Aye, there are limits to the number of custom species one can have. In fact, having jedi+sith customisation both at once is enough to push you over the limits. However, with base customisation alone, there simply aren't enough customisationificationable models in base to hit that limit. As far as I am aware, having tons of extra parts shouldn't effect how many species show up, that should only effect the maximum number of parts per species (if there is such a limit, that is, I am yet to hit it with 80+ parts per model). Additionally, the mod only consists of .skin files and icon files added to existing models' folders, so there is no increase in models in the game. I'm also toying with the idea of splitting it between two pk3s for "core" species and "expanded" species (with the less likely to be used characters), that way if people have lots of other custom models, they can remove the expanded pk3.