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Posts posted by Circa

  1. Alright, I took almost 40 screenshots of Boba Fett for you. It took awhile but hopefully they will be of use to you. Some of them aren't all that great due to the camera focus and thing like that, but some of them are really good for you. There are a few that would look really cool as desktop wallpapers if they were a little bigger dimensions and resolution.


    But anyways, I went through every single scene he is in and got the best shots I could. I got as many that show what he looks like in dark and light areas, from Jabba's Palace (dark) to the Dune Sea (light). I made a few video clips as well to aid in this as well. Sometimes seeing him move in the light can be helpful.


    I also added an animated GIF for you, because I was bored and couldn't resist from that clip. Feel free to use it for your signature here on JKHub!


    I put them in a ZIP file:






    Also, I suggest getting a new monitor if that is what is causing you some problems. You can get them extremely cheap these days, even if it's a small one.

    Bek likes this
  2. Hey man, it works, check out the link in my sig to see how.


    One of the really good things about Softimage is that it can run really well on low end machines, ones that 3ds max may lock up in under the same circumstances. If you have windows live messenger (MSN) you can find my contact info in my profile, feel free to contact me. The video tutorial goes over the basic controls of the rig, exporting and compiling. Basic usage of Softimage isn't covered since I'd be beating a dead horse on that part but I did provide links to 2 youtube channels that will cover the basics and stuff even more advanced if you wanted to make your own rig on say a custom npc or walker type vehicle.


    I've also been making improvements here and there on the biped rig, an update may come soon, was mainly working on better face and hand controls.



    The prefix's seen in the animation.cfg are pretty self explanatory why. The animations.h file will help also, it's possible to change it so that it uses a BOTH animation rather than UPPER

    I was always told it wasn't possible...  :blink:


    This game is old as fuck, I say hack it til it's unrecognizable. I couldn't see how anyone could possibly care anymore.


    It's just SW themed SoF2.

    Agreed. Especially now that Disney has the reigns, they aren't going to care even more than Lucasarts.

  3. Thankyou. I am trying to make it just middleground as possible at the moment, I would like some more of those screenshots and I'd appreciate the effort, because to me rotj fett is hard to get right.


    Also of my last screen what advice would you give to make it for light maps? Do you use Gimp? I will have to re do my work for the metal shader efx to convey right, I am using mb2,s mandalorian shader atm, Is it the right way or should I just do a spec map?

    I'm not sure. I used to use Gimp when I was on Windows. I've never heard of making separate skins for separate lightings. But then again, I'm not much of a skinner. Perhaps others will have much better advice.

  4. Are you talking about in the menu?


    The list for the sabers in the menu is in the saber.menu file found in the ui folder in assets1.pk3


    And then in the MENUS.str in assets0.pk3, is where you put the names of the sabers. I'm not sure if this one is required to get them to show up though.

  5. Since you seem pretty dedicated, you should just continue learning what you can with modeling or mapping.


    Although I always hate it when people tell me that, you seem pretty capable and have a lot of time. One thing everyone around here (or everywhere) doesn't have is enough time. Your services would be invaluable, even more so, if you knew those two things.


    Your Boba Fett mod seems promising, and I would focus on that if I were in your position.

    Mandalorian likes this
  6. In the weapon smuggler mission where there were those prototype droids. I replaced those with a deka model and replaced the bolt with one the deka uses. I couldn't fix the fire rate, but it at least was another replacement you could consider doing.

    I'm not sure I understand what you mean.
  7. I recall doing this a long time ago and put it on pcgamemods. then it disappeared along with other junk I did put in there.


    I miss those days.

    Do it. Do you have battledroid voices to replace the scene sounds? I can give you all the sounds I have. If nothing else google soundboards and use those.

    I do. Already done. I made my own sounds. There aren't that many ingame scene sounds from the Imperials, which made it easier.


    The original post lists what I've done and have yet to do for the most part.

  8. I realized I never go any answers to my question, so I'll reiterate.


    How would you guys feel about replacing the cultists with magnaguards? In some levels it wouldn't look right because the cultists aren't always with just the Imperials, but it might be cool. If not cultists, then what if any?

    Dusty likes this
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