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Everything posted by MoonDog

  1. Is it booming? I remember actually enjoying posting here at one point in time, and then any positive feelings sharply fell off. Mostly due to the influx of "modders" that can't read or even copy paste from a tutorial and feel the need to blow up your inbox/email. Then you have staff you have to have a 3 page argument with, showing proof after proof of plagiarism before they'll even consider doing anything(which becomes immediately apparent that the course of action will be nothing). You'll eventually just say fuck it, and stop wasting your time. So no, it's not "booming". As for the MP, it's an 11 year old game. I'm pretty sure this same exact thread has been posted at least 20 times per year that this game has been around.
  2. When I have a group of lights with the same values, and I need them all adjusted at the same time I'll give them all the same arbitrary key. For instance, "groupname" "section_01_redlights". Open the entity window on one of the entities you assigned this arbitrary key.Click this value in the entity window.Click back in the gridPress SHIFT+AAll the entities with that key/value pair should now be selected.
  3. *Notices there is an Ultrazone Laser Tag right next to the mattress store. Gives super serious consideration to playing.*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. spior


      Oh shit you should definitely go. Best time I ever had.

    3. MoonDog


      I counter your video with real Moondog, boothand!

    4. Boothand


      He may be the coolest human I wish I knew. Afraid I already heard that one, some time though. If!.. it's really the full album. Ends abruptly.

  4. Yay sour diesel!

  5. This is your hilt. This is your hilt on drugs.
  6. The textures aren't showing up in Radiant or in game? If in game, check that sv_pure is set to 0. That way you can actually use those textures without adding them into a pk3. If the textures are properly setup in the base folder, yet not showing up in Radiant, he may have an issue with the paths to the base folder. Check the paths setup to make sure Radiant is set to look at the right place.
  7. There are a bunch on cgtextures you could alter. You could probably get away with a dark metal texture for a base, and then overlay blend a noisy marble texture over it and crank down the opacity for that first screenshot. Making a spec texture for something like that would be reasonably easy too.
  8. Anyone else work at a computer? What do you do to your work environment to encourage your creativity? I was thinking about plants and soft lights.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MoonDog


      Hmmm. I typically want to hit artists with things more than I want to hit coders. I likes the coders.

    3. Bacon


      silence and legos for when I need a moment to think of other things and build something else.


    4. Onysfx


      Music from my favourite video games inspires me, but I have to stop listening to it and actually work on the thing, or I'll be sucked up into a daydream.

  9. The JK franchise was not their biggest and most successful cash cow by far. Nor would it be the wisest investment in time or money with 3 new movie titles to capitalize on. I think the chances are pretty slim when you think about the likelihood of other endeavors.
  10. Construct your bridge, select all the brushes/curves, save as a new .map file, go into that .map file and make sure the thing is centered at 0, 0, 0 on the grid. ( Best to align an edge, or the exact center of the mass), and then compile/convert it to an .ase. That way you can now use the bridge as a misc_model and rotate as needed. If you don't know how to make an ASE, you could follow this tutorial. http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/67-making-ase-models-with-gtkradiant/ Q3map2 GUI also has some presets for making an ase.
  11. So would that mainly be for stages of effects and player models?
  12. Maahahaha. Yes, this. I thought the graphics were pretty pro in 97. My second favorite memory were the (need name) evil lizards level in the Valley of the Jedi leading up to Boc. I remember that part always scared the shit out of me as a kid because I never wanted to get into the pitch black room with the two giant lizards.
  13. My cyber sex alarm is going off. Thats my queue to leave this conversation before it starts to get disturbing. And messy.
  14. iz cool. i ony hit chew cuz i luv u bby grl.
  15. I don't think you understand what bragging means. It's also staggering that you think I meant you were bragging to me. Theres this thing called copy and paste(I know you are very very very familiar with copy and pasting), where a person can essentially get the text from a conversation you had with them, and show to another person( me ). You should start a petition about copy and pasting. However, the irony of that would also be staggering.
  16. Do u c nao. D U C. And you plagiarize entire mods unapologetically and then brag on X-Fire when you get away with it. Are we done here? Why was I even fucking tagged in the first place? Seriously now.
  17. I could of gone on happily without being tagged in another one of this retards topics, thnx.
  18. Are you confusing level design with level art? This level wasn't necessarily designed any worse than the other levels. I can cite design mistakes in other levels that are more severe, however it's kind of a silly point to talk about considering this came out in 1997.
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