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Everything posted by AngelModder

  1. Here it is the A new hope Vader - Ive also went through all variations and added the same wool like feel to the robe bits like the cape and skirt have. Also the ANH version has its own movie accurate chest box/lighting theme/and belt lights. In Mod view its all grey as the actual effect is done through the glow maps of course.. I have also finished to new chest plate as seen in this picture.
  2. Ok I'm getting into the final touches on this model, but I've ran into a small hiccup. What I would like to do is make it so when ever your walking and or running etc you can hear darth vader breathing. If it is possible maybe even when your just standing there. I saw in the original animsound.cfg it had a specified (costum sound for when Vaders hands are cut off. So theoretically this same idea can be applied to the other animations stated in the animsound.cfg and perhaps added onto for other events such as standing etc. Ok below in the spoiler I have included everything in the animsound.cfg for vader including my failed alteration. the path to the sound is sound/chars/vader/misc/jump1.wav <--- the breathing sound. However I am a little confused by this file... I tried to mimic what I saw for the hand cut offs but obviously I dont know what I am doing here. Thank you for your time and help! AngelModder
  3. The start of the new chest plate and shoulder pads...
  4. Ill admit some thing here, the mapping is actually all running on _CS 0 on the actual ship... Here is why and please don't judge me for this. My computer cant handle lighting this and it was the only way to get it in game using my computer. In fact when I tried I burnt out half a gig of ram. Truth be told my computer just could not handle trying to light this the way I wanted. So Ive made do. I will post more interior shots soon. That pic of the stair case was indeed quiet old. But As this is sort of a big deal, and in many ways close to my heart and my families history, the big reveal is sort of a precious and anticipated moment for me. believe me if I had a top line pc it could do a full normal lightmap but sadly my pc can not do it.
  5. WARNING - Due to extreme awesomeness I was informed I had to warn people before they press the spoiler buttons You have been warned! And that's not even an in-game shot where the shaders could take effect! I still don't like the chest plate or shoulder guards...
  6. Ok so here it the force unleashed version SO FAR, this is only a couple of hours so hopefully Ill have this version done by morning. Although I am not on to rush detail. Ok so to express some concerns I saw in previous posts. Firstly the TFU face has been updated, making the gashes more gashy less scars as some research thanks to a friend revealed that on the canon depiction of the gentle giant bust they are still open on his head and cheek just less raw looking and a bit healed. I will create 2 variants of this, one with his normal eyes, and one as you see it here with the sith eyes going on. This is for RP and choice effect. I am really trying to give the players lots of options. To address the concerns on the episode 6 face, I have gone with what george lucas has deemed canon not what is seen in the movies. The actor who played vader in episode 6 for the death seen was not a chunky fella, but the breather and mask were acctually to small for him, which is why he looks so tubby. I have instead choosen to go with the life size lucas arts bust of what he looks like. The issue with the eyes... On this note I decided to stick with what has been deemed canon, watered down blue/grey... as his retinas etc had been severally damaged from being burned, they too like most of him had never fully recovered. (how the decided to this changed there color I dnk) but I am not going to argue it, ill stick with the fan boy choice and they will remain as they are, not bright blue. The only reason he is described as having bright blue eyes is due to Hayden, if u ever look at some one who is older and has blue eyes, they like the pics I showed, look watered down and have a touch of grey... Your eye color does change as you age. I will again as I said go witht eh fanboy choice on this and stick to canon, not whats thought to be canon due to Hayden. Another issue I would like to address is there are limitations to what I can do with this model... The actual robe part is modeled out so in game at certain angles you will see a pop up effect, however this was almost unnoticed by everyone until I pointed it out, and even then it didn't seem to bother any one much. For the cybernetics, I am doing the best I can. Theirs limited resources on what or how these things were exactly made, I have a few shots from TFU and a diagram and some Ep 3 being built shots... I will do the best I can on the arm. I plan to try and make it alpha channel so you can see through parts. I did not do this with the leg however, as the actual parts that would be see through are hardly visible once your in game. Not a laziness thing but more of practicality and due to the design of his legs it looked weird. The arms however are more form fitting so I should be able to pull off some thing cool! On the note of his boot, I had to leave it partially intact on the left leg, this is because the knee peace if turned off or alpha allows you to see into the model. A choice I may go with is to make that knee bit look like part of the cybernetics and allow me to damage the actual boot further.I also will be doing a bit more work on the actual point where the cybernetic attaches. Please if you post some thing make sure you have canon lucas art approved resources as reference as that is what I am going with. Not being rude, but fan art etc and toys generally are off on many details. Any ways enough rambling heres the darn picture! XD I have also seen this movie battles 2 one, it was horrible. XD.... I dnk where they got there sources but THAT was far from accurate. And they also did nothing to fix any of the rest of the skin, they just tore into toshis textures and never gave any thought to realism or canon. While this model limits us from going all out it can still give a basic idea. Also before any one points this out yes I will do the cap and everything else for this version... XD This is just a couple hours of work... I remember back in the day when I first joined movie battles dev team, they took pride and made all there stuff from scratch, seems there quality has definitely taken a hit. I am also currently making another change to the facial texture, I noticed these eyes look too sinister *the accrual shadowing etc." I will post up a pic of the new face in a bit. This shot was really just to show how the body is coming along.
  7. I will see if I can make him look a bit more plump for the Ep 6 variety, as for the force unleashed while he did look to a point pathetic, I sort of made my own idea of what it SHOULD have been since finding good pictures of what he looked like in The Force Unleashed in HD are hard to come by. All I kept finding was a tiny toy model XD and a few concept art shots, Theirs hardly any in game shots for the search term :"Darth Vader Battle damaged" Tonight I am working on the body for the force unleashed version. Please do keep in mind there are restrictions on this model due to how it was made. (Though expertly made) it does have limitations to what can be done. I did manage to pull off a good cybernetic right leg last night. So tonight I will work on the right arm.
  8. No EzStreets idea while a good one would not work here... It will not be changed, I posted this to announce it not change it.
  9. I think this is VERY awesome, id love to apply this to my map!
  10. Yea + Unless the saber hilt is on the server it is a pointless gesture to use or include it with this. The animation .cfg will allow me to control this. I can just mix the footstep sound in lightly with him breathing. And that's if its even noticeable that theirs no foot step sound over his breathing any ways. And Yes the caps fo have bits of war in them, but only for the knee's elbows and wrists, as these are the only relative areas that would have been mechanical. the other body parts use the basic default cap since they were still flesh.
  11. Version (v1.01)


    This is a VERY old map of mine so please dont laugh XD LOL! Origanally it was ment to be a small duel map based of a fight sequence im my latest book Knights of the old republic the sith hier. But it eventually evolved into creating a larger peace of the world, while some of the archetecture is roman like the map its self is set in a some what more humid climate. this map took about 2 weeks to biuld from concept art to finish product. the name was a combo of the 2 thing's inspiring it arevass and my brother aeraness together they made arrevanous i threw the 7 in just for the heck of it =D.
  12. Version 2.0


    This is a older map of mine released back in 2007 on jk2files. I felt it was time to move them over to some thing a bit more main stream. Any ways Ladoras rage was based on an unreal tournament level, with all new textures and music, it is the perfect atmosphere for a wild merc war! later this year I will be making some adjustments to this map, so keep an eye out for v2.5! AngelModder
  13. All right well after a VERY long night here it is, all 3 faces complete! Darth Vader Episode III Revenge of the Sith Face Darth Vader - The Force Unleashed 1-2 Face Darth Vader - Return Of The Jedi Face
  14. WOW! I cant wait to use this!!! My maps and skins will be able to go to a whole new level. Although I will ask this. Normal mapping in the (Trick version for JA) usually upped compiled time for lighting through the roof, for even just a simple map... How do you plan on overcoming this? The normal mapping sounds like a great addition however the issues with it and q3maps2 then will also have to be addressed. This also will help your normal maps allot to actually show without having to use a saber light. The engine + this would make it bump on its own even better then what is shown in ur pic. So when you use ur saber near it, theoretically itd be even more extreme then what you have showing in your pictures.
  15. What does the fox say?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MoonDog




    3. Futuza


      Rarp Rapr Rarp

    4. Onysfx


      We're Starfox!

  16. You know what... she does! Holy crap!
  17. LOL Yea I did XD my bad, sorry about the scrabble with Ez Street, we had these same kind of issues with him on map-craft.
  18. Wow, you come at me like a dick and then when I prove a point you toss out a peace of pointless irrelevant information I already know and then tell me to calm down when obviously your the ignorant on here. Dude I remember you from map-craft. On that note Ill say no more, just keep your opinions to your self unless you know what the hell your talking about... If you knew any thing about this renderer, qeffects,vising,entity work, and or how thats' also effected by multiple players and low end machines etc... you wouldn't have even posted the bs you did above... Next time you wanna give me and idea, do it without the attitude.
  19. Again you have failed to read any thing... secondly why the hell would I make everything else and entity the "SHIP" its not a boat is what sinks, the iceberg moves TO the ship creating the illusion its moving and striking the iceberg. From there the entire ship has to sink... inside and out.. There are no openable doors as the ship is a func static that is sinking, so theirs no areaportals, Other vis techniques would be rendered pointless as a func static is a detail and can not block any other detail brushes from drawing... Any ways I have deadlines to meet and I lack the time nor will to teach you.
  20. Will do. And thank you. Excuse my ignorance, but uhm what is rend2?
  21. You know you seem allot more intelligent when you don't speak. If you had read the posts above and or knew any real technical skill involving maps you would not have even posted this "attempt to belittle my technical skill". So instead I will simply use my vernacular skills and express that obviously you pay attention to nothing and that is why in my opinion this has got to be the most ignorant post I have seen to date. And I've seen plenty in my days among map-craft.
  22. Let me clarify this is not a perfect map.. if you have a old school low end machine don't even try it... If you have less then me again dont try this map... My computer sux, It's state are garbage were talking I3 3 gigs of ram and a POS graphics chip. Now 30 fps ='s most peoples 90 for me... 10-15 ='s about 40-60 for most folks. Ive had some mid and high end machines test this. The mid level was a i5 4 gigs of ram and a 1 half 1 gig graphics card. and the high end was a 17 with 8 gigs ram and a 2 gig graphics card... nei9ther one of them experienced any low frame rates, the lowest reported was around in the 70's with 10 people in the server during the sinking variety which is the most fps demanding since the exterior/interior can not vis from each other due to them being entities. Comparatively this map is as demanding as Blueice twilight v2. The day time versions are better as the exterior/interior area vis'd off from one another. Also another note, I was using JA++ post processing and Qeffects pro during that interior shot...
  23. If I may give some suggestions, it would be to adjust the overall skin color, as well use a less harsh opacity when doing the shadows... I would recommend doing subtle shadowing on the skin texture and use a spec map for the high points of the skins lighting...
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