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The Incredible Binnysan/HACKUR has passed away.

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Posted (edited)

It is with great sadness that tonight the duty to inform the community of the passing of our friend (or in the case of most admins, adversary) The Incredible BInnysan, has fallen to me.


I just found out this morning that Binnysan (known to some of us who knew him better as Owen Delay and those of us on steam as HAKUR) passed away late Nov. 21 2017.


Binnysan was known to many of you as a baser and a skilled duelist. He was also found (along with myself) on the wrong side of the admins, known for DDOS'ing JAWA into submission on one occasion. When not busy demanding that others kneel he could be found on PUB server dueling among the best of them or on steam playing his favorite games such as Kerbal Space Program and could be found either in game or on steam discussing his two favorite pass times: Computers, and Marijuana. An intellectual man Binny never turned down a decent conversation about Science, Technology, or Politics. He personally was a mentor to me, I learned a great deal of what I know about computers from him and the basics of OpSec. If there were a few things he knew it was: Computers, Hacking, Women. The man lived exactly as he wanted, how he wanted, when he wanted.


EDIT: The screenshot that was here has been there long enough, that will do.


Binnysan was a warrior of the highest caliber. Let us honor him with tales of his glory and his battles, and most importantly our memories of him, that being his legacy.


I'll start things off with these (which he was particularly proud of):


Here the godking shows his unwaivering might, disabling the punny JAWAs server with impunity:



This incident also directly lead to the removal of the corrupt admin Rogue Shadow. There was another thread on the JAWA forum but it appears to be removed. If you have stories involving Binnysan please share them down below. Ill add more as I remember them and update you all on the progress of the memorial.


May the Godking, this undeniable Cadillac of Men, Rest In Peace.


Binnysan: June 2, 1990 - November 21, 2017


EDIT: If anyone has any screenshots or gameplay videos of him please post them. I need a few for the webpage and I can't find my own JKA install from the appropriate time frame.


EDIT 2: A funeral fund has been set up for Binny by his family. They have granted me permission to link it here: https://www.youcaring.com/kimworkman-1020540



Blaboobee of KR Forums Wrote:


This is incredibly sad. The Incredible Binnysan holds a special place in my jaded JKA heart. Can't tell you how many laughs the dude gave me.

He wasn't all jokes either though. He kind of served as a mentor to me. I remember once when I started trying out base everyone would mock me and all that jerk stuff. "noob staffer" etc. etc. The Incredible Binnysan, however, was different. He would tell them to stop laughing at me and basically took me under his wing to teach me a bunch of stuff. We ended up getting along incredibly well. I remember once he opened up to me about his heroin addiction and I tried my very best to be there for him but I could tell the demons he was fighting were too much for him to handle. Lots of tears were had but from that day on we were basically best friends. We exchanged phone numbers to be able to chat and joke outside of JKA. I thought we were just really good friends but one day he ended up sending me a nude. My jaw dropped at his godlike physique and stunning facial aesthetics. You have to keep in mind, I thought I was straight as an arrow. But when I saw that pic that illusion came crashing down. With a heavy heart I stupidly ended up confessing to him. He turned me down so I had to uninstall for a while out of frustration. This was right before I was deployed as a marine in Iraq and fell in love with my current partner Stricken.

R.I.P Incredible Binnysan, you'll be missed


Edit 4:



MadonLightstorm of KR Forums Wrote:
RIP Binnyson , Be at peace. thanks for memories.
Edit 5: The JAWA thread for this is larger than what I can really embed here. If you wish to view comments of the various JAWA clan members you may do so at there forums. I have no control over that post what so ever however as I am not permitted on there forums: https://thejawaclan.com/topic/45417-binny-has-passed-away/?tab=comments#comment-452659
Edit 6: A family member has indicated that the cause of death has not been determined 100 percent in anyway and  my initial information was incorrect. The post has been updated to reflect this.
Edit 7: Keep in mind the family can see this. Please be more sensitive to there situation in your comments.
Edited by Cyb3rst0rm

Damn this is sad. Weirdly enough even when I was JAWA leader I got on with Binny quite a lot, he was just an honest sort of guy who just wanted to play his way, and there's nothing wrong with that. As Water said, hope his family is okay.

RoseTyler, Asulynn, Jawfin and 1 other like this

There is a game, then there is real life.

I didn't have much issue with Binny as I could control him on my server, but I know he was a pain to others - but that's just a game.

It really sucks when any life is extinguished 


We got on well enough and chatted freely on a few occasions, hacking and programming to some degree.

Its just sad the choices he made in-game forced his ban - that was how he played, but its always a sad loss to deny a programmer.

I would have liked to know him better.


Nevertheless I lay on his grave a bunch of firewall rules - he had his skills.

Key likes this

Damn this is sad. Weirdly enough even when I was JAWA leader I got on with Binny quite a lot, he was just an honest sort of guy who just wanted to play his way, and there's nothing wrong with that. As Water said, hope his family is okay.


I'm in contact with a member of his family from Ohio. They seem to be doing as well as can be expected and there aware of this memorial page. I've offered to add there comments to this page but that offer was declined.


and yeah, Like I said Binny didn't let anyone else tell him how he did anything. For what it's worth he never said he had any problems with you personally Link, it was mostly the occasionally corrupt, blunt, and heartless admins occasionally under your command (and not all JAWA admins are like that for the record, infact most are not.. Though Rogue Shadow and Jacobie would be fine examples).


There is a game, then there is real life.

I didn't have much issue with Binny as I could control him on my server, but I know he was a pain to others - but that's just a game.

It really sucks when any life is extinguished 


We got on well enough and chatted freely on a few occasions, hacking and programming to some degree.

Its just sad the choices he made in-game forced his ban - that was how he played, but its always a sad loss to deny a programmer.

I would have liked to know him better.


Nevertheless I lay on his grave a bunch of firewall rules - he had his skills.


and the hilarious thing is a ban to binnysan was like a pothole, he just drove around it. He's actually the person that originally figured out how that damned 5000 layer firewall you run works. He literally set up a virtual machine, reconfigured his router, and figured out the game variables that your firewall thing program monstrosity used. Gotta give the man credit for dedication, not even I could match that and you and I both know I'm no slouch when it comes to ban evasion. IIRC at one point he was working on a mod to render it useless.


Again, I can't recall him saying anything negative about you specifically. Like in the case of JAWA it was mostly your harsh and sometimes downright unreasonable admins that he dislikes. There's being an admin, and there's being a dick. Some KR admins from the time period he was most active were way over the boarder into the later category.


Yea Cyb3rst0rm, I knew when he was on. Even his VMs had a signature, after all no-one has completely default settings (and he did).  And out of respect for him I'll post how it was I identified him (and played with him a bit) - the dumpuser command not only returns all the client information, but also the order in which the settings are returned are a signature, and his was unique (another clue [and now I'm really sharing my secrets] is that almost no-one has a new GUID every time they play - so it would flag on that too).  But the thing is, he played well enough to not merit acting against him.


It would be hard to prove, but I'd say the last time he was on KR was about 7 days ago with the name Varelze - I can't say that for sure but it's likely.


Life far outweighs clan drama. He obviously enjoyed his time on JKA and we have to remember that despite our differences we all share JKA and how we each enjoy that is each to their own.


I hope his family find strength to deal with the loss of their loved one.


Life is precious. I didn't really know Binny except from the times ive met him on my server, May he Rest in peace.


Life far outweighs clan drama. He obviously enjoyed his time on JKA and we have to remember that despite our differences we all share JKA and how we each enjoy that is each to their own.


I hope his family find strength to deal with the loss of their loved one.


Life is precious. I didn't really know Binny except from the times ive met him on my server, May he Rest in peace.


Yeah 100% this. I'm not at home right now, but maybe we should post something on our forums so that people are aware.


You mean exactly what I suggested to Jacobie before he insulted and banned me? Wow, that's a great idea. And now as per Caelums request im forgetting that occurred.


And if it makes any sense Binnysan enjoyed the chaos he created so I guess that's why its mentioned here. Knowing him he's probably sitting up there in whatever higher plane of existence there is smoking a blunt laughing at us all.


Anywho I've been banned from JAWAs forums so many times I know I'm beyond reprieve (Its Kyle, if no one has figured that out) so obviously I cannot make the post myself. so if you do make a post on your forums, please feel free to link to this post on JKHub. I've already done the same on KR forums. I can still see and read threads on JAWA clan I obviously just wouldn't be able to reply there. I should still be able to do what I've done thus far and embed comments from the auxiliary threads on KR and JAWA into the main post here via custom quotations. Failing that it might make sense to use that wiki you guys have for players since its already set up for something similar.


JKA has become that community with such a tight-knit userbase that we all know each other now, and it's sad when something like this happens, no matter who the person.


I've only had a few social encounters with Binny, and while they weren't the most memorable, something like this hits home to anyone who's lost a loved one to substance abuse.

Binny was a person, and someone who felt happiness from this crazy community, even if it was at others expense.


Thank you for sharing this Cyb3rst0rm.

Hope his family & friends are doing well <3.

Jawfin, Link and TheDoctor like this

No matter what kind of a person one is, suicide is just wrong and hurts too many people, leaves holes in their lifes and numerous questions. But it was his choice and we have to respect his death and, like many already do, wish all the best to his family and friends to pull through. May he rest in peace now.


I didn't know Binny much, but I do remember him. Its really sad and to know he's gone and in this sad way too. He was maybe unhappy. I hope his family will be ok and will get plenty of support. Thanks Cyb3rst0rm for letting people know, w/e people may think or thought about him, Binny deserves to go in dignity and I'm glad there is someone like you around to make a topic for him.

Dopie and TheDoctor like this

I knew Owen/Binny for many years and it's pretty shocking waking up to this.


I met Binny on the Jedi Phoenix server YEARS ago, and he went by the name "Bars" and "God". He was very quiet but was pretty decent at the game and I used to duel him frequently. we talked occasionally at first, but nothing too in-depth. I was always impressed by his knowledge of JKA's network commands, and he would often explain things to me regarding that.


We both transitioned to playing base around the same time and he adopted the name "Binny". Because he was very quiet, he wasn't picked a lot in pick-up games and I would often see him complaining about it in spectator chat, I didn't really think much of it but it really changed a couple weeks later when I remember him holding Robert's server hostage and threatening to crash it if he wasn't picked. Any NA  baser from that time can tell you this became quite a trend with him. If he wasn't picked, or he didn't like any of the players participating in the current game, he would crash the server until he got bored. This sometimes went on for HOURS at a time, it got so bad that a particular server owner, who I wont mention, wanted to pursue legal action and was very close to doing it.


Because of this he became the biggest villain in the NA base scene for a while, and we would often say very mean personal things to him regarding his weight at the time (Lox still has a bind of things I said to him), and some other very harsh things that I sincerely regret sitting here today. I could really tell that the verbal abuse was getting to him, as he was starting get more quiet again and stopped crashing servers. Myself and a few others got to know him better and he turned out to be one of the coolest people but just extremely misunderstood. He didn't like the fact that the top players at the time wouldn't let anyone play, and he just wanted to change that.


A year or so after this, Binny actually became one of the more helpful people in the community. He often helped clan owners with server protection and helped newer players with their configuration files for a better JKA-playing experience. I personally used to talk with him in Skype occasionally, and he even helped me run the UPS tournament a couple years ago. He used to tell me and some others on Skype about the weird drugs that he experimented with so I knew that was a hobby of his. In all seriousness, he was incredibly intelligent, regardless of the trolling and I will sincerely miss him in the community. 


- shake 

Link, Asulynn, Jawfin and 5 others like this

I never got to know Binny, myself, but this is incredibly sad news to hear, especially when someone leaves us so early on like this. It leaves so many people around them hurting, and wondering if they could have done something different, asking 'what if' constantly.


My thoughts are with Binny's friends and family. May he rest in peace.

Binnys Last message to me on Skype....[08 March 2015 05:09] Owen: 
my newest invention
put them in your jka folder and run and KR wont be able to figure out who you are when you're on a VPN anymoreOwen, 

LOL you will be missed brother, Always be one of the great jedis in JKA history/ Hacker. 
Rest well..
-kYoz <3
Jawfin and Link like this

I think Dopie put it best when he said that JKA is a tight-knit community, which makes It incredibly sad to hear that one of our own has passed away.


I knew Binny for a number of years and as others have said there were times where he could be rough around the edges but once you got to know him he really was a good dude. Funny and smart, so crazy smart especially when it came to technology and JKA.


It sucks to hear that he's passed, it really does. My thoughts go out to his family. Rest in peace Binny.

Jawfin and Dopie like this

I never got to know Binny on a personal level, but I've had the opportunity to have some duels and chat briefly with him. As Dopie has said, we're a small, tight-knit community. Even if we're not close, most of us have known one another for years. This is deeply saddening.


I wish the best for his family and all of you guys closest to him. Rest in peace


I stand by my statement. 


I've removed the screenshot pertaining to you along with the later half of the first paragraph detailing citing your reasoning that I am indeed known for trolling and you only acted upon what information you had available to you. There are better times and places for squabbling I suppose. What's done is done. Please in the future just hear people out, you'd be amazed how much of a difference it would make in those sorts of situations. This coming from a troll who has the unique advantage of being a former admin of several servers past and present in the community. Anywho, I now return to the mourning of Binnysan.


Sad. Rest in peace, Binny.


Life transcends this shitty game. We remain and live on in the image of what we say and what we do. But it doesn't matter. A man is dead. 


As for those of you who cannot look past your own unsympathetic and shameless disregard for a life lost, I am unsurprised but equally disappointed. When it seems that people can't sink any lower, I am always shown wrong. I am disgusted.

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