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Everything posted by IrocJeff

  1. Thanks for the help. It works great with the SET_NOTARGET & SET_IGNOREENEMIES put in the right spot. All the NPC does is type and ignore the world around it, which fits in well with my story... Thanks again.
  2. affect ( "type1", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { task ( "type" ) { set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ANIM_BOTH", /*@ANIM_NAMES*/ "BOTH_CONSOLE1" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_BOTH", -1 ); } dowait ( "type" ); } When I use the above script as it is my prisoner will type away forever. Once I put in the SET_NOTARGET in it I run into the problem. The prisoner types for a bit and then goes to an attack stance or whatever the default stance is for the npc. Where in this script is the correct place to put SET_NOTARGET?
  3. Running into a problem. I have a prisoner typing at a console but unfortunately there are stormtroopers around it. What happens is that the troopers will turn on the prisoner. They aren't supposed to. Is there any way I can get the stormtroopers to ignore the prisoner with scripting?
  4. It's no big deal. It would be the same with the computer terminals I made that have e-mail messages and stuff. If I wrote them in the Star Wars alphabet then people would have to decrypt them by taking a screenshot and doing it out of game. Now, I made signs that look real world that use the proper fonts but you can tell by the symbol what it represents.
  5. From an old war movie I saw the prisoners had the big P on their shirts to signify they were prisoners. If I use the Star Wars specific font for a P the whole parallel drawn may be lost.
  6. Can you explain what you mean by this because I'm totally lost on what you are trying to say?
  7. Made my first ever skin. Hurray! Well, its just a modified prisoner skin but it counts. I'm looking for suggestions on the "P". Specifically, a different font that would look better. Let me know any ideas on the "P" font.
  8. From what I searched about music production sound cards they are kinda pricey with people saying 100-150 bucks is a good starting point. Now, these are music specific. Non-music specific ones are like 30-150, some more expensive. I've got no clue on your driver question.
  9. Why don't you look for the specific script and post it up here?
  10. I've been building my own systems since 04' so I'll chime in here.. You want to make sure, first and foremost, that you have a GOOD power-supply, Specifically, one that has a single 12v rail w/ enough amps to run 1-2 high end video cards. DO NOT get a power-supply that has the 12v rail split. You may run into problems. I have during an upgrade. Corsair makes nice ones. Motherboards I personally stick with Gigabyte and never had one crap out. 90-120 bucks will get you a good one. You'll experience the whole Intel vs AMD debate I'm sure in your research. Just remember that this is an argument in real world terms of a Ferrari and Lamborghini and which is better. Compare your processor choices ( just google " intel whatever vs amd whatever") and then make a rational decision based on your budget. You'll be fine either way. Video Card. Again, do your research and make a good decision as there are tons of choices. I prefer Nvidia and EVGA. For RAM, most games won't use more than 4GB. Your music software may be able to use much more so make sure to check that out. Any brand will work. I use G-skill now which is a budget brand. For hard drives you can shop around and get the best deal. Solid state's are pricey and you really don't need one. You can get a smaller drive to put windows on and then a larger one for games/music ect... You can do a ssd for Windows and an old timer for storage. Again, depends on your budget. DVD burner. You can get OEM ones for 15 bucks. Your mother board will come with the cables. You'll need a tower that can fit a modern video card but don't go overboard. You'll probably want a sound card over the onboard audio w/ the motherboard so you'll have to look into that. I haven't had a soundBlaster card in any system since about 02'. Finally, I'd stick with Windows 7. Don't even waste your time with 8. If you have a friend who is in college, or know anyone in college, Microsoft sells software fairly cheap to students. I bought an ISO of Win7pro for 29 bucks. You can do all this for under 1000 bucks, especially if you get a good deal on 1 or 2 items. If you have questions, feel free to PM me on here and I'll answer them for you.
  11. I think he'll be seen in an upcoming episode.
  12. As of today things are moving ahead pretty quick. I am finishing up the beer vat NPC's now and as far as bad guys go, I'll only have the final battle on the brewery floor to add. I do have to get around to making my new prisoner skin as well as scripting the final cutscene. There is one of those "rooms you can see into but can't go into " places that is going to have some scripting in it as well. I also still have the computer terminal messages to make in the final map which I may start working on this evening.
  13. //Generated by BehavEd set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", /*@BSTATE_STRINGS*/ "BS_DEFAULT" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_EARSHOT", 1024.000 ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_VIGILANCE", 1.000 ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_VISRANGE", 1024.000 ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ANGERSCRIPT", "brew/droidattack" ); flush ( ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", /*@BSTATE_STRINGS*/ "BS_DEFAULT" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_VIGILANCE", 1.000 ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_AIM", 5 ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_CHASE_ENEMIES", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" ); Here are the two scripts I have for this. I have a waypoint system going around some grouping of cargo containers. The droid will follow me. If I hide, it will travel the waypoints and then shoot when it finds me. There is just really poor aim with this thing in general. My AIM field is set to 5. This makes a huge difference with NPC's like Stormtroopers but this thing doesn't seem to get any better. I did add in two droids and its a bit better but I can stand in front of both of them and they still miss most of the time.
  14. Why does this thing have such bad aim? I have it wandering around a waypoint system and it follows me and attacks me, but, it can barely hit me. In the Doomgiver level these things were much more dangerous.
  15. Got the first portion of the final map completed with NPC's and ambient sounds. I also opened up the prisoner skin from JO in The Gimp last night and spent some time trying to figure out to be "artful". I managed to remove the black stripes fairly well and added a large "P" to the chest of the prisoner. I didn't load it in game or anything. I'm thinking I'm just going to put a big P on the back of the prisoner torso. I think I'm going to modify the blue texture since I can use color tools to lighten or darken it up easily.
  16. http://youtu.be/No1zAkGE5HE I prefer their power metal stuff to the more current hard rock material, but, these guys are one of my favorite bands.
  17. This always bothers me with shows. I like when its week by week not split seasons. They did this with Breaking Bad and I got pissed. Big Bang Theory is on about a 1 month break as well. I also forgot to watch The Middle this season so I'll have to catch up with those online sometime. We have a TV channel here called MeTV which shows a bunch of older shows and I've been tuning in every week for Lost in Space and Get Smart. Even watch Dragnet every night, lol. I find myself on Youtube watching Britcoms over and over again like Dad's Army, It Ain't Half Hot Mum, Get Some In, Open all Hours, ect.. Hell, ALF is even back up so I've been watching that again. I kinda like that he's not really getting any "formal' training. It makes him way more interesting this way. Otherwise will have Jedi Council 2.0 on the ship and it'll be boring and wooden.
  18. It'll be alright as it is. A good game or a fun level is more important than eye candy. Found a FANATASTIC site for sounds the other day, and low and behold, they actually have Brewery sounds! I got bottles clanking, a packing machine running, and general ambience MP3's for on the production floor. Prettty cool stuff. http://www.freesfx.co.uk/ You just need to create an account... like we all don't have enough of those already. But, they are high quality and game ready.
  19. That's what I initially wanted. The problem is that the fog doesn't really fade in very well. If there is a way to that I'd love to know how. As it stands now the whole room is fog. Looks good coming from the hallway, though.
  20. Can I have this as well since it would be perfect to put in my lab.......
  21. Barring the brain chamber room, I finished the elevator, doors, some detailing & lighting, and corrections to the brewery floor. Going to start putting in sounds and NPC's next which shouldn't take too long. Same goes for the computer messages. I also went back to my second level, the waste treatment area, and put some Narshadda green fog over the green waste to make it look a bit eerie. Hopefully this thing is nearing completion.
  22. I'll give blue a shot and then figure out how to post a poll. I'm not sure how to do that.That'll give enough colors.
  23. Well, JK2 so I'll have to use the alphaGen 0.2 parameter. i'll post up here what I've come up with.
  24. Here is my Brain Chamber. http://jkhub.org/topic/2843-ice-station-wampa/page-12 The outside shell is just a cylinder with the glass shader over it. Inside this I'd like to have the brain sitting in some sort of yellowish fluid. I'm figuring the best way is to use a water shader on another cylinder inside the chamber. What would I use to make the water more or less translucent in the shader? Is there a line in the shader that does this or do I have to make a shader with a certain transparency to it?
  25. You guy's are not making this any easier.
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