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Does this gun already exist somewhere for download for JK3? If not, would anyone be interesting in making this one?


The only mod where this weapon could be is Movie Battles. But if Movie Battles doesn't have it, it has to be made.


This would be a great replacement for the Disruptor rifle. Maybe @@Corto is interested?

Omega likes this

Oh yes. I'm very interested in modeling that particular gun. It's the perfect replacement for the disruptor rifle (which serves as the sniper rifle for this game). Right now I'm working on an original character, but I will model this gun eventually.

Lancelot, Noodle, Omega and 2 others like this

Right now I'm working on an original character, but I will model this gun eventually.


Yes!!! This game really needs more original characters! 


Also, I'm sure there's some version of the DLT-20 in MBII. 

Omega likes this

Yes!!! This game really needs more original characters


Haha! I'm sure it will be used to kitbash better versions of Kyle Katarn once I release it. For now, I will hold on the work in progress until there's something meaningful to show.


As for the gun, if you can wait until I make it, I'm sure it will look better than what's already available. I really meant it when I said I'm going to model it. I need a sniper rifle on the little mod I'm working on.

Noodle and Omega like this

Well i made that gun for my Cloud City mod .. but it is nothing compared what Corto can actually make. His E11 was one of the best gun models for Jk.

EDIT: Did i told You that i consiuder this weapon as one of the most beutiful one? Also i love how they made it in the EA battlefront (even if i dont like this game)

Corto and Lancelot like this

Well i made that gun for my Cloud City mod .. but it is nothing compared what Corto can actually make. His E11 was one of the best gun models for Jk.


EDIT: Did i told You that i consiuder this weapon as one of the most beutiful one? Also i love how they made it in the EA battlefront (even if i dont like this game)


You, stop it. You are making blush. I'm happy you guys liked it. There is no secret and no special skills required. It's just about paying attention to detail and listen to good critic and act upon it.


Doesn't sound like a bad idea. With a change of scope, it can be turned into the DLT-19X and we have a new sniper rifle. I'll think about it.


Doesn't sound like a bad idea. With a change of scope, it can be turned into the DLT-19X and we have a new sniper rifle. I'll think about it.

The dlt-20 and the dlt-18 have already been made, but the dlt-19 hasn't. If you can make it, that would be awesome!

I was going to say that there is no need for a poll, but my girtlfriend convinced me of letting you guys decide which gun I should start with. So go ahead and make the poll.

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