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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. like this a tiny bit of modeling knowdledge would prevent you kids from running into these "dead ends" over and over again this is exactly what I adressed during my rant over at that suggestion thread regarding a Frankenstein contest
  2. going by that Kyle is 1.80 m tall, and the AT-ST is about 4x as tall as kyle in Modivew which would end up at 7.2 m and the AT-ST should be at 8.6m according to wookiepedia the scale factor should be ~1.2
  3. message me on skype when you get to texturing @@DT85 I'll show you a trick or 2
  4. Ultimate Academy ? doesn't sound familiar in any way I'd say JA+, Movie battles 2, Lugor mod and Movie Duels 2 (Single Player mod)
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0u4M6vppCI
  6. Indeed - since frankensteining became absolutely effort less we have been flooded with these "creations" Rant ahead
  7. I don't know wether yo usaid you were done with her back or not but take a look at this when oyu get to texturing her back - atm it's just not right regarding shapes check these out : https://www.anatomy4sculptors.com/anatomy.php?menu=184&sub=186
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpR4X5ORlSY
  9. Welcome regarding mapping tutorials, have you checked otu our tutorials section yet ? http://jkhub.org/tutorials/category/11-mapping/
  10. keep it as part of the hip - don't cut the pouch in half by the way - if you don't mind pushing a few vertices around in her face, try reshaping her eyes to be a little more rounded, as seen here : or this sculpt someone made : looking at her arms you'll probably want to add a little more modeled detail to her bracers, seeing that they are not skin tight in the series
  11. just end it here and there will be no need for cleaning - no need to derail the topic with an endless debate
  12. Just ship him to me once you are done - will do my best haha
  13. there is something about that visor.....Judge Dredd as a stormtrooper ?
  14. and why did it work in base Jedi Academy then ?
  15. there ARE Lego Character models for JKA and a simple search would have uncovered them here : http://jkhub.org/topic/5497-model-request-lego/?hl=vader and in this post from that exact thread someone linked a download : http://jkhub.org/topic/5497-model-request-lego/?do=findComment&comment=80944
  16. I had a similiar problem : I used the "ü", "ä" and "ö" keys to various stuff in base JKA to simply because nothing ever really uses these keys - sadly I can't do this in OpenJK it just won't let me bind stuff to them there is no error or anything it just doesn't work
  17. @ yep, @@minilogoguy18 is right : get gimp, blender and pakscape or WinRar or 7zip - all of them freeware and everything you need to mod this game if you want to make skins and/or player-/weaponmodels If you want to make maps you'll have to get GTKRadiant
  18. you could outfit him with some better shoulder pads (go model them, it's a very smple shape) - but other than that this is a really good looking frankenstein
  19. take another look at the pectoral muscles for his order 66 skin - that simpyl doesn't look natural to me
  20. if you want to keep this model that way it's fine - it's your choice I just want you to keep those things in mind to make your next model even better than this one especially with @eezstreets lip syncing project that may become usable sometime you'll want to have a model that deforms incredibly well - and good topology is key to that and where the hell did you get the idea that everyone believes this is what a beginners model should look like ?! Also : this is a decent model for this game - but not a top quality model, go and check out some of DT's or hapslashs work to see some top quality work
  21. Okay - this not offensive in anyway - I just want to help clear up a bnig misunderstanding here you'll notice I highligted a few phrases in your reply there lemme get through them : Green : while everything you said there is absolutely true - you seem to miss the point @eez was getting at quads don't just deform better - they are easier to work with and it's a lot easier to adjust the shape of a model made in quads to show this I quickly made this : you see 4 identical faces, 2 are triangulated and one is left as a quad aslnog as they are flat - there is literally no difference to be seen But if I move the top right vertex you'll notice a difference between the left triangulated plane and the toher 2 the nice thing about working with quads is that they'll allways assume a convex shape if you move a vertex in a direction similiar to it's normal direction and a concave shape if you move a vertex in negative facing normal direction (second is not shown here) now check out the triangulated quad on the elft - it's shape is concave even though I moved the vertex in normal direction - this shape is forced on the model by "bad" triangulation - while you mgiht need this sometimes you'll find yourself needing the exact opposite here Now you said using tris is a good way to optimize lowpoly models - and that is true but lemme show you something I just retouched in photoshop.... (I only did the left side of the lekku - could have done more but it's a pain in the ass to do ) you see ? you could easily have modeled that in quads and I bet your friend who you said began the model did that the model was jsut triangulated in the process of moving it inbetween software which is now giving you allmost twice the amount of faces to work with which is just a tedious process and altering the shape is not as easy as it would be with a quad based model - just remember what I have shown/told you above you'll also see that working in tris didn't save you anything here but isntead just has the potential to cause a lot of annoying trouble Blue : again you seem to have missed the point @@minilogoguy18 and @@eezstreet were making I assume you didn't even bother to actually take a closer look at what @@minilogoguy18 posted there (do it NOW, it's your new Bible ) because if you did you would have seen this : the left model there is a perfect exmaple for good, lowpoly facial topology this will deform a lot better than the topology used by raven, but with jedi academys terrible facial animation system it'S not THAT important but still important to have nice topology - their point was not about geometrical detail/polycount it was purely about functionality - so think about things people tell you before you feel offended and take the time to read what they are telling/showing you. also take a look at this head I made a few years ago : the shape has changed since that point, but the topology stayed more or less the same - and this still isn't perfect Orange : Oh this is in no way below expected quality - in fact I expected something worse (truth to be told eh ? ) this is actually looking pretty good for a first model ! BUT you had absolutely NO reason to feel offended here - people have been trieing to help you by : a. giving a suggestion how working with this model could become a lot easier b. make it look better in the process and about this last sentence "Put yourself in my shoes." : I've been there, learned from it and grew as an artist Now I hope you learned soemthing from this - if you feel offended AGAIN I can only shake my head and say I tried
  22. will do - so gimme your requests everyone:D
  23. probably add some kind of framing aorund those floor holes in the big room aswell - to suggest that these are elevator shafts or something - random perfectly square holes are just... meh not realistic and quite boring to look at
  24. @@Cerez I don't know somehow that nose looks swollen to me - try reducing the height of the nosewings a little pm me if you use skype - should speed up communication
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