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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. I'm working on my own map editor, which comes as a plugin for 3ds max.
  2. Of course, but I'm not to keen on running around a map while spamming a few hotkeys over and over to generate my botroutes. Drawing them or perhaps even generating them automatically would be preferred by far.
  3. once I know what the format works like it will be as easy as to just paint a long line through your level in editor. Imagine the Pen tool from Photoshop or Gimp in 3d. My exporter will then simply generate evenly spaced waypoints along that drawn line. This allows you to simply move the control points on the line or edit the line whenever you plan to change the layout of your map slightly. In fact - this could also be used to generate botroutes for maps that have allready been compiled - a friend of mine has been working on a bsp importer for 3ds max. So you could just import a .bsp file into 3ds max and add a botroute by drawing a spline through the level
  4. After Botroutes kept popping up across various threads around here, I started to wonder wether I couldn't incorporate a simple botroute creation system into my level editing plugin for 3ds max - but to do that I'll need to understand the format first. this is what a single line from a .wnt file looks like: 0 0 0.000000 (1150.149414 -1739.572754 664.125000) { } 268.939824 What I can guess about these numbers from the handful of botfiles I opened so far is this: Pointnumber ?A ?B (Point.X Point.Y Point.Z) {?} ?C In regards to ?A I can say that it seems to be some sort of flag with atleast 0, 16384 (2^14), 32768 (2^15) and 4194304 (2^22) as possible values. ?B seems to be 0 at all times {?} is empty most of the time but sometimes holds a list of pointnumbers sepperated by spaces, which makes me guess that it's some sort of connected Points list? and I have absolutely no clue what ?C is supposed to be, most of the time its value is 32, but it differs wildly and I can't really make out a system behind these numbers from the saved botroute files. Is there any documentation on this format? PErhaps in the form of comments in the game code responsible for writing these files?
  5. Atleast in OJK r_dynamicGlow 2 is a thing. That renders only the glows. In OJK you can Also type R_dynamicG and press tab to get a list of suggestions for the auto completion, which should nicely list all of the commands
  6. That looks like its a step in the right direction. I'd however reduce the surface textures contrast a lot, but it might just be that I prefer the smoother leather from the source artwork.
  7. The Leather grip could use a bit more love from what I can tell there, but that doesN't really amtter too much because it's going to be covered up most of the time anyways.
  8. Not in saber locks. Or other saber on saber scenarios.
  9. Ich guck mir das später mal an, aber dass die deutsche Version geschnitten ist war mir bisher nicht aufgefallen. Zumindest die alte CD version lief bei mir damals auch ohne Änderungen an den spieldateien mit Dismemberment cheats. Zusätzlich würde ich dir empfehlen hier zukünftig auf englisch zu schreiben, selbst wenn du meinst, dass dein englisch nicht besonders gut wäre - versuch es wenigstens! So steigerst du deine chancen hier hilfe zu bekommen Und falls es wirklich mal arg rigednwo scheitert kann ich dir immer noch beim übersetzen helfen. Ich lade mal eben JKO über Steam runter und schau mir das mal an.
  10. I might also just end up using your yours Heck, your stuff is allways quality work!
  11. I could do that, but why should I? I mean - leaving this open allows someone who does come across this request in the future to notify you and others that are waiting for this about what he's doing. This is a saber I wanted to make for a while, but right now I jsut have too many other proejcts to work on and finish before I start something else again.
  12. q3map2 -game ja -convert -format map testmap.bsp it's as easy as that. chuck this into a text file, edit the .bsp name to suit your needs and save it as decompile.bat then put your new .bat file nito the q3map2 directory and drop your bsp into the same folder and voila, you decompiled a map. Light entities and texture alignment can be lost in the process though. Same goes for misc_model entities I think.
  13. yes, that is planned! Just have to find some time for modeling again, spent the last 20 hours or so I had my 3ds max running trieing to figure out something I want to incorporate for my map editor plugin.
  14. Do I spot sarcasm there? To me this looks a lot like it's just your boba with your supplied Ambient Occlusion bakes as the diffuse textures. allthoguh they may have been slightly modified.
  15. http://www.starwars.com/news/swca-the-untold-clone-wars-panel-liveblog
  16. the files you sent me just end up crashing instantly on loading up a map, I bet I'mm issing more files but I don't really feel like piecing those together from whatever code mods you bashed together into this Anyway, I did take a look at your imagefiles and I have a question: Did you want to try to achieve full RGB colorisation with no effect on transparency with these? If so your textures are setup incorrectly. When I suggested those changes to your shader, I went with the assumption that you would and suggested a blendfunc the requires an alpha channel (transparency) on your textures - which they currently don't have.
  17. There was supposed to be a TCW arc that featured the Vong.
  18. interesting. send me the images and your modified .exe, I'll need to mess around with this
  19. There is a toold called ShaderED - it serves well as a shader viewer, allthoguh it doesn't like the "glow" parameter and removes it on loading the file. about your shader, try this: gfx/effects/sabers/black/blackrgbglow { nopicmip cull twosided { map gfx/effects/sabers/rgb_glow2.tga blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA //alphagen vertex should not be needed, I'd suspect that this will again link transparency and color rgbGen vertex glow } } gfx/effects/sabers/black/blackrgbline { notc nopicmip cull twosided { map gfx/effects/sabers/black/black_line.tga blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA //alphagen vertex should not be needed, I'd suspect that this will again link transparency and color rgbGen vertex } } I have never messed with RGB sabers from a mod so this may or may not work. but: blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA This is what I commonly use when I need soft edged alpha/transparency, so I think it might work here.
  20. @@GPChannel If you enjoy transform errors, yes EDIT: Or models that had to be so harshly reduced in geometry that they can hardly maintain its texture alignments. EDIT2: A decent result could be achieved by doing a manual retopology over the surface of that model and UV Unwrapping your new mesh. Then you could transfer all of the original model's textures over to the new mesh and once that's done finally composite the transferred textures into something that looks decent in JKA. Followed by bringing the new model ingame, of course. Which is probably not going to be something that any of the guys around here that specialise in porting can do (as of now).
  21. you can get full RGB colorable sabers. But the darker variants won't support dynamic glow. All you'd need to do is setup new pure white saber textures and put the original, desaturated saber texture into your new texture's alpha channel. Once that is done all you'd have to do is write the accompanieing shader to rely on the alpha channel instead of luminance for transparency and voila, you got full RGB sabers
  22. you have to link it back into the hierarchy, parent it to the legs.
  23. Is this a model or a brush? I have never seen this happen with brushes.
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