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    So many happy childhood memories
  1. Kinda sad that I missed this, but I'm delighted that it happened! Thank you to everyone who keeps this game and community alive.
  2. Petzi


    There's a github with updated source code: https://github.com/AlexCSilva/ModWooty
  3. So I found this game called Vertex and it looks a lot like JK2 and JKA, so I thought I'd share. It's still in development, but you can try it out for free. EDIT: So plenty of people in the community already know about this game, as I should have known, but hopefully this post will reach some of the people who didn't know about it. https://playvertex.com/
  4. This is very cool! I have some similar documentation in my old hard drive, I should check and see if there's anything I can contribute.
  5. Hey, for anyone interested, a guy named George is currently hosting a Modwooty server, join us on Discord if you'd like to play: https://discord.gg/HX3Gb4
  6. Smoo was dabbling in the source code, he'll probably be interested in this revival ? Thanks for setting up the server, it brings back memories!
  7. I believe that's a local IP address, so it doesn't work for people outside your local network. Check your external IP on www.whatismyip.com
  8. I saw your comment on Youtube! I can't see the server, sadly, neither in JKA nor in the JKHub Master List.
  9. Sorry for going off-topic, but does it really make a difference, in this day and age? I mean, it's seems perfectly wise not to post your email in public forums, but if I go check my spam folder, I get like 5 spam emails per day, and it's rare for one to get past Google's filter. Aren't all our email addresses already on every single list of addresses to spam?
  10. Update! I've finally uploaded the mod files. Thanks to everyone for your kind feedback I want to remind you all that the source code is included, if anyone is crazy enough to check it out! Unfortunately, I edited the submission and it seems JKHub requires it to be re-approved every time you edit it, so you might not be able to see it until they do. Hopefully it will be quick, though! I'll avoid editing in the future.
  11. Petzi

    Ninja Mod

    This should be in the Server-Side section :/ Great mod!
  12. Petzi



    The author of this mod is a man named Bubba (by himself, as far as I know). It ran for several years on a server called Jawascript, almost always in Power Duel, on a particular map. The server has since vanished, along with the mod's website and the author himself. If anyone can contact him, please let me know, as I'm very curious about this mod's history! Anyway, at some point I downloaded the mod's files from the website, so I decided not to let them become publicly unavailable (after waiting the 30 days required by JKHub). Mod Description I would describe ModWooty as a fighting game fever dream. The combat is radically different from normal JKA. You'll be completely perplexed at first: strange messages appear, your character will do weird animations and sounds, attacks don't do what you expect and your lightsaber won't stop you from getting insta-killed by someone using only their fists. Then you'll open the console and actually use the help commands to get an idea of what's going on. Your username is like a permanent account. There are stats like money, experience, karma, dexterity and endurance, which affect your speed, size, hp, weapons, force powers, etc. You bind hadoken and crane and debugthrow and start using them, along with the JK2-style kick. You discover that using hadoken mid-air restores your Force, so you can recover from falling into the pit. You discover that LEFT+DOWN+CROUCH+ATTACK does a hand-stand attack that knocks down your opponents. Then you start team-killing your allies and innoncent jawas because you want to bring down your karma so you can use some force power or whatever. Well, at least that's what MY experience was like, more or less. ModWooty is a very deep and very fun fighting game and the most fun thing about it is discovering all of its secrets. But it's also unforgiving: new players get utterly destroyed. And spectators can possess you, or buy guns for your opponent. Probably worst of all, you can actually BUY sub-admin powers with gold (not real money, of course) and then do things like mute other players. Like I said, it's lots of fun and allows you to improve through practice and by observing better players, all while discovering more mechanics. I still don't know what the red and blue bars (originally used for the jetpack and the cloak) mean in ModWooty. The original server also had two bots that talked to you: McWooty (Admin) and Bride of Ms. Wooty. They are dearly missed! Note on the files: not all the files have the same version number, so there might be small differences between them. I might not have downloaded all the files at the same time, so that may be the cause. It shouldn't cause any problems, just be aware of that if you're actually crazy enough to dive into the source code. Oh yeah, that's right! The source code is available! Time to turn and burn!
  13. I sent you the files by PM I'm looking forward to it!
  14. In two weeks, you'll have it! Well, actually, I can send it to you sooner, I just can't upload it to JKHub yet. Will you really host a server?
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