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Everything posted by MoonDog

  1. Construct your bridge, select all the brushes/curves, save as a new .map file, go into that .map file and make sure the thing is centered at 0, 0, 0 on the grid. ( Best to align an edge, or the exact center of the mass), and then compile/convert it to an .ase. That way you can now use the bridge as a misc_model and rotate as needed. If you don't know how to make an ASE, you could follow this tutorial. http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/67-making-ase-models-with-gtkradiant/ Q3map2 GUI also has some presets for making an ase.
  2. Cloth physics. Not deform vertices.
  3. So would that mainly be for stages of effects and player models?
  4. Dear science... Again?
  5. Maahahaha. Yes, this. I thought the graphics were pretty pro in 97. My second favorite memory were the (need name) evil lizards level in the Valley of the Jedi leading up to Boc. I remember that part always scared the shit out of me as a kid because I never wanted to get into the pitch black room with the two giant lizards.
  6. My cyber sex alarm is going off. Thats my queue to leave this conversation before it starts to get disturbing. And messy.
  7. iz cool. i ony hit chew cuz i luv u bby grl.
  8. Nice nice. Im sort of reminded of Paul Teutul.
  9. I don't think you understand what bragging means. It's also staggering that you think I meant you were bragging to me. Theres this thing called copy and paste(I know you are very very very familiar with copy and pasting), where a person can essentially get the text from a conversation you had with them, and show to another person( me ). You should start a petition about copy and pasting. However, the irony of that would also be staggering.
  10. Do u c nao. D U C. And you plagiarize entire mods unapologetically and then brag on X-Fire when you get away with it. Are we done here? Why was I even fucking tagged in the first place? Seriously now.
  11. Samba dancing fuck.
  12. I could of gone on happily without being tagged in another one of this retards topics, thnx.
  13. Are you confusing level design with level art? This level wasn't necessarily designed any worse than the other levels. I can cite design mistakes in other levels that are more severe, however it's kind of a silly point to talk about considering this came out in 1997.
  14. I know...
  15. Hmmmm... I think I must have fucked something up.
  16. The rend2 branch is the best place to grab the code to compile, yes? https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/tree/rend2
  17. Your argument is that determining whether or not a game is good is NOT subjective. It is a very untenable point of view now matter what counter argument I choose to use to circumnavigate that strange logic. In return, you too are widely off the mark. I deluded my argument down to the base experience designed around rather than starting to talk about the "quality" of models, textures, skins, etc... You are saying that using an absolute like, "The quality of a game is subjective to the individual" is something that you don't agree with. In return, you are offering a counter absolute that a game can always be reduced to a status of "good" or "bad" regardless of the individual. How is that NOT ALSO AN ABSOLUTE?
  18. The level after you collect the lightsaber. I loved going through the aqueducts and eventually over that large valley on the catwalks. That level always stood out the most for me.
  19. So I can take one game and test it across different nationalities, ages, psychological maturities and without fail always get the same exact opinion on that game. That's pretty much what you are arguing. That makes no sense. A vast degree of personal experience goes into whether or not a person is going to label something as "good" when they play it. I do not honestly care what game journalists say, it was merely an example. Their personal experience across genres is so varied, that their basis for forming an opinion and writing reviews( Reviews are opinion pieces mind ) is going to be different because they have a great deal of memories to draw comparisons off of. We are talking about the core experience of a game. I'm not even trying to touch on assets such as textures and models. An experience is different for each individual. If every experience is different, how can every opinion be the same? This is why they are called opinions, and the experiences themselves are subjective. If you have a very competitive video gaming history, your values are going to be night and day different from a casual gamer who has played maybe 2 hours of a game on average per week over a year. Let's even talk about culture. Chinese youths were not raised playing the same kinds of games as lets say, Americans or some Europeans. We are conditioned, for example, to know that glowing or shiny objects are good and should be collected. (Pacman, Mario, Zelda, Etc... etc... etc.. etc... ). When we play an experience that capitalizes on this ingrained lessons, (Kill confirmed in CoD), we know that collecting these glowing objects is a good thing to do. We understand the experience, and we have fun. Chinese youths for the large part( Extremely large part ) never learned these lessons because their gaming industry has developed a little slower, and in a different direction. When they are presented with a mechanic such as collecting a dog tag(Or any glowly spinny thing) they have no frame of reference or ingrained knowledge that they should collect it. It's not understood, its ignored, the experience makes no sense, they go back to playing CrossFire. That's an FPS they understand based on personal experience, preference, opinion and knowledge. They do not have fun or even appreciate the same experience that is lauded as a great innovation in other parts of the world. Meaning that the experience is subjective to so many factors, its not even funny.
  20. As much as I dislike the prequels, I rather enjoyed Podracer and Phantom Menace on PC quite a bit.
  21. Those are not facts as not everyone agrees with them. I used an example to show my personal feelings, tastes and or opinions to draw a comparison. Which is the text book definition of a thing that is subjective. This article only slightly touches what I found wrong with the combat: http://www.gameinformer.com/games/bioshock_infinite/b/pc/archive/2013/03/25/enjoying-the-view-from-above.aspx This article finds the combat amazing: http://www.gamesradar.com/bioshock-infinite-review/ There is no formula or exact plan for what makes a game great. There is no Mendeleev table of elements for video game building blocks and elements. Pretending that a great game comes down to a series of absolutes that are not subject to a high degree of elements based on personal opinion in design is a fallacy. In fact most people can't even articulate the reasons why something is good or bad.
  22. Normal mapping.*
  23. Is it not? Bioshock Infinite is lauded as a very good FPS game. It is in a lot of ways. Its a narrative masterpiece. So for a lot of people, its a fantastic FPS that made a lot of memories for them. However, it has some of the most horrid combat ever. If you look at it from a combat perspective, it's a series of arena combat type slogs where they throw AI at you haphazardly. There isn't a lot of rhyme or reason to geometry in terms of FPS gaming standards. You'll be met with frequent irritating design choices, such as enemies shooting you from a great distance while you have enemies spawning in behind, fighting behind you, or fighting in your face. So on the other hand, it fails as a fun FPS experience for a lot of people, because the game fails to decide how it should balance FPS mechanics and the mastery of narrative. So in closing. Yes it is.
  24. No one said anything but that the trailer looks good.
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