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Everything posted by MUG

  1. I would make it metallic and give it a shiny shader =P I would also consider keeping a version at that length, to have it exactly like the logo. looks badass btw.
  2. I'm guessing it is how you describe, yes. The last one will be alpha prolly. The way to find out? SCIENCE. Go forth and test. =P
  3. Also suggestion. Move to Media. oh ty.
  5. Aye, if you are publicly releasing a file made out of other peoples stuff that ain't so grand, but I think lots of people would want to do that for a personal model. Myself, I have plans involving making some base models more easily customisable and take my base customisation mod a step further =P...among other things =P But yes, a tutorial that can actually be followed which tells you how to actually get a working model into the game, in combination with that importer, would be one of the sexiest things on this site xD
  6. If you did all this, I would forever love you. As currently if I were to start creating some of the models I have planned, it would largely be re-weighting things.
  7. Hey there, Sir, and welcome. Does that include player-modelling? Cause we totally need a tutorial for that =P
  8. Well, I've finished making all the parts and icons for version 3. You can run all of the species at once without a problem, but if you are using a big species mod such as jedi customisation plus, you will hit the species limit. Here is the species list: Reborn Jedi Jedi Trainer Bespin Cop Rebel Rebel Pilot Stormpilot Chiss Wequay Trandoshan Boba Fett Luke Kyle Galak Imperial Stormtrooper Imperial Worker
  9. uh...yes?
  10. Pretty sure you can only animate the first person view of guns.
  11. MUG

    I'm back

    Waddap =P
  12. kay http://jkhub.org/area51/tutorials/article/69-mapping-video-tutorial-series/
  13. This is the part where me and Mag argue over which of us you were refering to. Clearly me though. >.>
  14. also The Great and Fearsome Cosmos Clanmap. Rest in Peace my friend... (missing rock textures...) FFA3 + Roof (prolly will never get this ina compileable state) Starship Mosquito Random Yavin Map
  15. I tried this, but it always says "can't load bsp" or some such thing if i load the bsp both on the server and the client without packing them that'd explain a lot T_T "FIX IT RAZOR" =P
  16. When i attempt to start a local game via the multiplayer menus or with /devamp, my game crashes. It's happened for as long as i can remember. To get around this i have just been launching a dedicated local server and connecting to it. Obviously, this is far from convenient for testing stuff, seeing as it means i have to throw all my bsps into pk3s in order for maps to load etc. Anyone know why this happens?
  17. not sure how doable that is, however....you could have a saber blade ignite down that gap in the middle =O
  18. That would be awesome. Preferably with two versions, one with the blade from the logo, and one with a saber blade =P
  19. http://jkhub.org/are...species-limits/ Aye, there are limits to the number of custom species one can have. In fact, having jedi+sith customisation both at once is enough to push you over the limits. However, with base customisation alone, there simply aren't enough customisationificationable models in base to hit that limit. As far as I am aware, having tons of extra parts shouldn't effect how many species show up, that should only effect the maximum number of parts per species (if there is such a limit, that is, I am yet to hit it with 80+ parts per model). Additionally, the mod only consists of .skin files and icon files added to existing models' folders, so there is no increase in models in the game. I'm also toying with the idea of splitting it between two pk3s for "core" species and "expanded" species (with the less likely to be used characters), that way if people have lots of other custom models, they can remove the expanded pk3.
  20. I think quite a few of those would be easy to do as reskins.
  21. Just cause he stole the whole M_G name format T_T. Besides, we all know that its Cael that everyone is after.
  22. Dudes, underwater, two goals, one ball. Much punching, tackling and throwing of balls.
  23. Nuff said.
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