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Everything posted by eezstreet

  1. I don't play retail, but I was curious to see what everyone's experience with it was. I'm on Astral Cataclysm, Emberflame. I know there's a 4.3.4 server coming out soon for Astral but I haven't honestly looked into it. Anyone know anything about MoP?
  2. I find it absurd that it would simply not work due to crashing. I'm thinking that something else is at fault.
  3. blender.org and download the GLM tools off of this site.
  4. Blender can import and export GLMs.
  5. Can't believe I haven't seen this until now. Very nice work @@ent. Looks beautiful. @@DT85: he used some motion blur and some DOF looks like
  6. Well to be fair, a lot of it is really short, so I don't have to actually physically read the messages since I can just see the preview and be done with it.
  7. Easy workaround: remove the Georgia font from your computer. Seems legit, right?
  8. Yes, I'm really that popular. EDIT: Cleared out the unread ones. That freed around 25%, so that's more than enough.
  9. Red Alert 3
  10. bump, please report
  11. Because there isn't any lighting in the menus, for starters. So you're going to wind up with an ugly, unlit map. @@therfiles, irrelevant because a) JK2 used a /model/, not a map, and it coated it in a shiny shader which didn't look bad at all, and b) KOTOR is on a completely different engine You can get a lot better results with just 2D stuff. afiNity's old menu work in particular looked REALLY good.
  12. Nope. JKG's stuff basically floated on top of the existing maps, making it possible to do all kinds of insane stuff (such as entities which only worked on specific maps, and complex camera and AI stuff)
  13. If you're looking to try something a bit different, here's a list of mods which you might find interesting: - Lugormod, nuff said. The servers that run it have little RPG scenarios for each map, which is pretty cool - MB2, it's like counter strike but in JKA. personally i'm not a fan of it or its community but others seem to enjoy it, so i'll just throw that out there - Forcemod is pretty fun but nobody plays it - JKG once it comes out will be pretty beast I'm sure - JA++ is pretty plain to me, but it's a good improvement over the original game. - If you're a fan of SP, I suggest giving Movie Duels 2 a try, it's really good. As far as what you really DO need, that link that rfiles posted is pretty much the essentials.
  14. 2D menu will look better. 3D based with map will just look bad.
  15. Needs code and will look ugly anyway.
  16. I did? I probably said that at some point, and I guess with our plans, it would be physically possible, but nothing short of difficult really to pull off per se.
  17. "graphically enhanced" If you mean graphically inferior to a good 'ol 2D menu or something done via ROQ, then sure.
  18. Why bother with this, frankly? It raises the load times and the effect might not be desired.
  19. HUD stuff is all done via the hud.menu (somewhere in ui/, i forget where exactly). The assets are in gfx/ somewhere.
  20. Left 4 Dead 3 has been leaked via an office tour: http://kotaku.com/valve-tour-leaks-left-4-dead-3-1036602962 So, I'm not exactly holding out hope that they aren't going to announce new games. If one uses the circle symbolism, we're given a circle as the first symbol. The circle represents SteamOS, as we know. Then we have the second symbol, which is a circle in a bracket. There's a few different ways to interpret it: SteamOS is used on a piece of hardware (The circle is contained within the brackets, brackets being hardware)SteamOS is included with a piece of software (The circle is contained within the brackets, brackets being a piece of software)As to what this hardware is, we don't particularly know yet. Though one user over at Kotaku made an interesting theory about PS4 + Steam hardware linkage. This brings me to the third symbol. We have the third symbol, which is two circles being added together. There's a variety of different ways to interpret this: SteamOS (software) included on hardware (Steam box) will include software (games) which can possibly be newSony + SteamOS linksBetter social capabilities via said hardware...since SteamOS is a circle, which could represent a player also, the second circle could resemble another player
  21. How so?
  22. There's two more announcements this week, so I wouldn't hold your breath on that...
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