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DICE's Battlefront II

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Both in the comics and in the trailer the face looks very much like Palpatine. Perhaps either to keep the presence of the Emperor at all places at once, or just a copy of some of his followers (they also had disfigured appearance).

I really hope this is not some sort of a Digital Copy of Palpatine's mind or a cloned head inside the glass jar. It would be really cheesy.


Also I feel strange, that the Empire would rely so much on a droid. Given the fact, that it was formed out of the Republic, which fought against CIS with its Droid army, it's really strange, that the Empire would use a droid instead of a human commander...


In the comics it is implied these droids simply operate to pass on Sheev's intended orders in the result of his death and little more. Only those loyalists who were faithful to the Emperor himself rather than just the Empire as a whole really pay them any attention. In the case of Shattered Empire, said orders are to implement Operation Cinder, the targeted destruction of several key worlds as a 'scorched earth' style policy.

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Also I feel strange, that the Empire would rely so much on a droid. Given the fact, that it was formed out of the Republic, which fought against CIS with its Droid army, it's really strange, that the Empire would use a droid instead of a human commander...


I think the empire's reliance on droids do make sense. They utilize mechanical terrors to make people submit to their power, be it through AT-ATs, Super Star Destroyers, the Death Star, or even Darth Vader himself (he's more machine than man, you know). Vader himself does criticize high command for their reliance on technology over the force, while the emperor seems to like the development of terrible technologies as a mean to cause suffering to others. 







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No, the machines of terror is one thing, while the droids – is something else. In the past there was this idea, that the Empire banned battle droids, which in turn (at least within the Trade Federation) were sort of a homage to their own creators – the Neimodians. Powerful aliens, removed from power, when Humans gained full control of the Galaxy as the Empire.


So we see a very much humanocentric Government, which relies on technologies, such as the Death Star, AT-ATs, etc. But these all look like machines in the hands of men, while TF droids were the Trade Federation itself, or it seemed so.


It is also notable, that the Empire – at least in the films – uses various droids, which look like insects or beasts, rather than humans. RA-7 on the Death Star, Probe Droid on Hoth, AT-STs on Endor. They all bear the resemblance to the ones, which "must bow" before the Empire and their rulers. Serve the humans, like many aliens do during the Galactic Civil War.


In any case I feel strange, that a Droid would still be in command, even if Palpatine admired the technology according to the comics.

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Well, I think Palpatine was obsessed with immortalizing himself and his legacy. Setting up a backup plan like that makes perfect sense for him. I mean, in Legends he made clones of himself as a backup plan, right? :P Creating droids to carry out his own personal orders makes sense. I doubt they would serve as a long term plan, due to lack of programming to lasts that long.


Though it would be more interesting to see Thrawn take command of the Empire. We know Thrawn is canon but we don't know if he survives through the films yet. :D

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There is a leaked Concept Art for the next Battlefront. Among them are Hoth, Yavin IV, Kamino, Naboo, Jakku and other familiar locations. But it also includes some new places.


One is Vardos, a homeworld of the Imperial pilot, seen in the trailer. The planet is obviously associated with the Empire.



This seems to be another view of Yavin.



More here

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  • 2 weeks later...

The entirety of TOR's connection to KOTOR is stupid and unnecessary. 

Well yeah, but it was at least lore-appropriate with Jedi\ Republic fighting the Sith. The Eternal Empire was entirely out of place, the devs were like "Ok, so the EU ain't canon anymore... Card-blanch to do anything we want!!! Let's add a faction from (can't remember who they resemble) and make it whoop the Republic's and Sith's asses! Oooh, and let's give 'em lightsabers too, but not red ones, because red lightsabers are for Sith and are overrated anyway! And let these new guys all wear white and look shiny and nice, but actually make them evil as phuck! Oh, and let's get twin princes who've been friends all their lives but now hate each other! And let's make the one in black to be the good guy! Because good guys don't wear white! But neither do all bad guys wear black! Yeah, that should break a few cliche's! ZOMG, we're lyek soooooo original!", and the backstory was that Vitiate founded that empire in secret because he wanted to reshape the galaxy and have everyone use both sides of the Force - which is utter nonsense since he was bent on consuming the Galaxy and the Force. A load of crap, is what it is! -_-

But anyway, we're derailing the thread. :rolleyes:

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Well yeah, but it was at least lore-appropriate with Jedi\ Republic fighting the Sith. The Eternal Empire was entirely out of place, the devs were like "Ok, so the EU ain't canon anymore... Card-blanch to do anything we want!!! Let's add a faction from (can't remember who they resemble) and make it whoop the Republic's and Sith's asses! Oooh, and let's give 'em lightsabers too, but not red ones, because red lightsabers are for Sith and are overrated anyway! And let these new guys all wear white and look shiny and nice, but actually make them evil as phuck! Oh, and let's get twin princes who've been friends all their lives but now hate each other! And let's make the one in black to be the good guy! Because good guys don't wear white! But neither do all bad guys wear black! Yeah, that should break a few cliche's! ZOMG, we're lyek soooooo original!", and the backstory was that Vitiate founded that empire in secret because he wanted to reshape the galaxy and have everyone use both sides of the Force - which is utter nonsense since he was bent on consuming the Galaxy and the Force. A load of crap, is what it is! -_-

But anyway, we're derailing the thread. :rolleyes:


Have you even played it? Though I agree that a lot of TOR is silly, I think the Eternal Empire story was quite good, fit well with the rest of the game stories, and might have been better quality than the rest of the game itself.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well yeah, but it was at least lore-appropriate with Jedi\ Republic fighting the Sith. The Eternal Empire was entirely out of place, the devs were like "Ok, so the EU ain't canon anymore... Card-blanch to do anything we want!!! Let's add a faction from (can't remember who they resemble) and make it whoop the Republic's and Sith's asses! Oooh, and let's give 'em lightsabers too, but not red ones, because red lightsabers are for Sith and are overrated anyway! And let these new guys all wear white and look shiny and nice, but actually make them evil as phuck! Oh, and let's get twin princes who've been friends all their lives but now hate each other! And let's make the one in black to be the good guy! Because good guys don't wear white! But neither do all bad guys wear black! Yeah, that should break a few cliche's! ZOMG, we're lyek soooooo original!", and the backstory was that Vitiate founded that empire in secret because he wanted to reshape the galaxy and have everyone use both sides of the Force - which is utter nonsense since he was bent on consuming the Galaxy and the Force. A load of crap, is what it is! -_-

But anyway, we're derailing the thread. :rolleyes:

Say what you like about "The Old Republic". Hell, even I'm not its biggest fan (although I do have it and have spent some money in the Cartel Market here and there).. But there's no denying that BioWare (and EA, for that matter) really know how to do a trailer. Both of their Battlefront games are proof of that, with all the trailers they've released. But, to summarise.. Pretty much all of their "The Old Republic" trailers have been incredibly impressive. If they made a movie or a set of movies like that, tickets would quite easily be sold out and they'd sell millions of copies of DVD's, Blu-Ray's. etc.


Still two of my favourite TOR trailers..


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Say what you like about "The Old Republic". Hell, even I'm not its biggest fan (although I do have it and have spent some money in the Cartel Market here and there).. But there's no denying that BioWare (and EA, for that matter) really know how to do a trailer. Both of their Battlefront games are proof of that, with all the trailers they've released. But, to summarise.. Pretty much all of their "The Old Republic" trailers have been incredibly impressive. If they made a movie or a set of movies like that, tickets would quite easily be sold out and they'd sell millions of copies of DVD's, Blu-Ray's. etc.


Still two of my favourite TOR trailers..



Both of those trailers are like Michael Bay movies: flashy and with no substance. 


They only exist to sell a game that will never look in any shape similar to what they show. I dislike the aesthethic of them, aping the look of the OT and PT and trying to make them more 'space marine' like, with the needless armors, oversized shoulder armors, and overdoing the cool factor. 

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Both of those trailers are like Michael Bay movies: flashy and with no substance. 


They only exist to sell a game that will never look in any shape similar to what they show. I dislike the aesthethic of them, aping the look of the OT and PT and trying to make them more 'space marine' like, with the needless armors, oversized shoulder armors, and overdoing the cool factor. 


Yeah but that's how all MMO trailers are, for the most part. They show a really cool trailer to build hype for the game. However, those videos aren't technically trailers. They are cinematics that are played at the beginning of the game when you choose your side. They released them to build hype as a trailer, if I remember correctly.


Not sure why we started talking about SWTOR though. :P




come on, we're supposed to believe Tie Pilots use blaster rifles and are more badass on the ground battlefield than the infantry <_>

That's kind of a surface level mindset though. They aren't tie pilots. They are special forces that are trained also as pilots. Their helmets are similar to TIE pilot's because don't those helmets allow them to survive in space if they need to eject? Pretty sure I read that somewhere. And would explain why they went with that helmet for them.

Edited by Circa
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Yeah but that's how all MMO trailers are, for the most part. They show a really cool trailer to build hype for the game. However, those videos aren't technically trailers. They are cinematics that are played at the beginning of the game when you choose your side. They released them to build hype as a trailer, if I remember correctly.


Not sure why we started talking about SWTOR though. :P


I swear to god I thought this was the Bad Star Wars Games thread. 


I try not to judge too much of BFII yet since we've seen so little.

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I swear to god I thought this was the Bad Star Wars Games thread. 


I try not to judge too much of BFII yet since we've seen so little.

Well, I can already tell it'll be superior to what they did in 2015, with the first one. How superior? Well, that remains to be seen.. But no 'Season Pass' should be a BIG step forward.

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Gameplay that will be shown at EA Play will be Attack on Theed. Pretty excited for that!


However I wish it was Gungans vs battledroids. Or at least Naboo security. I love clones but still.


Either way, excited to see some prequel stuff!

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Yeah, I agree. I still think, even now.. That this Battlefront will essentially be what EA's first Battlefront should've been.

Hopefully, we'll get a bunch of heroes and villains from the Prequels. I don't just want 2 or 3. The whole STAR WARS community, all over the web, social media. etc. have been crying out for heroes and villains from the Prequels, since mid-way through Battlefront (2015)'s lifespan since release.

I don't wanna jump to conclusions just yet of who we'll actually be getting. I think it's likely that these Top 5 will appear, though;

1) Darth Maul (confirmed)

2) Yoda (confirmed)
3) General Grievous (shown on the curtain poster) (below)
4) Count Dooku (shown on the curtain poster) 
5) Obi-Wan Kenobi


As far as Kenobi goes, we could potentially get a bunch of skins for him (yet to be clarified if micro-transactions will affect this or not). But maybe get 3 different skins for him, showcasing his character changes through the 3 Prequel movies. I wouldn't begrudge an "Old Ben" skin, either.. From "A New Hope", considering we never got that in Battlefront (2015).

But they clearly know where they dropped the ball, with their first game.. So they're more than trying to make up for it, with Battlefront II. I can definitely see some gameplay or maybe another trailer from them at E3. But I do also potentially see another BIG reveal coming along, too. Whether that be in the form of a game mode in the game or in a new trailer, showing off another unexpected or "heavily requested" hero/villain. I think so many people wanted Prequel content (myself included) and felt seriously let down by the lack of content in Battlefront (2015). Even now, after all the DLC in the Season Pass.. The only real DLC is the Rogue One - Scarif pack. Everything else should've been in the game to begin with.

Whether they reveal Galactic Conquest or not, remains to be seen. But I wouldn't hold your breath for it. As long as they properly do Space Battles this time around, though.. I'll be much happier. It was shoe-horned in, in the last game and the mechanics did not feel good at all.

I don't know if this has been posted already, but here's a poster EA are using to "hype up" the game, for E3.

Looks very interesting. Is it an indication of what we could expect to see, as far as the graphics/visuals go (cinematics and such) or is it just mere franchise hype and propaganda?

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Everybody tuning-in for the Assault on Theed gameplay showcase, tomorrow? Looks really interesting and the graphics/visuals actually seem to have improved, from what I've seen of it, thus far. They showed a couple of screenshots and teasers on social media. Looks very compelling.

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Looks good, though some things raise questions (like continuity with Darth Maul, though this could be just a demonstration, that it's possible to include Maul or Rey into the Battle of Naboo).

I am still unconvinced about the red droid aka the Emperor hologram, while the new story can be quite interesting.

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