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ShenLong Kazama

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Everything posted by ShenLong Kazama

  1. I'm working on one of them, but i used 501st Stormtroopers rather then Clone Troopers. Hope that's okay. Edit: Here it is:
  2. Not really, first i need to learn to make custom animations.
  3. Thanks. Darth Jadus wrecked the Zakuulan invaders Arcann and Thexan facing off against Jadus Arcann & Thexan's Overkill
  4. I'd make a Scarif map or convert the one from Battlefront, but i can't map for shit.
  5. Creative Freedom. Director Krennic and Grand Admiral Thrawn having a conversation
  6. Palpatine at Vader's mercy, the latter being aided by the vengeful ghosts of Dooku and Maul
  7. Chill, Jeff didn't exactly say he's done for good, perhaps he just needs some time to recharge. And the thread title can stay. If your grandma would say she's got a headache, you wouldn't bury her in the backyard immediately would you?
  8. Sorry i went to sleep. Jeff made it so you should ask him, or offer him his soul, whatever you'd prefer. Fixed.
  9. Arcann fighting Sith in the Academy on Korriban Thexan decimating Sith in the Academy on Korriban
  10. In the Temple of Sacrifice Operation Revan wielded two red bladed lightsabers and two additional ones telekinetically, that being his purple one and Malak's old blue lightsaber respectively.
  11. Arcann, Thexan and the Knights of Zakuul discuss their strategies
  12. Kanan faces an Inquisitor, while another one approaches by
  13. Obi Wan Kenobi defeated Maul and put their long rivalry to rest
  14. Did you release it? Would be great for a new artworkstuffidontwhatitscalledtobehonestsorry.
  15. Btw. didn't you work on a Skytrooper aswell?
  16. Thanks. Now the model only needs a shader and i could release it.
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