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Everything posted by MUG

  2. Mainly because I don't know how to make a shader that just shows an image xD
  3. So, for base customisation, lots of the same parts are used over and over on many models and as such I have hundreds of icon files, nearly all of which are exact duplicates of others and make the mod huge. Say I have an icon for the reborn called icon_torso_a1.jpg and I have given the jedi model the same torso option under the name torso_a1.skin Is it possible to make a shader called models/players/jedi/icon_torso_a1 and have it just display the same image file from the reborn folder, without me having to make a copy of the jpg in the jedi folder?
  4. Well, I personally don't have the skills to make them, not being a Photoshop wizard, and its a bit late to add any now anyway's, as the map is basically completed.
  5. Would be good to have a screenshot of that email about for people so they can be sure they have proof =P
  6. Aye, I suppose you could even do it on one key with vstrs.
  7. The music's good. However, whilst I can handle him speaking in an american accent on House...his american singing voice is......... ...
  8. Well yeah, but it wouldn't change automatically when changing between third and first person =P
  9. that was so magnificent that laughed so much that i am currently having a full blown asthma attack while weeping
  10. Presumably in the server that @@Akimoto hasn't yet set up xD
  11. http://jkhub.org/area51/topic/384-anyone-here-good-with-efx-and-want-to-collaborate/
  12. around 7 minutes in. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vq8B7kJJCIE
  13. Fine with me, but would be nice if I got some kind of credit for the idea, but I won't cry too much if I don't.
  14. Well if you were wanting to use a shader light, why not just apply it to the texture on your actual light source, instead of making a separate invisible one?
  15. I would never stop playing it.
  16. how about no.
  17. Dammit, I didn't want to do this, but now I need to explain every reason why hydro ball is nothing like Quiddich, because the nerd in me wont let this pass xD First off, there are the extra goals you mentioned. Additionally, in Quiddich, you cannot dive at another player and tackle them causing them to drop the ball, nor are you allowed to punch them xD. There are 4 balls in Quiddich, two of which fly around trying to attack players, as such, there are two players on each team WITH BATS who attempt to smash them at other players. In Hydroball you win by scoring a certain number of goals. In Quiddich, another special player has to catch another special ball to end the game. Don't make me go on, i feel nerdy enough as it is T_T. Frankly, Hydroball is closer to basketball than Quiddich.
  18. Other than the fact that there is a ball and you can move in 3 dimensions, its nothing like Quiddich =P. <3 Yeah, we just need someone to set up a server.
  19. Odd. What do you actually need this for?
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jt__jKWoYH8 A new Muse song at long last.
  21. have you tried just taking the shader for nodraw, caulk or trigger etc and adding the surface light stuff?
  22. As I recall, you basically have to get 3ds max. as for: "ARR!"
  23. A client side thing that let you choose how unknown models are displayed would be awesome. you could just have a cvar "unknown_model" and you give it a model code. Could leave it blank to give players a randomised model.
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