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Everything posted by JAWSFreelao

  1. Wrong thread rookie. This belongs in mod requests.
  2. Okay so basically just erase everything until I have the shape I need?
  3. So hypothetically- if I wanted to change this to, let's say, Wolffe's visor- how would I do it? Same way I would o. neoMarz' helmets?
  4. Hang on. I'll do it and PM you the file.
  5. I can teach you how to do that right here. Just follow my instructions.1) Open the model_default skin file. 2) there should be a line involving the word cape in there somewhere. 3) in the line with cape, erase all the words (in THAT line only), place a comma and asterisk after that..after the asterisk put the word "off" (no quotation marks) and it shohld disappear
  6. I think I can do that, just need to find myself some more reference shots of the bottom
  7. Well what clones do you guys want? I know Barricade has the 212th and the Wolfpack under control.
  8. I kinda wanna make stuffs again. Any requests
  9. It's already released. Just look in my thread
  10. Just frankenstein it over onto this model.
  11. I don't have any requests honestly. I think it is legit as is.
  12. Okay more about the Kanan no eyes thing: Commander wolffe had/has a cybernetic eye so I don't know why he gets the douchey Cyclops like visor.
  13. Pardon the bump Circa. How are things?
  14. Jeff isn't like that. Jeff is chill as fuck.
  15. . Not really messed up to have an opinion. He says what he said because he feels it detracts from works of great guys- Toshi, Hash, DT, even Psk0. I think porting is GREAT when there are rare assets people wish to get their hands on, but the excess of models being ported (like the Savage Opress) just took away from the one DT made- literally from scratch. So yeah, it is getting a lil overboard. I think it's a great stepping stone to learn how to model- same way Seven has developed his modeling by doing sabers (which are fucking kickass, by the way).
  16. @@Seven you're fine dude. I think Jeff was referring else where.
  17. Preach it Jeff. So many people are just taking the easy route out for models and while some ports are fine there is a serious excess lately.
  18. Here. This might help you with all your requests.
  19. I honestly still think he could be whiter
  20. I'm just messing bud but the shadows around his eyes looks kinda funny, might just be me tho.
  21. Jesus Jeff. Kicking ass even with work.
  22. I didn't know Luke had downs
  23. At least learn to kitbash.
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