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File Comments posted by Oobah

    JA FFA Deathstar

       1,463    7

    If it is something that outright breaks the game or becomes to much of a burden on those that either actively play it or host it on a server such as crashing or people really are just frustrated instead of general nitpickery, then yes I can recompile it with what some might consider "a fix".


    Chairs are just added and they turn on/off and again keeping them without clip no matter how many times I recompile the content.  Geometry related brush issues or the map randomly crashes at points is completely different from something like the chairs which is optional/cosmetic.


    Also, you have to remember the mapping tool or setup they used at Raven Software is different from what we have which is typically GTK Radiant and they calculate things out differently I'm sure in regards to how certain things function or work in regards to the compiling process or how there tools looked/setup things on the mapping related portions.



    I wonder if they had a built in sandbox in there tools as well or maybe if it was on the level of a live kinda mapping tool in line with the modern UDK, or maybe more sandboxy with you can click and position all the light diamonds, .ents, etc live in the sandbox mode instead of doing it all via the core builder portion of it.  But that's getting way more off topic.


    Daedra likes this

    JA FFA Bespin

       620    6

    You can honestly have both variations or versions, whatever you wish to call it, in a single base folder.  This copy is more independant with the core assets from JO in an individual folder instead of wedging/reusing assets that already come with the base game that were also present in JO.  Test it out and compare/constrast what is different.  You can spot the differences pretty easily if you have the eyes/ears to notice.


    As for what is better or what have you, that's up for the user to decide.  Any alterations from the original to this are purely cosmetic but still in line with the final release copy that came with base JO and the general star wars theme.


    Any issues/disagreements with older content between JO and JA is due to older game engine and the files created were done in a different time and place.  Both are respective in terms of better in regards to what people settled into enjoying more.  Same general argument/view in regards to older patch versions vs. later patches and mods.

    JA FFA Bespin

       620    6


    Most people do direct copy paste of it.  Problem is you get a bloated pk3 with all the specific folders where as this is a direct map port AKA remapped, cleaned up textures, improved lighting for JA, and so forth.  The original map alone had a few little bugs as it is which I also fixed but beyond that this actual port is properly setup for JA where as copy and past is all well and good (which tons of people have done through the years) the problem is you end up with bloated pk3 files with tons of assets copied over (lazily by folks).  Where as this just takes the key assets and migrates a few others to JA textures such as the flares and in doing so the download size for this in comparison is much smaller.


    The other problem is for direct copy paste laziness is people don't know the specific assets to copy over so they tend to copy full things over and this can run into file conflictions with base things where as this just used the key missing textures from JO with the rest already in base JA.  No point bloating up a file with assets that are already in the core game as well.


    Also some key things from JO are different such as how elevators work, toggle switches/doors, and an older setup for map lighting.  No reason for not doing a direct port because you can basically modernize it while keeping it in line with the original version.  Where as copy paste just seems lazy for someone whose gotten as far as I have with mapping now.  Smaller pk3 file size, cleaned up little bugs, better map lighting, some atmospheric changes, and a little bit cleaner presentation on textures.  Original map lighting was setup for the on base JO standard which kinda adds a sorta high gamme/brightness look to the map lighting (can't remember the command for it but JA has it also).  Were as JA didn't rely upon that and this is why if you turn it off in JO or copy paste/port it to JA you see a major different in map lighting being a lot darker compared to that setting on by default in JO.  JOs lighting is a bit more primitive compared to JAs hence why they used that command to bump up the birghtness of the maps, as well as lighting JO sometimes you get random colour changes at certain light diamonds on certain textures with random red/blue showing up.  JA remedied this as well and there is no point in not giving the map a more modern/proper face lift to make use of JAs improved mapping.


    It didn't come by default to JA so less you either played the original in JO, a copy paste job in JA, most people will only see this as new content in JA they can make use of that fits into the star wars theme as well as the custom game mode support by default.  No one has done proper ports of old JO content to JA cause people either don't have the skills or are to lazy to do so.  The Academy maps for example started out based on a yavin style temple, is a JO version of it.  Most likely it was based off the idea of yavin_temple from JO and even those that are ported/remapped to JA they always look a lot different from the original counterpart.  Most people these days live on base maps anyway so no one is really going to care in the grand scheme probably about hosting content from another time and place.




    Proper port looks/functions better, copy pasteing old assets onto something newer is pure laziness.

    Maksman likes this

    JA FFA Deathstar

       1,463    7

    Chair is for people with mods, meditation sitting in chairs looks really stupid as it does ugly.  If you want to sit in the chair use a mod with a chair sit animation like JA+.


    If he got stuck some brush work that is due to multiple reasons and chances are it is due to brush work that is at a odd like angle of sorts.  Game engine has a bit of a hard time calculating out different angled brushes that aren't straight foreward such as anything between 0-90 and 90-180 and so forth.  Those in between angles can effect player movement but only if you run into them on purpose or get shoved into them whatever.  I never ran into that cause I didn't go out of my way to run into those, also npcs just mostly go on a run path as it is where as live players in most mp based mods have grapple and try to move/jump in different directions so I don't see it as a major problem, let alone a need to do another full recompile at this time.

    Player Size Reference

       226    8

    The red player spawn ent is already a good size indictation (even models aren't perfect so bare with me) of rougly the ceiling height to that of the floor and such.  But sometimes a specific player model spawn can aid as well.  But it all comes down to specificly what people are trying to create and give to the community.  Even crouch positions you can look at anyones map sources to get an idea of things like that.


    Most people start out creating maps for example on a larger scale.  But people who map on smaller scales are getting into specifics such as filling more rooms with specific things like chairs, desks, bookshelfs, etc.  And specifics take a lot more practice than the larger creations due to things needing setup that aren't in a way but don't make an area/room feel empty.  This is why the red ent still works fine regardless of how big or small of the size.  The best people don't create work souly upon other peoples works but also upon there interpretations of it and how they portray that.  But it takes practice and work to reach higher points to breath more life into it.  But I do applaud people releasing works in ANY way shape/form that aid people to reach those points of things that brings more peoples imaginations to life.

  1. Default readme in the zip file I uploaded was just this:


    No one ever looks at these.


    Considering the main page itself already provides a readme.  Readme inside a zip folder is simply overkill.  No point in reading the same information, twice.


    Someone changed it and added the extra information at the bottom(probably forgot to change that part) that has nothing to do with the file itself.  Talk to jkhub about it, they're the ones who put it in there, not me.


    Make this easy for some folks:


    Take your original or whatever custom animations you have in your base folder for the JA+ mod, take those out of the base folder, put these in the base folder in place of it.  If you get sick of these, just replace/delete these animations and put back in whatever other animations you had in the base folder.  It's that simple.


    Also if you notice your character moving in different ways when you exit the emote, that's because Slider had another animation play after you stopped using the emote(amdie your character jumps off the ground, etc), I didn't alter the ending animations in any way so you will still see the original way which your character unemotes.  These emotes just replace the core animations with a different one and for others, 3 new ones(2 of which are based off JO animations, 1 of which is more for an RP).


    Since MP goes off, for players, the _humanoid file.  More than one _humanoid in the base folder at the same time can lead to conflictions and things not working properly or as smoothly.  Anyone else needs help, feel free to ask.

  2. Keep up the good work!


    For those who are confused.  File is currently, quite literally, 170kb's archived, 466kb's unpacked.


    The .jar file is the server browser itself.  The .ini is for setting up the file pathing to your game clients for JO/JA as well as setting up for which game client you want it to read to first.


    JO = Ouned

    JA = Hub


    Can save direct IP's to the favorite list, it's a simple notepad file so you can copy and paste all server IP's directly to that.

    Also you can add a custom master list to it as well incase the hub or ouned goes down.  The default masterlist is also supported by this browser.

    You can join games directly via the browser as well so you don't need to in any way go in game to see servers, you can just load up the .jar file and see all servers that are currently up and running via this little tiny server browser.  If anyone is stuck or curious feel free to ask. :winkthumb:


    Since by default this master list is setup to start the ouned 1.04 JO server list.  Change your settings .ini under the game file paths to this for JA 1.01 jkhub master list.


    Browser can also filter empty and bot only servers to show only the servers that have real players currently in game as well.  So no more having to deal with people padding servers with bots to get people to join. :rolleyes:

    #Change default selected version (versions: jk2 1.04 = 0, jk2 1.02 = 1, jka 1.00 = 2, jka 1.01 = 3)
    version = 3
    #Change default masterserver (0 = masterjk2.ravensoft.com, 1 = master.ouned.de, 2 = master.jkhub.org, 3 = custom masterserver)
    masterserver = 2
    #Enable botfilters on startup (0 = no filters, 1 = empty&bot, 2 = empty)
    botfilter = 0
    Smoo, Grenixal and Futuza like this

    Massassi Temple

       4,741    17

    * The game still crashes for me after I spawn some npc. I cant spawn any npc because it crash the game


    The map has a lot of entity's bordering on the games entity limitis so chances are that's why your crashing, since anything outside of map brush work is an entity in the game.  Game itself can't handle to many more entity's on the map itself.  Only npc spawns that was tested with was the remote droid and I had no problems with that one.


    I recently spawned 4 npcs on my local host and the map and server are still working fine so I don't know specificly what or where your issue is coming from.  Post in the forum topic with more detailed information and I'll see what I can do.

    Massassi Temple

       4,741    17

    Dude this looks AMAZING. Wow well done! You think you could add some bot support to it too? :)


    Bots are largely pointless and annoying.  Not to mention servers that run bots typically do it to pad the in game server list, once players join they typically vanish as well.  I use an out of game server browser which just filters out the empty and bot filled ones with no actual players, so honestly it's not high on my priority list.  If there is map bugs I'll reupload the map and if I remember I'll add in bot routes.

  3. There has been many a good project denied because of admittedly ported models and textures.

    A Dark Trooper model mod (ported from BF2 and DENIED in the forums), is just one example.

    Its not like submitting another authors work when efforts to contact them for permission fail, its a blatant disregard of the copyright laws. Same reason we can't port models from JK2/JK3 and stuff into the old DF2:JK. 


    People have been porting tons of content to all kinds of games for ages now.  It's really a rather pointless and waste of energy argument.  It's more so the players or hosters of the content denying said rights on major file hosting sites, enforcing the IP holders whims, typically since they don't wanna get into trouble or cause issues more so forcing these things.  Since quite honestly NO developer is scanning through every forum and website and place for said content.  Also this does bring up an argument of buying content and ownership and people who download the content do so of there own free will, etc.


    Typically the whole IP issue more so comes into play with generating profit(typically) off anothers work most of the times.  A company can still send out cease and desists and say remove said content but honestly still wont stop the fact the creation and the files itself are released already and downloaded and utilized by said people not to mention the information to port said content is freely accessible to ANYONE out there if they really want to do it as well.  Trying to stop it is a waste of time and energy but it is understandable that places would like to cover there bases.  I acknowledge the ported content and give credit to the people who did it but am I going to specificly dig through game credits and everything to credit specific people who did the mesh, uv, and texture work?  Absolutely not that's a gigantic time waster.  If you already know the content is ported and you don't wanna use it, then don't. 


    Movie Battles 2 has some ported models in it, no one bats an eyelash at it.

    Modd still hosts far as I know the ported playable kotor models done years ago.


    Also porting content to older games means you have to work with that games limitations and restrictions and honestly 3d models for games can only go so far back.  Ported contents been shunned by the face aka the big file hosting site in JK for ages.  That still never stopped servers and people from having said content regardless.  If people want something bad enough, they'll get it.  Considering it's 2014, this isn't filefront anymore and I'm sure more people are level headed enough to say give credit where credit is due.  Mean look at servers and how some admins run them.  Some of them can't even keep the peace on there own servers let alone between there own clan/guild mate/community mates.  How are you going to stop content from other games?  You don't have to like it or accept it.  Just don't download if you don't wanna feel you're apart of that.




    Here's a forum for garry's mod that does nothing BUT port content.



    Maybe it's just me but is steam hosting files that are ported content from Jedi Knight games?  Looks like it!



    Oh look kotor models, force unleashed models, the whole 9 yards!


    A hapslash model in San Andreas.



    Oh look another game with hapslashes model.



    You're not stealing candy from babies and throwing a bag of puppies off a bridge into a creek.  Giving credit is a lot better thing to do on ANY form of medium then being a greedy asshat making money off someone elses work even if it's free content(KOTF).  It's a lot more respectful as well as the fact your acknowledging some form of inspiration that got you to the point to learn the technicalities to even get that content into a nother game.  It's not like you push 1 button BAM there it is.  It still takes time energy and some level of work/tweaking to move the content.  The core grunt work is just already complete for you.  Also the content gets new life breathed into it and people can enjoy someones work in a new light rather then just letting said content vanish altogether.  How many people honestly read every single credit for games and movies on lighting effects, and so forth?  It's like asking if people read the fine print in an EULA or liscenesing agreement.  Most people don't.


    I know it may sound like I'm being harsh but I'm honestly not, I'm just trying to clarify is all. :)

    Vartex likes this

    Massassi Temple

       4,741    17

    Thanks to jawa found tiny little bug with the fighting droids in npc spawner crashes the server, but the remote still works fine.  Gonna have a v2 up not before to long that fixes that issue.  Already uploading the fixed copy, took out the weapon fighting bots and because of that the download size has dropped down some.  Shouldn't have anymore crashing issues.  Enjoy!

    SP Monk Robe Pack

       596    10

    Since it is possible to port FU models, though you gotta rework them since they have more verts and what not then a standard JA model.  I'll see what stands out most to me and what I feel up to porting less someone else wants to do it.


    Now mind you also some of the FU models will look bulky in JA possibly.

  4. No I'm not Griffin Claw.  I only met him 1 time in Jedi Outcast few years ago very briefly.  I had to do a full scale remap of the level to produce this.


    I have considered doing full scale skyboxes but it's one of those things that I don't wanna release it less it's done just right and I really don't wanna edit core map setup either to produce skyboxes either.  If I do get skyboxes setup I'll be sure to release that on jkhub.  I've also considered doing an ex_jedi_temple remap or update as well but it's like anything else, takes time and I wanna make sure things go smoothly.

  5. On a side note, I don't care if you don't like the map.  It's a homage to a map just about every guild used at one point or another or even complained about using all the time.  If you don't like, don't download it.  If you do, great download it.  Communities work better when people work together, not playing little childish games. 


    Being realistic as I am, I highly doubt any of these older folks are gonna come back to remmap and make levels that are over 5+ years old now.  If they do though, that would be awesome.  Prove me wrong, I'd love to see these peoples envisionment come to full fruition.  Means I get a new map to play on.

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