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Everything posted by afi

  1. When it comes to a project using the Jedi Knight combat to make a modern game I'd gladly help out. I would have already started something like this if I was good in coding. Making it completely open source and let everyone contribute would be a good idea then (as mentioned). But again, porting content from Jedi Knight 2 or even just using intellectual property will lead to problems if the project attracts some attention. Personally I would focus completely on the multiplayer and rebuild some of the JKA/JK2 maps.
  2. What makes JKA and JKO truly unique is the saber system. But of course saber + guns wouldn't hurt either. It couldn't have any releation to Star Wars tho or Disney would sue you.
  3. Exactly this would be a personal dream. I think it would be possible but organizing and finding people to contribute would take a lot of time and effort.
  4. I wouldn't even care for Star Wars, a saber melee game with UE4 graphics would be neat.
  5. It's the same in the multiplayer code
  6. Sith Council v2 was always my favorite on FFA
  7. afi


    You can make that easily with a script. "-speed ; cl_yawspeed -7200 ; com_maxfps 40; wait 2; +left; wait 2 ; -left ; com_maxfps 125"
  8. "Jedi Academy was never as ambitious as true multiplayer games like Battlefront, since it was designed primarily as a singleplayer game" ok
  9. Thanks, that's definitely more than I need
  10. Does anyone what's the maximum value for "wait" on func_buttons in gtkradiant?
  11. Btw I'm searching for a solution without scripting
  12. Hi, is it possible to make a door (or a trigger) that only gets activated when you press several buttons at the same time? Or at least after several buttons were pressed?
  13. Yes, if the "open" world consists of hundreds of smaller maps
  14. Dunno, Jedi Knight in another engine without strafe-jumping would probably work but the combat would most likely be shit anyway (see other thread)
  15. So I finally saw Rogue One... I was very sceptical, especially because I didn't like Episode VII very much. But it's bloody amazing, maybe (I'm not kidding) the best SW-movie so far.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cerez


      Pfft! The hype's talking.

    3. Onysfx


      Glad you liked it, but I thought it was even worse than EP7.

    4. JediBantha


      *Goes to see Ep. 7, watches a shitty version of Ep. 4*

  16. The major problem with all this is: AAA games nowadays are boring and uninspired. So no major developer/publisher should be involved in making a new Jedi Knight game. But an indie developer will never have the right to make a SW game (especially now as EA holds the rights). That's why I don't even wanna see a new JK game at this point.
  17. I see no reason why cg_fov shouldn't be saved tbh. Are you talking about singleplayer or multiplayer btw?
  18. They don't, but they own the exclusive rights to make SW-games
  19. I thought I was in the wrong thread... this discussion again?
  20. There have been several topics with "essential" mods in the past
  21. I didn't really do a lot of work on this anymore except for some more user-inputs like amount of brushes (so far it was only depending on the mapsize). I would really like to do a gui but I dunno how much work it would be to make a gui out of a console program, also I don't have any experience with that. Anyway, I wanted to share some maps that I released for Quake Live Race based on this tool. They are surprisingly fun to play. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=799894405 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=739673225 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=800285803 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=801283033
  22. Awesome, I remember the old thread. I searched for it once but didn't find it. Would be cool if you could make a Quake 3/live version of that
  23. The only thing that might be worth thinking about would be a free version of Jedi Academy (like openArena for Quake 3). It wouldn't even be complicated, just very time consuming replacing all the original assets.
  24. JK5 you mean Seeing all these remakes, reboots and sequels of old game series that happened in the last years or are about to be released (System Shock, Thief, Quake, Unreal, Deus Ex, Battlefront, Tomb Raider, Wolfenstein, Turok etc) I kinda begin to think that a reboot of Jedi Knight wouldn't even be that unlikely. Not a sequel (who want's to continue a 15 year old story?) but a completely new game with some references to the old games. Not saying that this is happening but if anything I expect a reboot.
  25. I was active in 1.00 until 2007/2008. Don't remember many people anymore but I know I played in clans like XIII for quite some time. Also SJM, HF, JKG, LF and Delta.S. I think at some point I was also in Clerics or at least I was friend with some of them.
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