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Everything posted by IrocJeff

  1. Just to clarify I actually will have 6 maps made and not 5 as I posted in my last post. I miscounted in my last posting. The total brush count is 43,878 brushes through 5 maps with an average of 7333 per map. I also have 209 new textures added to the game. #3 is completed and #4 will be completed within an hour. I just have to add in some ambient sounds. I also just finished up today editing a JO roq video to use along with my opening crawl. Now it'll go from crawl to video to game which is a neater transition.
  2. You can do it with scripting pretty easily. Under the animations in Behaved there are about 25 different death positions. I found the script online somewhere but I don't have the page bookmarked anymore. Here's a shot of the script you can follow.
  3. I went to see Megadeth on The System Has Failed tour back in 2004. I liked the first part of this album but didn't really care for the latter half. Been disappointed with a lot of their output since then... well, since Risk.. This is one band I used to really love but have lost interest in them because their output has been iffy since then.
  4. I'm saberless/forceless along with limited weapons and items as well. I'm also not sending wave after wave of imperials at the player. Honestly, I don't have very many large, open spaces in my project to actually do that. Its mostly tighter spaces, smaller rooms, twisty hallways and so on. Since my encounters are usually less than 5 I figured it may help balance stuff out more.
  5. Thanks for the step by step instructions! I'm going to give this a whirl when I'm done with all my construction in Radiant. While testing out my firefights and ambushes I've set up I've noticed that at close distances they are fun, but, some of the longer ones you can easily avoid the shots. I'll see if this makes it more interesting. Scripting can only do so much with the NPC's.
  6. So this would all have to deal with the source code and stuff? I was just curious to see what a 10% or 20% speed increase with the blaster and pistol would do with some of the firefights I have scripted. If I have to go through source code stuff I'll have to pass on the idea.
  7. Is there any way to change the actual speed that a blaster bolt or any other projectile moves at?
  8. To me it would seem rather far fetched if that is the way its going to go considering the Empire was only power for like 20 years. Even on a galactic scale that doesn't seem like enough time to screw up the entire galaxy.
  9. The post-apocalyptic description in that article is interesting. Tattoine already looks that way but I wonder if they mean this in a more political sense. Regional wars or something.
  10. That looks really great. What are you planning on building on this terrain?
  11. Oh yeah, this thing is moving ahead. I ran into some technical issues after my last post in this thread and it took a bit of time to get right again. I then decided to just keep plugging away and never really considered releasing any more screenshots or anything. While putting enemies and stuff in my 3rd map I ran into some issues and had to cut the level in two. This turned into a problem where the cut part of the map ended up duplicated over itself. So, instead of deleting six thousand brushes in Radiant, I decided to open up the map file and do it that way! Most of the map is there 'cept all my duplicated brushes and light entities!!! At any rate. Level 1 is 100% done Level 2 is 100% done Level 3 needs missing brushes and NPC's Level 4 needs NPC's and detailing Level 5 has begun a bit. Its going to be small and end the project so it won't be too bad. Its just difficult doing all of this on one's own for the building process. I have/had people help me other stuff such as shaders, sounds, and other junk which has been great. Its just going to take some time. I don't want to release this in segments, either. Here are three shots from the upcoming levels. Here is a test chamber...of sorts. A scripted scene will happen here. The view is from behind the glass. This is part of the basement of the Imperial Base and Labs map. Its more danky looking. Here is a hangar in the Imperial Labs part of the station.
  12. Sorry for not posting earlier, but, I don't really browse these Mod Project forums much.. It looks Imperial and feels like the game which is great. One thing I did to break up the solidness of the floors in my Imperial-ish areas was to sink the floor a bit. It made a pretty big difference for me and it may help with break up the floor a bit in that room. Here's a shot of it done in a hallway. I just cut up my floor and lowered it 2 grid units. Then, used a different texture in the lower part. Do you have any other shots of this level your working on?
  13. See if you can delete the triangles within Radiant that are giving you problems and then replace them with a nearby brush. Just clone a terrain brush and move it into position and adjust the vertices if needed. I had issues with that with a snow terrain I tried and it worked to get rid of the black triangles.
  14. Is there any way to force an NPC to not crouch behind a barrier? I've added a SET Crouched/False to the script but that doesn't seem to work. My Stormtrooper keeps standing up an crouching in some instances and it looks silly.
  15. Actually, you helped me in this when you told me to look at the Deception level for help trying to change ammo limits from the start. I remembered that the map files were included so I looked in there to see how he did it. It helped a little bit but I got confused. I figured out how to change from one map to another now.
  16. Yeah, try and get this guy that Railback says. Then, ask him why they had this fascination with making giant steps in stair cases throughout the game.
  17. The Woody Allen movie "Sleeper" was on Tuner Classic Movies here in the States on Saturday and I caught a bit of it while channel surfing. Its the only Woody Allen movie I really liked, probably cause its a sci fi movie. Anyhow, when this scene came up I couldn't help think about how funny it would be to make it an in-game parody with two R2 Units. http://youtu.be/VV2N4KSh3x4
  18. It is the Info_Player_Start, actually. However, it appears that if you don't check the KEEP_Prev box on the entity in the next level it won't load properly when you check HUB box on the target entity in the preceding map.
  19. What is supposed to be used for the spawnpoint when changing to the next level?
  20. Here is an in-game shot of a finished message from my first level. Any terminal in my project that has the Kejim/Screen image the player will be able to access. I created a temple-like area that has absolutely nothing to do with my story at all, but, I found a way to make sense of it using this idea. This e-mail implies that the Rodians are working for someone else. I used a Star Wars name generator for the Rodian Names.
  21. Just an FYI on using the skip shader... This will eliminate any of those stutters or hiccups you may get going through doors w/ portals with sounds and whatnot.
  22. I found the skip texture and shader in the q3map2 extras.
  23. I never tried it from the other end, actually. Everytime I made a door the area portal went on the players side. However, it seems that I don't have the skip shader and its just a texture. Never really noticed that until you mentioned it. Now, where does someone get the skip shader?
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