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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Nice. Yeah, I wish JA had more enemies in the maps period.
  2. There's still a few active clans. Not as many and not as active as before, but I'm sure they would love to have you.
  3. I say go for it. Why not? We can also have revamped 2D menu as well if people want that.
  4. I've never had that problem. I've shared and downloaded gigs of stuff before. MediaFire is also good, although I'm not sure what the size limit is.
  5. Same thing. It says: The file you are looking for seems to be unavailable at the moment. Please come back later.
  6. Freakin GameFront... Thanks man! I didn't see any DF files though. Just 2 MOTS files and one doesn't work. I'm a little confused why you put this thread in DT's DFII forum though.
  7. Thanks. I might go and make it more accurate, I just used the default JA textures before. Probably not for awhile though.
  8. There are now Steam and Xfire fields in your profiles. Fill them out if you want.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CaptainChar
    3. eezstreet


      I don't seem to see the XFire field anywhere, otherwise I'd fill it out.

      Would it be too much to ask for custom background images/styles on our profile pages? I want to give mine a little flair.

    4. Circa


      Sorry eez, it's fixed now. Should be right under Steam. As for backgrounds, I'll discuss it with the other staff. I think that would be cool.

  9. http://jkhub.org/topic/2681-main-menu/
  10. Except you can only use ROQ videos, which are utter crap.
  11. This would be awesome! It would make it feel like you have more control over your character, which is something that needs to be improved with this project.
  12. It was just a suggestion. I was mostly just thinking of throwing it in, because it's cool, but if we get enough new skins and models, we can scrap that.
  13. Even better! This would be so epic if you can pull it off.
  14. IF THIS GETS ANY LARGER... Sorry for the grotesque nature of this image.
  15. Haha you are to make an original! I meant like the hilts in the movies as in the style. They are more simple looking than that. You know I think your saber is amazing. Who woulnd't? As for the sig, it's pretty simple as well. PM me with what you want and I can help you out with it.
  16. Is it the same one? I can't look yet, the one from your link is still downloading.
  17. This one? https://jkhub.org/files/file/330-cloud-city/
  18. Not crappy, just simple. Like the hilts from the movies. And yeah, I'd say you achieved your goal wonderfully!
  19. Goodness Chalk. I didn't think you'd go into that much detail. Just know that you don't have to. I'm a simple saber kind of guy myself. If it takes longer and more effort, maybe do some more simple ones too. Looks awesome though!
  20. True, although a tad bit more grip would be nice. I think the most comfortable saber to use would be Mace Windu's. I love that hilt.
  21. Hmm. Maybe something similar, but higher quality and leave some JA aspects in it. Or implement @@therfiles' method of map menus. My favorite part of those menus were the shots of the desk where you can see some his equipment and stuff and books. That was so legit. Maybe you could model those and make a map of his room or whatever and have each "menu" go to different parts of the room.
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