it yourself then you'll pay. Someone obviously is taking a skill they've learned that not everyone has and is using it. People may not like it but they're still taking time out of their lives to do something for someone else. People could charge for models here if they wanted, I'd only do it though if it were a request or something, not something I actually wanted to make.

  5. Tar Vizla DL link. http://www.mediafire.com/file/lc5le4kclr9r5sb/SLK_TarVizsla.pk3
  6. Relics of the Clone Wars on Geonosis Luke and a gamorrean guard in the Rancor Pit
  7. Kit Fisto underwater Anakin fighting against a Magnaguard on the upside down bridge of the Invisible Hand Darth Vader using Force Lightning against mercenaries Death Star Skirmish A group of Jawas traversing through a giant field of shipwrecks
  8. Chirrut Îmwe, if he would've been a Jedi, fought against Imperial Stormtroopers
  9. There's a Chirrut model already, from Claim's Rogue One pack. I used that model's head for this one.
  10. https://p3dm.ru/files/characters/human/7322-ultimate-good-.html If you find someone who can rig it you're good to go.
  11. Armored Inquisitor, or Starkiller's Elite, whatever
  12. Only found this one. The others are already on the site.
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